Thursday 6 October 2011

I DARE you...

Dares. I like to do dares. I'm good at dares. I like them; they hide what a coward I am. A chance to prove myself. 
There was that instance when someone who I might call a friend was tired of me teasing her about fancying a guy (and I'm so sorry now; I realize what it feels like) and threatening to tell him about the crush. Then she said "Go on then, tell him. I dare you. But you never will." I had been issued a challenge, and so I checked that she was going to watch, and went outside to tell him. News spread like wildfire soon afterwards. I came towards the 'friend' and said "There, I did it."
"Did what?" Said she.
"Told him."
"You did WHAT?!"
"Told Alex you fancied him."
"You dared me to."
And then there was that earlier dare, when someone told me to eat a bug. I was doubtful, not because I was chickening out, but I thought she'd tell everyone how gross I was. But a dare was a dare, and a bug I ate. Rumor spread, and some people think I eat invertebrates regularly. 

Those dares were easy. 
However, anyone who read the thing about horoscopes will know that I dared myself to say "HELLO" to the guy I fancy. And today, I fufilled my dare. Sure, he was looking the other way and didn't even hear me, but I won!
Mcdogface disagrees though, darn.
Worse, he's given me a new dare.
Double darn.
Apparently I have to have a CONVERSATION with the guy I fancy. CONVERSATION. It's taken me two weeks to say hello behind his back. This is gonna be hard.
The consequence? This is a good ol' Truth or Dare. Yes, I have to tell him the truth about who fancies him, which will completely go against the rules of my private information agreement (on various chat websites, Facebook and such, I hear peoples problems and secrets because people randomly trust me. afterall, as a social outcast, who will I tell? So far I've been tight lipped about all given info).
So, daring I shall go.

And now, for some random crap. 
Dark Dragon

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