Monday 31 December 2012

Goodbye 2012

I promise not to get sentimental as I go over the events that happened this year.
In fact I wont.
Because a lot of bad things have happened, (such as wars and those who died in them) and then a lot of boring things happened (such as school and the Olympics) and not much else happened.
However I will say that Britain had its wettest year in recorded history.
...And Mcdogface has not said much on this blog this year.
This was the year I discovered and became obsessed with Romantically Apocalyptic, and this was the year that I had a truly awesome Christmas. I'm halfway through my GCSEs, going to resit some of them in January, and I think 2013 will be a lot like 2012, although I only have one calender (in 2012 I had three) and there wont be a huge doomsday prediction.
That's it really.
See you guys in 2013!

Dark Dragon

Wednesday 12 December 2012

12 12 12

Surprisingly the day with the most awesome date ever was not that different from any other day.
We now need to wait 89 years until we have a year with all the numbers the same again. For our generation it was an annual occurrence, but for the next group of humans they may never experience it.
When I'm older I shall turn to my friends and ask "Remember when every year all the numbers were sometimes the same?" and they'd nod and say "Yeah, before 2013 right?"
Ah well. 
Twelve is my lucky number. Here are some facts about the number Twelve:
-While twelve means a dozen, a baker's dozen is in fact thirteen. This leaves a chance for error when baking, so if one of the loafs gets burned then they are still selling twelve loafs.
-Magnesium, a metal used frequently in chemistry lessons, has the atomic number 12.
-A dozen dozens is a gross.
-A system of counting with dozens rather than tens is called a dozenal system rather than a decimal system.
-A group of twelve things is called a duodecad. The ordinal adjective is duodenary, twelfth. The adjective referring to a group consisting of twelve things is duodecuple.

Some places where the number twelve can be found:
Twelve months
Twelve Zodiac Signs


12 apostles
12 sons of Jacob
12 tribes formed after Moses left Egypt

And um... Somewhere else? Most alphebets have 24 letters, and half of 24 is 12. 
Let's face it, twelve is a cool number.
Happy twelfth of the twelfth oh twelve!

Dark Dragon 

Sunday 25 November 2012

Dates, Plates and Fates

I'm back again.
I had so many wonderful things to talk about on the blog, but I've forgotten them all.
This week was one of the last dates which is the same backwards as it is forwards, because the easiest way to get a date which mirrors itself is to have it in the 11th month, so 1 and 1 are in the middle.
(Americans would disagree for they write the date thus: 11.21.21)
Next year, we cannot have 31.11.13 because there are not 31 days in November. 30 days in November. K?
Also, this is going to be the last year where all the numbers in the date can be the same, for there are only twelve months in a year: 12.12.12
2012 is a special year, no? 
But I digress.
Stegosaur plates, what are they for? Read this:
I just digress again and again.
I digress, I procrastinate, I lie, I cheat, I shout and... Ya know I'm not feeling too good today. Woke up from a nightmare where everyone was turning into monsters necro-morph style, including one weird one who was a chav from my school who had her face stretched over her new angular head and a dark green scorpion sting which frothed and fizzed with venom in an unhealthy way.
And yesterday I had a bad experience with some slugs. I am terrified of slugs, and they had somehow made a circle around me, or rather I had accidently stepped into a CIRCLE OF SLUGS! 
And my throat is raw and painful, and I have lost the ability to do maths.
I spent half an hour staring at 7x8=14 and trying to work out what was wrong. I am in the top math's set for fuck's sake! My brain is no longer safely operational. 
However, my recurring nightmares, not the ones with people-monsters and bad horror-movie plots, but the ones involving a sinister individual called Marz Souleater, are getting annoying and also... Second thoughts, best not dwell on that subject.
So... Can I write anything that'll make a good blog post?
The answer is no.
This is the blog post you are getting. Be happy with it.
Oh, and here is a video of my friends Jenny and Freya, who got banned on camfrog for saying 'I thought I saw a gay man once, but it might have just been lettuce'

