Sunday 21 August 2011

Pythons, and shopping boredom

Before my Rant:

I gotta new combine harvester!

I don't like shopping. I really really hate it. So boring, especially clothes shopping. Mother would sometimes ask if a shirt or whatever suited her, and I'd really not know, and when I don't know things I feel really stupid. And then she does her 'I'm so disappointed in you' thing. Today she was saying 'Even your brother was better at clothes shopping'. I grunted. Last time it was 'Are you really sure you're my daughter?' . Yeah, they're jokes, but they hurt. My friends tell me I have no sense of style. I think they are right... I'm just no good at buying anything 'stylish'. All I want in life is nice T-shirts. Hoodies with no zips, floaty cardigans and shirts with various types of neck aren't my thing. So when my Mother says 'Ooh, you'd like nice in this' all I can do is try and work out what the best reaction is... I say 'okay' and she looks sad because I'm not being enthusiastic...
WHY SHOULD I BE?! I was playing on the Xbox all morning with Mcdogface, why the hell would I think CLOTHES SHOPPING was more fun?! >=(
End of Rant.
Right, some good news; Noodles isn't a cornsnake. The annoying splatter poo which he does was a sign of this. As was the fact he likes climbing on things. He hugs his pinkies when he eats them. He coils up when he's resting. According to my eldest brother's friend who's Dad loves keeping exotic animals, Noodles is a python.
But we don't know what kind, he's either a Royal (otherwise known as 'Ball' 'cuz they curl up into a ball when resting) or a Reticulated (sometimes known as a 'Retic' in the Practical Reptile Magazine), but if he's a Retic then we need a dangerous animal license for him. It's more likely he's a Ball Python, which, next to the Burmese, is my favorite kind of Python.

Dark Dragon

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