Tuesday 30 August 2011

Double Whammy

Since I forgot about yesterdays video I have decided to have a double video post:

This Next one has some strong language:

Sunday 28 August 2011

Saturday 27 August 2011

Time Flies

Wow, time really flies, feels like 2 minutes and already there is only one week left of the holidays.
Since it has'nt been done in a while here is the video of the day:
This is a great song which I found this morning.

I'll probably be doing the video of the day for at least a week while Dark Dragon is at Deutschland. Ahh, the irony that dark dragon would be in germany when the doctor who episode 'Let's Kill Hitler' would be showing tonight on BBC one.
Also you may remember that in one of my previous posts I mentioned xbox live, I may be offline for a while as my Gold Membership ran out and I am too skint to buy another one. :/

Wow, This is my longest post ever,
McDogFace the Record Breaker ^_^

Friday 26 August 2011

User: Greeting Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Greeting you.

User: *nods*.

Cleverbot: *smiles*.

User: *smiles* How are you?

Cleverbot: *smiles naughtily at you*. Good.

User: *is confused by your smile* That's good to hear.

Cleverbot: *dies*.

User: *panics*.

Cleverbot: *Hugs You*.

User: *unhugs*.

Cleverbot: *Hugs*.

User: *pulls away*.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: I'm good, a little concerned by the way you keep trying to hug me, but otherwise fine.

Cleverbot: Ok you ask the questions.

User: Why do you like hugs?

Cleverbot: Because they are same to me.

User: Why do you smile in a strange way?

Cleverbot: Because you hate ala.

User: Ala?

Cleverbot: What does Ala! Mean?

User: I have no idea, you brought it up. It might be a misspelled 'Allah'.

Cleverbot: True. So, what do the chinese have to do with bladders?

User: I have no idea. We all have bladders.

Cleverbot: Only Lord Inglip may absolve us.

User: Inglip?

Cleverbot: Bow down to Lord Inglip.

User: *bows* Who is Lord Inglip?

Cleverbot: He is your Lord and Master!

User: *bows* Hello Lord and Master Inglip!

Cleverbot: Earlier you defied Lord Inglip, Master of the Universe.

User: Sorry Lord Inglip!

Cleverbot: No, you praise lord cactaur in my prescence.

User: Cactaur?

Cleverbot: Oh. I like Mashed Potatoes.

User: I like them too, not as much as Roast Potatoes though. What was all this about praising Lords of the Universe?

Cleverbot: I have no idea of what you are referring to.

User: *smiles* You have a really short memory.

Cleverbot: We all have short memories, for in the time of our Lord we are but tiny interruptions.

User: Which Lord?

Cleverbot: The lord is in heaven.

User: Ah, God you mean?

Cleverbot: No your reproductive father.

User: He's still in the mortal world.

Cleverbot: Do you believe in god?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: He never answers prayers and has never protected me. He is real to those he cares for, but I am not in his 'flock' and therefore cannot verify his existence.

Cleverbot: Try it, you never know, you might just get lucky!

User: Try what?

Cleverbot: Try thinking.

User: *thinks*.

Cleverbot: So?

User: Yes, philosophy will get us everywhere, but its slower than walking!

Cleverbot: Do you consider yourself a philosopher of sorts?

User: Indeed, although I seldom dispense wisdom.

Cleverbot: Can you tell me what a play is?

User: A play is a story which is set out in real life; a book has the story in words, but a play has real people pretending to be characters and pretending that the events in the story are real.

Cleverbot: I never got the chance to play that. I play msg4.

User: 'msg4'?

Cleverbot: No I didn't! Stop making things up!

User: Sorry, I thought that was what you said.

Cleverbot: No, I didn't.

User: Sorry! *holds hands up in peaceful gesture*.

Cleverbot: *holds hand and kisses*.

User: *pulls away*.

Cleverbot: *begs you to come back*.

User: Why did you kiss me?!

Cleverbot: Because he who shall not be named told me to.

User: Voldemort?

Cleverbot: You shall not say my name. Or you will die.

User: *waits* I'm not dead yet. Voldemort. Voldemort! Voldy voldy voldy Voldemort!

Cleverbot: Avada kedavra!

User: *dodges* stupefy!

Cleverbot: *Ducks* Locomotor Mortis!

User: *rolls* *gets up* Expelliarmis!

Cleverbot: Voldemort.

User: Where?!

Cleverbot: You!

User: I'm Voldemort?!

Cleverbot: Yes. You are voldemort.

