Saturday 29 October 2011

An order of Beauty

I'm going to make alphabetical posts now. This is A. A for An order of Beauty. Next post will be B. If B's title has more than one word, the last word has to begin with C.
Order makes our universe. I love order. 
My books are in order, my games are in order, I sometimes sneak into the rooms of my siblings and order THEIR things. Why?
I get the chillies when they aren't. I might have OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Don't like Disorder. Needs organizing.
So, why bring this up now? Well, when my friend (from now on I'll code-name her... Um... Pony Girl. Suits her.) was sleeping at my house, she sketched a lot. And used my box of coloured pencils. And never put them back right. Who in sane hell puts 'Scarlet Lake' (red) between 'Gray Blue' and 'Pea Green'?" And upside down as well?! Chaos. 

AND she kept me up at night saying "CRUSH!" ('Crush'. Noun/verb. Either to mash something, or to fancy someone. Also the name given to the person you fancy.) Yeah, and that kept me awake. And made me a have a wonderful/terrible dream. It was nice because at the time it was the best scenario in the world, but terrible because when I woke up I was shocked I even dreamed about it. I am now scared of jumping off walls and ambulances. but I'm not going to give you the details of the dream, unless you comment and say "Oooh, please, we want to hear it!" But until then, I doubt very much that anyone would want to know. I don't want to know. I wish I didn't.


Scene from Hellboy 2. Hellboy doesn't like the new agent for some reason...

So, I'll keep this post short. I'll think of something interesting for B.

Dark Dragon


Anonymous said...

*ahem ahem* "Oooh, please, we want to hear it!" XD Now tell us please

Lol Inc. said...

Anonymous, why? Why force me to tell my tale?
Right. This is what I can remember of the dream:
I was in the schoolyard with Mcdogface and Crazy Steve. we were jumping off a wall and using the failed gravity to do 360 flips before landing in front of a rock facing forwards. Don't ask, K?
Anyhow, my turn came, and I tripped, fell with real-world gravity and smashed my head against the rock. It hurt like hell. I think I blanked out for a sec.
Mcdogface and Crazy Steve dragged me by the arms across the tarmac because the teachers were too lazy to care what was going on. Being dragged across the school yard is not a fun experience, even in a dream.
I definetly blacked out a few times. Then, out of randomness, there was an ambulance and I was on one of those cool wheely beds. I couldn't move my head, which was killing me. Mcdogface was in the ambulance with me.
"What are you doing here?"
"Making sure you're okay."
"And getting out of lessons?"
"Yup, that too."
"Cool." There's probably a law or something about a doctor staying in the ambulance to check that the person is K, but for the mo it seemed to be me and the skiving friend. Until someone touched my hand on the other side.
This is where is gets awkward.
I craned my neck, and on the other side of the wheely bed was the guy I fancy. (!!!!!!!) I stared at him and was like;
"Urmmm... Why are you here?"
And he said "Because I care about you silly."
And then he leaned in and... Kissed me.
He pulled back, and I don't think I did anything except for smile like a drunk. I probably grinned madly. Aw-kward.
Mcdogface rolled his eyes and said "Urgh! Pass me a bucket!" (something he used to say about sentimental bits in films) so the guy I fancy just grinned, reached down and pulled up one of those red and white first aid buckets and passed it over.
"You're gonna need that for what I'm going to do next." And then he leaned in and kissed me again. For longer. And harder. I think it classed as snogging.
I think I blacked out again. I presume that when you have concussion it isn't good to make the blood flow faster by having a romantic fantasy. But hey-ho.
I woke up and the ambulance was slowing down and I was worried, asking stupid things like "Umm, I won't need an operation or anything, will I? They're just taking me to the hospital to get cleaned up, yeah?" And then the doors opened and I was blinded by pure white light.

Once I was awake I panicked. I'd just had a romantic fantasy. I'd hoped this crush was just a passing incident, and that I'd soon grow out of it. I mean, he's hopelessly out of my league, and my brain is a logical thing which by now should have realized that thinking about a really Hot guy 24-7 is a very stupid thing to do.
If you read about my dream and think "That doesn't sound too bad, I mean, you could have had a dream where you went 'all the way'" then might I remind you that my mind is mostly innocent, and even a dream involving a kiss makes me shut down and fall into a pit of self pity and self loathing.
I really don't want to know what happens if I dream of something more...