Monday 1 August 2011


White Rabbits! I'm not mad, just its traditional to say 'white rabbits' as the first thing in a conversation on the first of any month to gain a month's worth of luck. So here we are, August. The schooless month. Chill time methinks.
Nearly everyone's been going on holiday. To Wales, Spain, America, New Zealand, that place further south along the Pennines that I always forget the name of. And now its going to rain here. Why, cruel world, why?!
Although I am going to Germany later on in the holidays, woot! It'll be my first time abroad...
Also I'll still be trying to make The Most Epic Film Ever. Just now I'm trying to make the first animated scene, arrrggg!
As well as that, I have to review a book for my Mum's friend who's a writer, and finish The Book Of Dragon (which is epic; an assassin goes to war and doesn't like it much. READ THE AWESOME BOOK) and then read the Inheritance books again (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr. Which are in no way copied from the David Eddings books.) because book four is coming in November, and I also have to read all the Skullduggery Books again, because Death Bringer will be here in September, and I still have all of the Last Dragon Chronicles fresh in my mind when the Fire Ascending comes out.
If you don't know who Skullduggery Pleasant is, or what the Last Dragon Chronicles are, look at the links to the bloggs made by the authors to the right.
So this dragon needs to get her claws busy flicking pages. But the internet is so cool, and I'm getting distracted by the Xbox all the time. No! I shall not go and play Divinity 2... Okay, maybe I will. Just for ten minutes. Half an hour. An hour. Six hours.
Also, I have some bad news. In my house, all the Iron Brew has been drunken. IRN BRU! Noooooooo!
Here's some good news to cheer everyone up; I have a Roosterteeth T-Shirt with Caboose on it. ^_^ It says "we are in the FUTURE. Things are very SHINY here."
And Noodles is well, although he now poops every time we pick him up. Some kitchen towel placed on the knees is how we respond to this. Does anyone know how to stop a snake from letting fly every time he's handled? 
From the sleepy Pyrotile* of the North,
Dark Dragon

*Pyrotile is a word I copyrighted. 

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