Dark Dragon

Saturday 3 November 2012

Third of November

That last post? Scratch that. Life has nearly returned back to normal now.
I now have six Biffy Clyro CDs:
The Singles
Infinity Land
Blackened Sky
Revolutions Live at Wembly

Um... I'll make a more interesting blog post soon, I promise! 
Dark Dragon

Thursday 1 November 2012

First of November

Right, I was going to make a blog post about Hallowe'en, and the history of its traditions, and stuff about All Saint's Day and The Day of The Dead. I was going to talk about the subconsciousness and Things That Go Bump In The Night. There would have been funny videos.
But something has happened. Now, although this is a blog, and therefore essentially an online diary, I'm not going to tell you what happened, because it is a personal matter to do with my family. But I am going to say this:
There is not strictly speaking 'good', 'evil', 'right', 'wrong' or a correct order of the universe. Our actions are either 'sensible', 'silly', or 'reasonable'. Everyone in my family is being 'silly'. The crying is 'reasonable'. Some of the things that were said were 'reasonable'. The rest were extremely 'silly' to the point they can only be labelled as 'stupid'. Whatever happens next will be decided today. November the first, twenty-twelve, the start of Dark Dragon's life really. I feel angry and I want to rip things apart and smash them and I also feel vulnerable as if a hole will open in my chest and my blood will quietly drain away like smoke and I will just crumple. All sides of the family argument think that I am blameless and a helpful bridge between them. I am beyond neutral. I am 'a very grown up girl' and 'coping well' and 'I'm sorry to dump this on you but...' and FUCKING HELL SHUT UP AND GET YOUR LIFE BACK TOGETHER. JUST LOVE YOUR FUCKING FAMILY. WE SHARE THE SAME GENES FOR FUCK'S SAKE. LOVE YOUR SPOUSE AND YOUR CHILDREN, LOVE YOUR PARENTS! 
They're being friend's for the minute because Dad needs to go to hospital, but when they get the results of these tests Things will be decided.
I love my life, you know? I have a really big house, a pet snake, a loving family, great great GREAT friends, an Xbox 360, all the books I could read... I don't want to loose my loving family. Well, okay, all sides think I'm a great person, and no matter what happens I will stay in contact with all of them, but I want them all under one roof, co-operating.
Actually this kind of shit has happened before. They argue for about a month and then forget about it. But these things have been piling up...
Anyhow, happy 1st of November!

Dark Dragon

Sunday 21 October 2012


Here I am blogging.
Look, videos that we saw in RE lessons:

Right. Gotta go and throw the useless organ that is my heart into a ditch somewhere then do my homework.
Dark Dragon

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Can't wait ^_^

Well yet again the video game industries goes into overdrive to release a blitz of games before Christmas. I have pre-ordered two of these games, namely Assassins Creed III and Halo 4, I will be quick to release reviews of these to kick off my reviews again on my personal blogging page. I will try my very best to continue this but no promises can be made.


Sunday 30 September 2012


When I came to look at this page, I was visitor 4222. Huh.
Today I will talk not about the webcomics I have read, not about the sleepovers I have been to, but about memories.
Not THOSE memories, oh lord we will NOT get sentimental.
But consider this;
I moved into this house a few years ago. The layout was so different, it is unrecognizable now. I find it hard to remember the old carpets and walls. In fact, most of my memories are from that horrible period where we had to have the kitchen in the sitting room. The curious thing was, i cannot remember what we watched on the television when it was in the same room as the food. I can remember that the Very Big television was in there, but other than that...
I can remember my brothers playing on Dead Space deep into the winter hours.
Before that, before we moved in and the parents were doing odd things to the building, I remember being in that room taking off the blue and white floral wallpaper, discovering the odd damp patches underneath, and then there were those curious boxes that absorbed the moisture from the air that the parents placed everywhere.
Before that i used to come to the house at weekends. Parents would do the boring stuff and I'd walk off to the reservoir. Then I'd turn around, come back and have some strange fruity drink from Tesco as a reward.
Flicking forward again, I remember the night I moved in. Stuffing clothes into my drawers, putting my feet on the slanting green ceiling above my bed because I could. Wow.
I remember the stairs that there used to be. I remember the whole house being reshuffled around and around and around.
Life without a kitchen was a bitch.
Come to think of it, I cannot remember where the old kitchen was... Oh yeah, my eldest brother's room. The units were already gone when we started work. This house has changed so much.
How much has your house changed?
Can you remember what colour the walls used to be?
If you have just moved here, try to take in everything, because it may all change.
Here is a harder question:
Can you remember how you met each and every one of your friends?
Think about that.
I am so deep because I make questions sound dramatic. :P