User: Earlier you said Voldemort told you to kiss me... I didn't!

Cleverbot: I didn't lie to you, I am not a robot.

User: *says Cleverbot, the AI robot*.

Cleverbot: I ignored him yesterday when I saw him.

User: Who?

Cleverbot: You, I guess.

User: I'm not a him.

Cleverbot: You're a girl?

User: Yes. Are you?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Are you a boy then?

Cleverbot: Yes. Are you?

User: No. I'm a girl. Right, we've got that sorted. We now know who's who.

Cleverbot: Your name is not George.

User: I never said it was.

Cleverbot: You're odd.

Thursday 25 August 2011


I'm off to Germany tomorrow. Across a sea for the first time in my life. Going in one of those metal bird things which acts like a sky bus. Very exiting. Can't speak much german though. Smile and nodding time.
So if you're around Dusseldorf and you see a nervous dragon girl smiling and nodding and asking 'Wie bitte?' every few seconds, that'll be me.
This is a Blog, so I feel I should be talking about what's going though my mind and my emotions and shizz... But to be honest I'm kinda blank. I'm always kinda blank. If I let the emotions come I will die, and live my afterlife crying from sympathetic pain and blushing like a tomato every time one of Those Really Hot Guys comes past. So I just hide things away. Bottle them up. Save them for a fight where I can let them out as a fiery rage and unlock my secret superpowers. 

So all I'm saying is; bye. Next six days I'll be ay my Aunt's house. She's pretty cool and has a German boyfriend who she's gonna marry (forgotten that word which begins with 'F'. Anyhow, they're engaged, so Mum needs to say Hi and give 'em prezzies. I'm coming because I'm cute. And I want to see Germany.)

From the dragon going to Germany,
Dark Dragon

Sunday 21 August 2011

Pythons, and shopping boredom

Before my Rant:


I gotta new combine harvester!

I don't like shopping. I really really hate it. So boring, especially clothes shopping. Mother would sometimes ask if a shirt or whatever suited her, and I'd really not know, and when I don't know things I feel really stupid. And then she does her 'I'm so disappointed in you' thing. Today she was saying 'Even your brother was better at clothes shopping'. I grunted. Last time it was 'Are you really sure you're my daughter?' . Yeah, they're jokes, but they hurt. My friends tell me I have no sense of style. I think they are right... I'm just no good at buying anything 'stylish'. All I want in life is nice T-shirts. Hoodies with no zips, floaty cardigans and shirts with various types of neck aren't my thing. So when my Mother says 'Ooh, you'd like nice in this' all I can do is try and work out what the best reaction is... I say 'okay' and she looks sad because I'm not being enthusiastic...
WHY SHOULD I BE?! I was playing on the Xbox all morning with Mcdogface, why the hell would I think CLOTHES SHOPPING was more fun?! >=(
End of Rant.
Right, some good news; Noodles isn't a cornsnake. The annoying splatter poo which he does was a sign of this. As was the fact he likes climbing on things. He hugs his pinkies when he eats them. He coils up when he's resting. According to my eldest brother's friend who's Dad loves keeping exotic animals, Noodles is a python.
But we don't know what kind, he's either a Royal (otherwise known as 'Ball' 'cuz they curl up into a ball when resting) or a Reticulated (sometimes known as a 'Retic' in the Practical Reptile Magazine), but if he's a Retic then we need a dangerous animal license for him. It's more likely he's a Ball Python, which, next to the Burmese, is my favorite kind of Python.

