Tuesday 18 October 2011


...I think I'm turning into a teenage girl.
Well, okay, I am a girl, and when I reached the age of eleven I became more teenage-y and when I became thirteen I was an official teenager. But... I've never been like a TEENAGE GIRL. I don't have a group where we all stand around giggling and talking about gossip and boys. I sometimes do that part time with Minty, Laura, Karma and Jana (today I'm abandoning the 'only use codenames on the blog' rule. As long as I don't rub the second names everywhere I'll be fine) but with this group of girls I am an outsider, and don't really contribute. And Teenage Girls have sleep overs. When I was good friends with Hannah and Natalie (since starting high school we've drifted away like plate techtonics. I miss those guys) we did kind of girly things. Okay, I didn't wear makeup, and my skin reacted badly when i tried a mud pack once (chafed red skin for a week. Nicht gut.) but we went shopping (I found it boring. REALLY BORING. But fun in a way. I was doing it with FRIENDS afterall) and we had sleepovers. And now I have had a sleepover at Jenny's house. But that was a Boosh Party, and it was all youtube watching and yelling at Naan Bread. So all in all, I avoid girliness and have never really bothered conforming to the Teenage Girl archeatype.
Until yesterday.
Something happened that I'll never forgive my brain for.
I have this system of labeling people in a corridor. I find this sharpens the mind, to be able to pick up details about a person. For instance: Fill in physics teacher. Tall-ish man, square-ish face. Average. Commanding voice suggests he's not a part-time teacher, but his habit of frequently telling off the class shows he hasn't been in teaching long. Posh accent.
Glancing at people in the corridor usually results in: Blond haired girl, purple GOLA bag. Short brown haired boy, roundish face.
But yesterday I saw someone and my mental note was; tallish boy. Kind of cute.
Backtrack a sec; cute? When do I say CUTE?! When talking about reptiles obviously. Or amphibians. Or puffins. Or kittens. Tapirs. Piglets. Tiger cubs. Did I just use it to describe a boy?!
Yes I did. I don't even fancy the guy, I just noticed that his features weren't unfortunate-looking. Hmmm. I was confused by this, and so asked for help from someone who used language such as this frequently. Yeah, Minty. Oops. 
After carefully explaining (it was PE. If you'd like to picture the scene, imagine a small green changing room that stinks hight heaven and is lit with pale light from windows near the ceiling at one end. Now imagine a scruffy dragon in one corner, talking to two girls) that I didn't fancy this guy, and I'd just labeled him  as 'cute', Minty started laughing and saying that I had feelings.
Yup, and it didn't end there. Because she saw that I was embarrassed by this, and asked me who I saw in my mind's eye when she said "fit". My mind saw the guy I fancy, and I hastily tried to block him out before I entered a daydream. Minty says I get a 'daydream' face. And she said I had one there. Then she said "hot". I told her to shut up. Then came "Sexy". 
"I don't think about him in that way!" I snapped.
"Oooh, yeah you do. He's sexy"
"Shut the hell up."
Then came the point when she started asking me to picture scenarios. ( wouldn't mind if someone commented to say whether Teenage Girls really do think like this) : The first one was to imagine him naked. I bluntly said no. But my brain was starting to... But I managed to keep it trained on thoughts of dinosaurs and why the classification system has changed. Then she said that I should imagine him naked, on my bed, covered in rose petals. This one I didn't find gross, more just thinking what the hell has this girl been thinking?! Is this how people picture romantic scenes?! She did describe it as romantic, and I explained that I thought romantic would be dissecting a dead crow together, or playing Halo.
Then she said something which highly disturbed me. She said, and I quote, "Imagine him covered in chocolate, and imagine licking it off his body."
O_o Errr.... Come again? Sadly, my brain tried to visualize this. (facedesk) (by the way I made sure it did not manage. Concentrated on weather Mapusaurus would now be in the same group as Gigantosaurus, and whether they were in the same as Carcaradontosaurus)
 And then the one which my brain actually managed to show in gruesome HD; "Can you imagine kissing him, or him kissing you, on the neck, right there when it feels nice..." Okay, I've never been kissed at all, so I wouldn't know if a kiss on the neck feels nice but... My mind got hold of those words and now I'm thinking about it. It would be electric. No! No no no nononononononononono! Will not think about it. Will. Not. Think.
Have I mentioned how much I hate Minty? 

Well now I'm facing a problem. I might have started labeling guys as 'cute'. Soon I'll be rating their looks... And then only viewing them as who to fancy and who not to fancy... How will I be friends with anyone then?! What if it doesn't end there? What if... What if my brain goes so girl I say "Master Chief is not hot, so I shaln't play Halo"
... I hope i can keep my sanity. I hope that this goes no further. My brain made a mistake. It does that sometimes. it fails to spell words, or do simple maths. So I'll learn.

Today after school, Mcdogface, Crazy Steve and I were walking out of school. And the guy I fancied was just ahead of us. I had to keep mentally shaking myself (at least... I hope it was mentally) and I was barely paying attention. Oh god, why do I have to have a crush on someone so HOT?! I said to Mcdogface that I'm easily distracted, and he said "Ooh, look, a boy with two eyes!" and so I pretended to look around for this interesting phenonomon, shouting "WHERE?! WHERE?!" 

So, if you have any advice on how to keep my sanity and not turn into a teenage girl, then please comment.
Thank you.

Dark Dragon

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