Monday 31 December 2012

Goodbye 2012

I promise not to get sentimental as I go over the events that happened this year.
In fact I wont.
Because a lot of bad things have happened, (such as wars and those who died in them) and then a lot of boring things happened (such as school and the Olympics) and not much else happened.
However I will say that Britain had its wettest year in recorded history.
...And Mcdogface has not said much on this blog this year.
This was the year I discovered and became obsessed with Romantically Apocalyptic, and this was the year that I had a truly awesome Christmas. I'm halfway through my GCSEs, going to resit some of them in January, and I think 2013 will be a lot like 2012, although I only have one calender (in 2012 I had three) and there wont be a huge doomsday prediction.
That's it really.
See you guys in 2013!

Dark Dragon

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