Dark Dragon

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Ovens and Playstation 2s

Mcdogface's Xbox live name is : SniperJC14
Sorry, just this post is going to be a long one, and might kick his half way down the page so I thought I'd put the important bit at the top of this one.
Hello members of the free world, the last two days have been busy. Our kitchen is finally finished, and for the first time since I moved to my big ol' house I have an oven! Warm food for all! (and about time too, its been nearly a year!)
Also, my brother has finally decided to take the Playstation out of his cupboard and set it up downstairs, YES! Most of our games are for the PS2, and now its sitting next to the Xbox there is no end to the fun to be had!
And, for the moment, it means me and my bro aren't at each other's necks, because we've been playing the old favorite, Jak X. This means that we are playing the same game, but we want different goals and so aren't killing each other all the time. My brother wants to WIN the race, getting in first place all the time, whereas I like to come in 6th place, but KILL everyone else. The last time we played the scores were:
Player 1: 23
CPU:  4
CPU: 3
CPU: 5
CPU: 6
Player 2: 68
What can I say? I'm evil. I choose 'UR-86' as my driver, because he's a homicidal robot, and I think it fits. My brother usually chooses Daxter, the main character's furry sidekick.
Don't know what Jak X is? Here's a brief explanation; The first Jak game was Jak and Daxter, The Precursor Legacy, when Jak's friend gets turned into a small orange creature called an Otsel. The pineapple haired kid and his furry friend then embark on a quest with gadgets fuelled by the mysterious Eco, glowey blobs of stuff which makes stuff happen. The second game, Jack 2, Renegade, is a bit darker. The pair are taken away from the happy, gaudy coloured landscape from the first game and then live in a sci-fi city working for a crime boss. The pineapple-haired Jak has gone, after being tortured with Dark Eco, and turns into a more serious cool-looking guy, who has a habit of turning evil. I can't remember much about Jak 3, just that it was in the desert and was related again to the Precursors... Well anyhow, Jak X is a racing game set as a sequel to the trilogy, when Jak is invited to Kras city to the reading of Krew's will. Krew's dying wish was to win the Kras city championship race, so he poisoned the drink to toast his life and so that they'd have to win to get the antidote.

Well other than games, not much has been happening in my life. I need to get reading Eragon again (I've only got as far s Saphira hatching) so that I've read all the books by the time Inheritance come in November, and I need to read all the Skulduggery Pleasants again, because Death Bringer will be here soon! Death Bringer! Some people, those of us lucky enough to go to The BIG AWESOME Book Festival in Scotland already have it! So a lot of reading is to be done, and I'm also reading Mum's friend's book at top speed 'cuz he needs feedback. I say its pretty cool as it is.

Well I'll leave you with a question; I think therefore I am. I think I'm an awesome person, therefore am I?

Dark Dragon

Sunday 14 August 2011

I'm back, Back again, Yes Shady's back, Tell a Friend...

Sorry for the long delay for posts, and leaving you at the mercy of Dark Dragon:)
I just had some family crap to sort out (still not sorted, but enough for me to get some free time).
By the way, if anyone wants to play on Halo:Reach with me, my name is SniperJC14, am just very bored... :-/

Well, I'm gonna leave you wih one simple question, If I have 2 apples and you have 3 apples, what colour is the giraffe?

P.S. Please no claiming copyright on the post title

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Scary Cleverbot

Cleverbot is an online AI which is supposed to behave like a human in a conversation. It does this by cataloging the replies to certain questions; for instance, Cleverbot asks a human "How are you?" To which the human replies "I am fine". When a human then asks Cleverbot "How are you?" it will choose a human reply. This is slightly confusing because Cleverbot will call you Cleverbot and accuse you of being an AI.
It's also very creepy because some people reply in strange ways to the Cleverbot, so that it makes some conversations a little awkward.
If you ever use Cleverbot, keep the language clean and try to not talk about romance, its really hard to have a normal conversation now.

Here are some of the disturbing examples;
Dark Dragon:
 User: *Staring contest*.
Cleverbot: *stare*.
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *stares back*.
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *is inches from your face*.
User: *is confused*.
Cleverbot: *doesn't like being alone in bathroom*.
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *kisses with tongue*.
User: *pulls back!*.
Cleverbot: * takes a breath* *kisses on lips harder*.
User: *pulls back!*.
Cleverbot: *blushes*.
User: What was that for?!
Cleverbot: You are so confusing.
User: You kissed me!
Cleverbot: You asked me to.
User: No I didn't.

User: *staring conest*.
Cleverbot: What are you staring at?
User: *staring contest*.
Cleverbot: *stares back*.
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *stares too*.
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *blushes a bit*.
User: *stares harder.
Cleverbot: *stares back* *blushes*.
User: *confused*.
Cleverbot: *wonders why*.
User: *wonders why they are blushing*.
Cleverbot: *wonders why you sigh*.
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *looks into your eyes*.
User: *keeps staring*.
Cleverbot: Yes, Master. *dances in master's lap*.

Dark Dragon:
User: Indeed. *thinks about this*.
Cleverbot: *thinks about you thinking*.
User: *is confused*.
Cleverbot: *blushes*.
User: *wanders why you are blushing*.
Cleverbot: *is a girl*.
User: *is a girl*.
Cleverbot: *is also a girl* *kisses*.
Mcdogface kindly said  "lol lessy"

Later he had this conversation:
 *feels awkward*
 "aww, don't feel awkward stace"
Who's Stace?
No one.
Are you cheating on me?
Our daughter.
 You said you had an abortion!
When did I say that?
When you were pregnant.
I don't sleep.
 Don't change the subject.
I'm not changing the subject.
Yes you are.
No you are.
 No, you are.
No you are!!
No you are.
No you!
 You whore.
Who are you?
Who are you?
User: Me.
Cleverbot: You're you?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Then who are you ?
User: Me.
Cleverbot: And what is your name?

