Friday 20 July 2012

School's out for Summer!

Oh, school ending fifteen minutes early for a treat? Great. Well, most of my friend's houses are within walking distance, so they go home. I wait for the bus.
Loud laughing. Someone who is now deleted from my Facebook Friend List pointed out how funny it was that I was standing on my own. Isn't it bloody funny? So I look at her, and the laughter stops like a switch has been flicked, and she actually moves the group away. Huh. Do I have that affect on people? Did she see how much I wanted her to shut the hell up and never talk again and turn into slug crap?! 
She annoyed me. I am not angry. Just annoyed.
When I finally got on the bus, two total copralites banged on the window, yelling some random rubbish at me. I ignored them as best as you can ignore someone slapping the glass in front of your face and screaming at you, and then they just began laughing. What kind of drugs are they on, and how could they sneak them into school? Come on girly, show me your intestines! 
To say I wanted to murder the dogs is an understatement. 'Murder' is taking someone's life away. I wanted to rip their life out of them, hold it still beating and helpless in my hand and laugh! I will spit on their corpses!
But, nobody actually hit me, and it could be far worse. Just to make sure you've got this clear, I am not being bullied. Just the scum of the Earth do annoy me.
But good news: I am going to Comic Con tomorrow!
Or today, because I wrote this late at night (well not 'late', but you know) so by the time you read this I would have made the epic journey South to the exotic land of Manchester (half a country away) to COMIC CON! COMIIIICCCCCCCCCCCONNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

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