Thursday 25 August 2011


I'm off to Germany tomorrow. Across a sea for the first time in my life. Going in one of those metal bird things which acts like a sky bus. Very exiting. Can't speak much german though. Smile and nodding time.
So if you're around Dusseldorf and you see a nervous dragon girl smiling and nodding and asking 'Wie bitte?' every few seconds, that'll be me.
This is a Blog, so I feel I should be talking about what's going though my mind and my emotions and shizz... But to be honest I'm kinda blank. I'm always kinda blank. If I let the emotions come I will die, and live my afterlife crying from sympathetic pain and blushing like a tomato every time one of Those Really Hot Guys comes past. So I just hide things away. Bottle them up. Save them for a fight where I can let them out as a fiery rage and unlock my secret superpowers. 

So all I'm saying is; bye. Next six days I'll be ay my Aunt's house. She's pretty cool and has a German boyfriend who she's gonna marry (forgotten that word which begins with 'F'. Anyhow, they're engaged, so Mum needs to say Hi and give 'em prezzies. I'm coming because I'm cute. And I want to see Germany.)

From the dragon going to Germany,
Dark Dragon

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