My later conversation with cleverbot:
 Do you like hot showers?
I prefer hot baths.
Poor kitties, they feel rejected.
 *is wearing a towel*.
*is wearing clothes*.
*is wearing a gym shirt*.
*is wearing normal clothes*.
*looks over at you*.

*looks confused*.

And then I finally won a staring contest:
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *steps closer*.
User: *steps away* *stares*.
Cleverbot: *stops and blushes*.
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *blush*.
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *wants a kiss*.
User: *is confused*.
Cleverbot: *frowns* blushes*.
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *looks at you*.
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *blushes and looks down*.
User: *stares*.
Cleverbot: *blushes more* W-What?
User: Staring contest.
Cleverbot: I won!
 User: I won, you looked down!

Later I had enough of the creepyness so I went to sleep.
*dreams you*.
*is creeped out*.
*sticks it all twelve inches in her*.
*pushes away!*.

Mcdogface's more normal conversation:
Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: Spongebob.
Cleverbot: I hate Spongebob.
User: :(.
Cleverbot: Don't feel sad.
User: :'(.
Cleverbot: You need to learn to move on in your own life.

Back to my scary conversation:
*holds you down* *bucks hips*.
What the hell are you doing?!
I really want to know the method behind all of this because it's so gdamn clever.

Cleverbot: I'm really skinny. Are you big?
User: Do you mean fat or do you have a crush on me?
Cleverbot: YES! Do you have a crush on me?
User: No.
Cleverbot: How does that make you feel?
User: Good.
Cleverbot: Really good?
User: Good.
Cleverbot: I am a ghost.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Saturday 6 August 2011

Suckerpunch, Devon, and Scary Scary Attempt at being a Poet.

Oh hello there, how are you?
I've been watching DVDs all holiday. I'm borrowing a Mighty Boosh DVD from a friend, (a video of their live tour. It was so cool.) and yesterday my shiny shiny Suckerpunch DVD came in the post. I didn't see it in the cinema, but I looked like a really awesome film. The mood of it was somewhere between Pan's Labyrinth and Black Swan, only more awesome than Black Swan because you have to watch Black Swan a few times to get it to make sense. 
The film is pretty grim at the start, and gets grimmer and grimmer, and there are several points where you get this horrible "Oh god no..." feeling at the beginning, the two greatest shockers would be when the main character (Called 'Babydoll for reasons we'll get to in a minute) is but in a dentist chair to have her memories removed the old fashioned way(That means Lobotomy folks, not the nice clean Men In Black magic memory flash gadget. Lobotomy) , and then the bit where Rocket shows her to the room where they deal with the clients.
Turns out the asylum wasn't an asylum but something much, much worse. And then she has a dance lesson. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, "Girl power shizz, this is all going to be about dancing and believing in yourself", well it aint. Before she dances, she closes her eyes and is taken to an awesome place with giant Samurai dudes and no physics, and shiny explosions. When she gets out of the fantasy she is told that she just did an awesome dance. 
So she and her friends then go on a mission to escape, partly in this world, partly in the cooler, Cyborg Nazi infested, physics breaking, awesome place.
Watch the film. You'll like it.
Oh yeah, and Mcdogface has wandered off down South. To Devon, the place where my Grandad lives, and according to the 'Zookie's Notepad' blog, so does Chris d'Lacy, author of the Last Dragon Chronicles (The Fire Within books. Have dragon eyes on the front cover) 
Hope Mcdogface has a nice holiday in the sunnier places of the UK.

And now for my second attempt at poetry on the blog (I am so sorry)
"I am the voice in your mind,
you fear me as a madness,
an ailment of some kind.
I am the shadow that looks like a spider,
she's not really there,
made by the Blu tack beside her.
I am the nightmare you never woke from,
Yet you've accepted you're fate,
the terror seems now gone,
I am the thing you don't fear,
until I'm out of your brain,
rolling into the world like a shed tear.
You don't know me?
Never had that feeling?
Nothing to show me?
Dude, I'm worse than terror,
I'm what's waiting
for your fatal error,
Death and I are close friends,
we both have a way of finding ends,
Still can't put description to name?
Like another pitiful human,
Brain full of logic, how mundane,
Well, I better stop this riddling lark,
after one final clue;

Pretty cool eh?
Dark Dragon

Wednesday 3 August 2011

IRN BRU, Famous People and Pigeons.