Dark Dragon

Saturday 15 September 2012

...What just happened?

You know how some people go to house parties?
Some people go to raves?
I went to a Homestuck meeting. Just as crazy man. Just as crazy.
We wandered around the Metro centre, we drowned our friends in energy drinks to see the reaction, we played spin the bottle (kiss or dare version. And yes, for those who want to know I did kiss people on the face area. Not the lips though. The side of teh face like when you greet people in some countries) on the roof of the building. We stole some paper hats. I experienced the joy of a sugary drink called Tab, which is drunk by the Wayward Vagabond in Homestuck.
How did six hours just... Go? Wow. It all happened so fast!

Also, I am now on Deviantart:

Whoa, I tried to get a random vid for you guys and typed in a random series of letters fdjhgfdj, and there was one video that had exactly those letters in the description. The. Same. Letters.
Now, for some real videos:
Dark Dragon

Thursday 13 September 2012

Lego and Voices.

In R.E we learn about stuff. Usually cool stuff, because we have a boss R.E department at my school. Sadly, some of the stuff is boring old Christian stuff that I already know. However, to learn about we sometimes use this website:
The illustrations are gory and hilarious.
Lego was invented in Denmark, and it used to be wooden in the 20th century. It's design has been developed over the last 100 years to make the best bricks, so if you buy a pack of lego you can be sure that the bricks will stick together. Lego changed from being wooden to being plastic after a factory fire burned all of the wooden ones. 
Lego is good to fiddle on with, and also great for stop-motion animation videos.
There. Some lego to keep you entertained.
For those of you who read the Blog obsessively will pick up on the fact that I have nightmares.
Well the person in my nightmares has started speaking to me when I am awake. But I am not crazy.
(for those of you who are interested in what he has been saying I can say that so fare he has said: 

"Go back in there and smash his face in!" (when I was slightly annoyed with my brother at the weekend)
*laughing* (after I cried out in alarm at hearing his voice)
"Well, I think you failed that. Good job your GCSEs don't really matter in the Real World." (after I stared at my German exam for half an hour, worrying about it.)
"God, this is boring. Kill the silly bitch and get this over with." (When the physics teacher was explaining about the ISA I'd missed.)
"I certainly think you are going crazy." (Today at school when I said I'd been hearing his voice but I am not schizophrenic) 
And I'm not. I've looked it up. See, this is from a Wikipedia Page, note the last sentence.

An auditory hallucination, or paracusia,[1] is a form of hallucination that involves perceiving sounds without auditory stimulus. A common form involves hearing one or more talking voices. This may be associated with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia or mania, and holds special significance in diagnosing these conditions. There are three main categories into which the condition can fall: a person hearing a voice speak one's thoughts, a person hearing one or more voices arguing, or a person hearing a voice narrating his/her own actions.[2] However, individuals may hear voices without suffering from diagnosable mental illness.[3] 

And here is a song by Biffy Clyro that I really like. This lovely person has even included the bone-chilling bonus track, which I did not know about until I realised that my computer should have changed onto the next song, and after twenty minutes of silence I hard a strange sort of tapping noise. And then, "I am walking..." AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGG"
Will it sound as scary without the 20 mins of silence?

