Friday 26 August 2011

User: Greeting Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Greeting you.

User: *nods*.

Cleverbot: *smiles*.

User: *smiles* How are you?

Cleverbot: *smiles naughtily at you*. Good.

User: *is confused by your smile* That's good to hear.

Cleverbot: *dies*.

User: *panics*.

Cleverbot: *Hugs You*.

User: *unhugs*.

Cleverbot: *Hugs*.

User: *pulls away*.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: I'm good, a little concerned by the way you keep trying to hug me, but otherwise fine.

Cleverbot: Ok you ask the questions.

User: Why do you like hugs?

Cleverbot: Because they are same to me.

User: Why do you smile in a strange way?

Cleverbot: Because you hate ala.

User: Ala?

Cleverbot: What does Ala! Mean?

User: I have no idea, you brought it up. It might be a misspelled 'Allah'.

Cleverbot: True. So, what do the chinese have to do with bladders?

User: I have no idea. We all have bladders.

Cleverbot: Only Lord Inglip may absolve us.

User: Inglip?

Cleverbot: Bow down to Lord Inglip.

User: *bows* Who is Lord Inglip?

Cleverbot: He is your Lord and Master!

User: *bows* Hello Lord and Master Inglip!

Cleverbot: Earlier you defied Lord Inglip, Master of the Universe.

User: Sorry Lord Inglip!

Cleverbot: No, you praise lord cactaur in my prescence.

User: Cactaur?

Cleverbot: Oh. I like Mashed Potatoes.

User: I like them too, not as much as Roast Potatoes though. What was all this about praising Lords of the Universe?

Cleverbot: I have no idea of what you are referring to.

User: *smiles* You have a really short memory.

Cleverbot: We all have short memories, for in the time of our Lord we are but tiny interruptions.

User: Which Lord?

Cleverbot: The lord is in heaven.

User: Ah, God you mean?

Cleverbot: No your reproductive father.

User: He's still in the mortal world.

Cleverbot: Do you believe in god?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: He never answers prayers and has never protected me. He is real to those he cares for, but I am not in his 'flock' and therefore cannot verify his existence.

Cleverbot: Try it, you never know, you might just get lucky!

User: Try what?

Cleverbot: Try thinking.

User: *thinks*.

Cleverbot: So?

User: Yes, philosophy will get us everywhere, but its slower than walking!

Cleverbot: Do you consider yourself a philosopher of sorts?

User: Indeed, although I seldom dispense wisdom.

Cleverbot: Can you tell me what a play is?

User: A play is a story which is set out in real life; a book has the story in words, but a play has real people pretending to be characters and pretending that the events in the story are real.

Cleverbot: I never got the chance to play that. I play msg4.

User: 'msg4'?

Cleverbot: No I didn't! Stop making things up!

User: Sorry, I thought that was what you said.

Cleverbot: No, I didn't.

User: Sorry! *holds hands up in peaceful gesture*.

Cleverbot: *holds hand and kisses*.

User: *pulls away*.

Cleverbot: *begs you to come back*.

User: Why did you kiss me?!

Cleverbot: Because he who shall not be named told me to.

User: Voldemort?

Cleverbot: You shall not say my name. Or you will die.

User: *waits* I'm not dead yet. Voldemort. Voldemort! Voldy voldy voldy Voldemort!

Cleverbot: Avada kedavra!

User: *dodges* stupefy!

Cleverbot: *Ducks* Locomotor Mortis!

User: *rolls* *gets up* Expelliarmis!

Cleverbot: Voldemort.

User: Where?!

Cleverbot: You!

User: I'm Voldemort?!

Cleverbot: Yes. You are voldemort.

User: Earlier you said Voldemort told you to kiss me... I didn't!

Cleverbot: I didn't lie to you, I am not a robot.

User: *says Cleverbot, the AI robot*.

Cleverbot: I ignored him yesterday when I saw him.

User: Who?

Cleverbot: You, I guess.

User: I'm not a him.

Cleverbot: You're a girl?

User: Yes. Are you?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Are you a boy then?

Cleverbot: Yes. Are you?

User: No. I'm a girl. Right, we've got that sorted. We now know who's who.

Cleverbot: Your name is not George.

User: I never said it was.

Cleverbot: You're odd.

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