Sunday 25 November 2012

Dates, Plates and Fates

I'm back again.
I had so many wonderful things to talk about on the blog, but I've forgotten them all.
This week was one of the last dates which is the same backwards as it is forwards, because the easiest way to get a date which mirrors itself is to have it in the 11th month, so 1 and 1 are in the middle.
(Americans would disagree for they write the date thus: 11.21.21)
Next year, we cannot have 31.11.13 because there are not 31 days in November. 30 days in November. K?
Also, this is going to be the last year where all the numbers in the date can be the same, for there are only twelve months in a year: 12.12.12
2012 is a special year, no? 
But I digress.
Stegosaur plates, what are they for? Read this:
I just digress again and again.
I digress, I procrastinate, I lie, I cheat, I shout and... Ya know I'm not feeling too good today. Woke up from a nightmare where everyone was turning into monsters necro-morph style, including one weird one who was a chav from my school who had her face stretched over her new angular head and a dark green scorpion sting which frothed and fizzed with venom in an unhealthy way.
And yesterday I had a bad experience with some slugs. I am terrified of slugs, and they had somehow made a circle around me, or rather I had accidently stepped into a CIRCLE OF SLUGS! 
And my throat is raw and painful, and I have lost the ability to do maths.
I spent half an hour staring at 7x8=14 and trying to work out what was wrong. I am in the top math's set for fuck's sake! My brain is no longer safely operational. 
However, my recurring nightmares, not the ones with people-monsters and bad horror-movie plots, but the ones involving a sinister individual called Marz Souleater, are getting annoying and also... Second thoughts, best not dwell on that subject.
So... Can I write anything that'll make a good blog post?
The answer is no.
This is the blog post you are getting. Be happy with it.
Oh, and here is a video of my friends Jenny and Freya, who got banned on camfrog for saying 'I thought I saw a gay man once, but it might have just been lettuce'

Dark Dragon

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