Dark Dragon

Sunday 9 September 2012

I can understand why people want to give up.
What was the point anyway?
I always say 'Don't give up', always advise people to go on.
That is what I am going to do.
I am going to go on, even if there is no fucking point.
No one will care. Everything is too hard. People are arseholes. But I will continue.
I hate to continue. But it is in my head, crawling around and nothing makes sense and it fucking hurts. But I will continue.
Dark Dragon.

Wednesday 29 August 2012


Why did I start it?
There is one main reason why I have not posted on the Blog recently.
The greatest time-sink ever. Seriously, if sucks up your life as it takes you to a magical and totally random land of awesome. I was curious about it, so I tried to ask my Homestucking friends what it was about. They were very vague, and said it could be explained.
But I'm going to attempt to explain it.
There is a kid called John Egbert, and the comic begins on his birthday. For his birthday he gets a game called Sburbs, a game that you play online with a friend. He plays it with his online friend, TentacleTherapist, otherwise known as Rose. He is the 'Client' of the game, and she is the 'Server'. The game involves being able to manipulate real-life objects, so Rose soon nearly destroys his house, mucking around with a bathtub and toilet. They build many gadgets, and after much tomfoolery they accidently transport John to a different dimension, whilst setting off the end of the world. John is then told by his Nanna, ghostly and merged with a clown doll, that the Earth is doomed, and his task is far greater than saving that small planet: he must pass through seven gates to a giant cosmic chessboard where the forces of Dark and Light fight for all eternity. Meanwhile, his other online friends get on with their own shennanigangs. Dave, who is extremely cool, travels through his brother's room in search of a spare copy of Sburbs, and Jade, a narcoleptic yet bouncy girl, travels in and out of various dreamscapes. All this is being observed by an awesome insect-dude wrapped in grey rags and making cities out of bean cans. 

I think I explained that well.

Dark Dragon

Monday 13 August 2012

Lets face it, it's not about Batman.

Let us take a moment here to pity me.
I am going to the dentists tomorrow.
Now take a moment to envy me.
For i have seen Batman: The Dark Night Rises, or more accurately Bane: The Dark Night Rises. Let us rename the films thus:
Batman Begins
The Joker: The Dark Knight
Bane: The Dark Knight Rises
Why? Lets face it, the last two films have very interesting and awesome antagonists. Actually, I don't like the Joker. He's on the wrong side of creepy. Sorry Joker fans, but he is just mad at times. Clever at other times, but that long monologue punctuated by 'why so serious?' every few seconds was just weird.  
I like Bane though. Mostly because of his accent. What the hell is it? My knowledge of accents goes as far as Geordie and Scottish. But he has a cool voice. "What a lovely lovely voice." (I just quoted him) (although at the time he was talking about a choirboy).
But he is a very interesting antagonist. Mmmmmmm, I dunno why but at times I found him slightly attractive. Not really... hah hah. No. I totally didn't. He is completely awesome though. Really, you think he's the kind of guy I'd go for? Mmmmm unknown accent and tragic backstory.
Good film. I recommend it. Not much in the way of plot, or action, or much. Good antagonist though.

