Sunday 30 September 2012


When I came to look at this page, I was visitor 4222. Huh.
Today I will talk not about the webcomics I have read, not about the sleepovers I have been to, but about memories.
Not THOSE memories, oh lord we will NOT get sentimental.
But consider this;
I moved into this house a few years ago. The layout was so different, it is unrecognizable now. I find it hard to remember the old carpets and walls. In fact, most of my memories are from that horrible period where we had to have the kitchen in the sitting room. The curious thing was, i cannot remember what we watched on the television when it was in the same room as the food. I can remember that the Very Big television was in there, but other than that...
I can remember my brothers playing on Dead Space deep into the winter hours.
Before that, before we moved in and the parents were doing odd things to the building, I remember being in that room taking off the blue and white floral wallpaper, discovering the odd damp patches underneath, and then there were those curious boxes that absorbed the moisture from the air that the parents placed everywhere.
Before that i used to come to the house at weekends. Parents would do the boring stuff and I'd walk off to the reservoir. Then I'd turn around, come back and have some strange fruity drink from Tesco as a reward.
Flicking forward again, I remember the night I moved in. Stuffing clothes into my drawers, putting my feet on the slanting green ceiling above my bed because I could. Wow.
I remember the stairs that there used to be. I remember the whole house being reshuffled around and around and around.
Life without a kitchen was a bitch.
Come to think of it, I cannot remember where the old kitchen was... Oh yeah, my eldest brother's room. The units were already gone when we started work. This house has changed so much.
How much has your house changed?
Can you remember what colour the walls used to be?
If you have just moved here, try to take in everything, because it may all change.
Here is a harder question:
Can you remember how you met each and every one of your friends?
Think about that.
I am so deep because I make questions sound dramatic. :P

Dark Dragon

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