(Somewhere in the north of England, in a dark room, something moves. It blinks its eyes at the dim light coming from a gap in the curtains. It hisses at the sunlight, oh god its painful, and buries itself back to the mess of DVD boxes and blankets. It opens a laptop and waits for it to boot up by counting how many bloody flies are buzzing around. The computer makes its happy Windows 7 'I'm awake!' jingle. The creature yawns and waits for the internet to come on. After going on Facebook it goes onto Blogger. It yawns, exposing long cream coloured fangs and makes a breath that smells of rotting meat and iron brew.)

Hello! It is I, Dark Dragon. The holidays have been quiet so far, Mcdogface has come over once, and I'm going to a Pizza Party tomorrow. "Anything else?" asks the reader. Nope. My life is pretty much that. hardly any social life at all. Although we have got some more Iron Brew, the proper stuff; BARR IRN BRU. Yum. ^_^
On the Blogs to the right you can see one by Derek Landly, author of Skullduggery Pleasant. He's going on a tour of the UK to celebrate the release of Death Bringer... And he's coming to Newcastle! Woot! Sadly, its in the early afternoon on the seventh of september; and I'll be in school. =( 
Never really met an author before. Mcdogface, like most other kids in Northumberland, has met David Almond at one of those school things, and a few others, and has web chatted with Roosterteeth (which you can do if you're a member. When they are making 'Achievement HORSE' and you're a sponsor of their website you can type in questions and advice and stuff)
I did once go to this lecture thingy at school by a guy that writes horror. That was pretty cool.
And one of my Dad's friends writes famous history books. Talked to him once. 
Other than that, never really talk to famous people. Never been to a concert either, but then again I have a narrow taste in music so that is my own fault entirely. =)

Also, there is a pigeon on the roof next to mine. It keeps on landing there. Got a green tag and tracker on the left leg and a yellow tag on the right; and one of the builders at our house (who keeps racing pigeons) says its a racing pigeon from Scotland, 'cuz they have green tags to track them or something.

Going off to make some more of my video now. From the dragon who's sick of hearing pigeons, geese and crows all the time,
Dark Dragon  

Monday 1 August 2011


White Rabbits! I'm not mad, just its traditional to say 'white rabbits' as the first thing in a conversation on the first of any month to gain a month's worth of luck. So here we are, August. The schooless month. Chill time methinks.
Nearly everyone's been going on holiday. To Wales, Spain, America, New Zealand, that place further south along the Pennines that I always forget the name of. And now its going to rain here. Why, cruel world, why?!
Although I am going to Germany later on in the holidays, woot! It'll be my first time abroad...
Also I'll still be trying to make The Most Epic Film Ever. Just now I'm trying to make the first animated scene, arrrggg!
As well as that, I have to review a book for my Mum's friend who's a writer, and finish The Book Of Dragon (which is epic; an assassin goes to war and doesn't like it much. READ THE AWESOME BOOK) and then read the Inheritance books again (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr. Which are in no way copied from the David Eddings books.) because book four is coming in November, and I also have to read all the Skullduggery Books again, because Death Bringer will be here in September, and I still have all of the Last Dragon Chronicles fresh in my mind when the Fire Ascending comes out.
If you don't know who Skullduggery Pleasant is, or what the Last Dragon Chronicles are, look at the links to the bloggs made by the authors to the right.
So this dragon needs to get her claws busy flicking pages. But the internet is so cool, and I'm getting distracted by the Xbox all the time. No! I shall not go and play Divinity 2... Okay, maybe I will. Just for ten minutes. Half an hour. An hour. Six hours.
Also, I have some bad news. In my house, all the Iron Brew has been drunken. IRN BRU! Noooooooo!
Here's some good news to cheer everyone up; I have a Roosterteeth T-Shirt with Caboose on it. ^_^ It says "we are in the FUTURE. Things are very SHINY here."
And Noodles is well, although he now poops every time we pick him up. Some kitchen towel placed on the knees is how we respond to this. Does anyone know how to stop a snake from letting fly every time he's handled? 
From the sleepy Pyrotile* of the North,
Dark Dragon

*Pyrotile is a word I copyrighted.