Dark Dragon

Monday 6 August 2012

Teh Laek Distrikt

Holy Biscuits in a sandwich... I need to post more often. It's the holidays, more bored people will be surfing the 'net!
Okay... Blog things... Blog things...
What's been happening? Well I'm going to the Lake District tomorrow, but not for a day-trip, for a HOLIDAY. Wow. Awesome. I'm staying in a friend's holiday cottage because their family asked my family to share with them. Is that the correct social protocol? Probably. 
Right... Blog... What to write...
Right, we've all heard of the naked dude who chewed off someone's face a few weeks ago, yes? Well he wasn't on Methylenedioxypyrovalerone as people first thought (did I spell that right? It's sometimes called 'Bath salts') but just on heroine. it was not the drug that made him go bananas though. It was, ahem, a 'voodoo curse'.
Now, we all should know about the Placebo Effect: I give you a sugar pill, tell you it is the cure, and something goes tick in the brain and you fix yourself. Well something went tick in his brain. He was told he was a zombie, and tick, he's all drooling and biting and wild.
But Voodoo zombies are slaves for the witches that make them; he'd just heard 'zombie' and gone for the popular image.
The point is: it was psychological. 
He thought he was a zombie. It took many bullets to kill him, because he thought he could not feel pain. ALL IN THE MIND AND THAT IS WHAT THE MIND DOES.
So, the 'zombie apocalypse'. How does that work?
The dead won't rise. WE will rise. As soon as the words 'Zombie Apocalypse' appear on the television, something will go tick, and BAM, nations of drooling zombies.
Who wants to survive, when you can paticipate?
(Yes, all information in this post was stolen from the article in Fortean Times)
And those who are the zombies will last the longest. Think about it; how many survivors armed with limited shotgun ammo will there be compared to the hordes of zombies? Zombies usually don't eat eachother, and they can't feel pain: IMMORTALITY.
But do we really want to forget ourselves at The End? Because if we remember, we will be Human Again... And in the middle of a Horde that is not good.
Zombie Videos:
Right. So. Zombies. Yeah.
What else to say? I've put another video on Youtube, and now I'm thinking about the speech I've got to do for an English Assessment after the holidays... Phobias or Dinosaur Classification? I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE! 
Ah, and I've got more Blogs to read than I can shake a stick at. Members of my own family who i thought did nothing all day have blogs now, so do famous people I like to stalk, and lots of my friends... hmmm.
Oh, and I've got to learn that German Writing test thingy for when school comes again. And I'm still reading LOTR... a friend showed me an amazing spoof of that...  MY HOLIDAY IS TOO BUSY... TOO MANY BOOKS! And I still have not read the last book of The Last Dragon Chronicles; The Fire Ascending. AND IT HAS BEEN OUT FOR MONTHS.
Dark Dragon

Saturday 28 July 2012


I haven't got much to say but I have a lot of reading to do, so here are some videos:
Also, yesterday I got three new books (an art book, the second book of The Wheel of Time, and the first part of The Way of Kings) and two CDs (both from Biffy Clyro, now I have all four of their CDs).
That is all.
Dark Dragon

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Comic Con and Toilet Flies

For those of you who do not want to hear about my Comic-Con shennanigans, here is a true-story paragraph about something different:
Every night for the past two weeks a large fly has landed in my toilet. Either a horse fly, a house fly, once a blue bottle... Sometimes the toilet lid was closed. Every fly was alive and squiring, and I had to fish it out with some toilet paper. I think it is a bit weird, as it has been too cold for any windows in the house to be open, save for the window in my brother's bathroom, a whole short flight of stairs below. Anyhow, my bathroom door is kept closed. But a few times I have found it wide open, and hear the sad buzzing of something struggling to break away from the water's surface in my toilet. Any ideas about this strange occurence?
Now, Comic Con.
here are some things of note:

Storm Troopers
Upon arriving at the con my friends Freya and Aro and I had to join a loooonnnnnnggggg queue. The Comic Con staff were all dressed as Storm Troopers. Aro and I debated loudly whether they would be clones underneath their armor, because I was keen to live in suspended belief, and she was keen to live in the truth: they were merely cosplayers. We turned around and two Storm Troopers were watching us; "We are watching you" they said, to which I replied (with a Jedi wave of my hand) "We are not the droids you are looking for." Everyone laughed.

