Wednesday 17 August 2011

Ovens and Playstation 2s

Mcdogface's Xbox live name is : SniperJC14
Sorry, just this post is going to be a long one, and might kick his half way down the page so I thought I'd put the important bit at the top of this one.
Hello members of the free world, the last two days have been busy. Our kitchen is finally finished, and for the first time since I moved to my big ol' house I have an oven! Warm food for all! (and about time too, its been nearly a year!)
Also, my brother has finally decided to take the Playstation out of his cupboard and set it up downstairs, YES! Most of our games are for the PS2, and now its sitting next to the Xbox there is no end to the fun to be had!
And, for the moment, it means me and my bro aren't at each other's necks, because we've been playing the old favorite, Jak X. This means that we are playing the same game, but we want different goals and so aren't killing each other all the time. My brother wants to WIN the race, getting in first place all the time, whereas I like to come in 6th place, but KILL everyone else. The last time we played the scores were:
Player 1: 23
CPU:  4
CPU: 3
CPU: 5
CPU: 6
Player 2: 68
What can I say? I'm evil. I choose 'UR-86' as my driver, because he's a homicidal robot, and I think it fits. My brother usually chooses Daxter, the main character's furry sidekick.
Don't know what Jak X is? Here's a brief explanation; The first Jak game was Jak and Daxter, The Precursor Legacy, when Jak's friend gets turned into a small orange creature called an Otsel. The pineapple haired kid and his furry friend then embark on a quest with gadgets fuelled by the mysterious Eco, glowey blobs of stuff which makes stuff happen. The second game, Jack 2, Renegade, is a bit darker. The pair are taken away from the happy, gaudy coloured landscape from the first game and then live in a sci-fi city working for a crime boss. The pineapple-haired Jak has gone, after being tortured with Dark Eco, and turns into a more serious cool-looking guy, who has a habit of turning evil. I can't remember much about Jak 3, just that it was in the desert and was related again to the Precursors... Well anyhow, Jak X is a racing game set as a sequel to the trilogy, when Jak is invited to Kras city to the reading of Krew's will. Krew's dying wish was to win the Kras city championship race, so he poisoned the drink to toast his life and so that they'd have to win to get the antidote.

Well other than games, not much has been happening in my life. I need to get reading Eragon again (I've only got as far s Saphira hatching) so that I've read all the books by the time Inheritance come in November, and I need to read all the Skulduggery Pleasants again, because Death Bringer will be here soon! Death Bringer! Some people, those of us lucky enough to go to The BIG AWESOME Book Festival in Scotland already have it! So a lot of reading is to be done, and I'm also reading Mum's friend's book at top speed 'cuz he needs feedback. I say its pretty cool as it is.

Well I'll leave you with a question; I think therefore I am. I think I'm an awesome person, therefore am I?

Dark Dragon

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