The Amazing Queue
Cosplayers everywhere dressed as every character imaginable, from Doctor Who (the one near us in the queue smoked an actual pipe) to creepers. At one point a Spiderman ran up to another Spiderman and jumped on his back. after much scuffling the Spiderman's bags were left with his friends in the queue and an epic battle stared. It was hilarious and epic. Also, I at one point said to Freya "Hey look, that guy over there has runic tattoos!" (I am a huge fan of runes, from Fe to Othel) he heard someone mention runes, asked who it was and then we high-fived. His cosplay was amazing, and strangely familiar. Freya thought it was a Dark Eldar from Warhammer 40K, but I wasn't sure (I'm sorry to say I thought it was a blue necron. I am very silly at times) we met him again later, and found out he was indeed a Dark Eldar. He said he thought more people would have Warhammer 40K Cosplays. i was like, "Ah, well I wore a Cthulhu T-shirt in the hope that someone knew of Cthulhu." He said "Cthulhu Fhatagn!" and walked away. There were many similar amazing people at the con. Too. Much. Awesome!

Anne Stokes
'Copperwing': the design I got on a
signed poster. Anne Stoke's Website is:
I. met. Anne. Stokes. And she signed a book called 'Stoked' for me, and a poster! I shook her hand! (For those of you who do not know, Anne Stokes is an amazing gothic and fantasy artist) I asked her what she preferred to draw out of dragons and fairies and angels and demons and vampires, and she said 'dragons'. That made me happy. Wow.

My friend Freya had come cosplaying as Vriska, a troll from Homestuck. I do not read/watch Homestuck, but I know that people dressed with grey skin, black wigs and colourful horns were trolls. The Homestuckers all had a huge meaning outside the building at one point. It was amazing, even if I had no idea what was going on.

Overall, Comic Con was AMAZZZZZZING. The Halo shirt I got there (it has the Elite's head on crossed blades on a shield, the 'legendary' symbol) smells of Comic Con: it smells like Forbidden Planet and Games Workshop, only cleaner, and friendlier. At Comic Con rules like "Don't talk to strangers" and "Go out wearing normal clothes" and "Don't talk about all your nerdy stuff in public" do not apply. It is freedom itself.
Even if it took three hours to get to Manchester and three to get back.

Dark Dragon

Friday 20 July 2012

School's out for Summer!

Oh, school ending fifteen minutes early for a treat? Great. Well, most of my friend's houses are within walking distance, so they go home. I wait for the bus.
Loud laughing. Someone who is now deleted from my Facebook Friend List pointed out how funny it was that I was standing on my own. Isn't it bloody funny? So I look at her, and the laughter stops like a switch has been flicked, and she actually moves the group away. Huh. Do I have that affect on people? Did she see how much I wanted her to shut the hell up and never talk again and turn into slug crap?! 
She annoyed me. I am not angry. Just annoyed.
When I finally got on the bus, two total copralites banged on the window, yelling some random rubbish at me. I ignored them as best as you can ignore someone slapping the glass in front of your face and screaming at you, and then they just began laughing. What kind of drugs are they on, and how could they sneak them into school? Come on girly, show me your intestines! 
To say I wanted to murder the dogs is an understatement. 'Murder' is taking someone's life away. I wanted to rip their life out of them, hold it still beating and helpless in my hand and laugh! I will spit on their corpses!
But, nobody actually hit me, and it could be far worse. Just to make sure you've got this clear, I am not being bullied. Just the scum of the Earth do annoy me.
But good news: I am going to Comic Con tomorrow!
Or today, because I wrote this late at night (well not 'late', but you know) so by the time you read this I would have made the epic journey South to the exotic land of Manchester (half a country away) to COMIC CON! COMIIIICCCCCCCCCCCONNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

Sunday 15 July 2012

Cute Kitty Stratagy

In the big wide world, governments have many strategies to avoid terrorism. One of these is called The Cute Kitty Strategy. (true story bro). 
The majority of people on the internet who watch videos are either watching p**n or Cute Kitty Videos, so censoring the internet so people can't create extremist groups is a bad thing, because eventually people who had no intention of looking up terrorist propaganda videos will become political out of boredom, and the government will have a revolution on their hands. So, they call 'keeping people happy with freedom of speech on the internet' the 'Cute Kitty Strategy'.

Dark Dragon

Friday 6 July 2012

Nggggurghllfptooey. I am so tired. Ich bin sehr Muede.

Warning; this post contains a slightly disturbing content from the start.
[thoughts about random kid]
Hey, can't find a place to sit? You can sit on my knee if you like. Or I can sit on yours, whatever works... I mean, we don't even have to wear clothes if its too uncomfortable, this weather is HOT. 
Like you.

People, I have been on a German Exchange to a place called Steinhagen. I do not want to write a huge huge huge post about it, so whenever I get bored I will come back to the subject, and tell you all about Those Skanky Thieves in Berlin, The GPS Rally of Death in Munster (plus, How We Got Lost and Ended Up Walking Around a German University), The David Cameron Lookalike, and other amazing stories. Actually, if I save the photos on my computer, then you can see the amazingness of the bird bark (Vogelpark order etwas auf Deutsche) (I cannnot spell today. I feel quite ill actually). But anyway, a cockatoo attempted to sever my hand off. Yay!
Oh, and those random thoughts at the top? I am not naturally the sort of person who fancies everyone I see, but have you ever been to a German school? It's like... Mmmmm.
So Germany. It's very hot, and the sun is too bright. And there is schnitzel.

On other news, my amazingly awesome friend with a Kerrang Magazine (we hanged around eachother when we were in Germany. She's cool and knows everything about music) gave me a BIFFY CLYRO POSTER. A POSTER OF BIFFY CLYRO. (incidently, there is now a picture of her in this month's Kerrang... Should I have said that? The interwebs is a dangerous place. Ah well. YOLO!)
And now, videos.
Dark Dragon

Sunday 24 June 2012

STFU About football!

If I see one more comment about the freaking euro 2012 football (european football if any of the american readers are unsure), this polite poem is going on facebook:

'Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Footballs crap,
Go and find something better to do!

The football pitch is nothing like a stage,
So stop blocking up my fucking home page!'


Friday 22 June 2012

Hand Held High

Turn my mic up louder,
I got to say something.
Lightweights stepping aside,
When we come in.
Feel it in your chest,
The syllables get pumping.
People on the street,
They panic and start running.
Words on loose leaf,
Sheet complete coming.
I jump on my mind,
I summon the rhyme I'm dumping.
Healing the blind,
I promise to let the sun in.
Sick of the dark ways,
We march to the drumming.
Jump when they tell us
They want to see jumping.
Fuck that, I want to
See some fist pumping.
Risk something.
Take back what's yours
Say something that you know
They might attack you for
'Cause I'm sick of being treated
Like I had before.
Like it's stupid standing for
What I'm standing for.
Like this war is really just
A different brand of war.
Like it doesn't cater the rich
And an abandon the poor.
Like they understand you
In the back of the jet,
When you can't put gas in your tank.
These fuckers are laughing their way
To the bank and cashing their check
Asking you to have compassion and to have some respect.

For a leader so nervous
In an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling
For nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world
Watching at the end of the day
In the living room laughing
Like what did he say?

Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen

In my living room watching,
But I am not laughing.
'Cause when it gets tense,
I know what might happen.
The world is cold,
The bold men take action.
Have to react,
Or get blown into fractions.
Ten years old is something to see,
Another kid my age drugged under a jeep,
Taken and bound and found later under a tree,
I wonder if he thought the "next one could be me".
Do you see?
The soldiers they're out today.
That brush the dust from bulletproof vests away.
It's ironic,
At times like this you pray,
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday.
There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads,
Inside your markets, your shops, your clothes,
My dad, he's got a lot of fear I know
But enough pride inside not to let that show.
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine.
In the back he hand wrote a quote inside,
When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.

Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling
For nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world
Watching at the end of the day
Both scared and angry
Like what did he say?

Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
As the ocean opens up
To swallow you.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
The ocean opens up
To swallow you.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
The ocean opens up
To swallow you.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
The ocean opens up
To swallow you.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
The ocean opens up
To swallow you.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
The ocean opens up
To swallow you.
Love this song :)