Tuesday 27 December 2011

Two Turtle Doves

Greetings readers! 'Tis the second day of Christmas today. For those of you wandering the song called The Twelve Days of Christmas is about the twelve days starting from Saint Steven's Day, otherwise known as Boxing Day. Dunno who Saint Steven actually is, so I fished around for this Wikipedia page: [Link- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Stephen -]. Mcdogface and I don't even get the full Twelve Days of Christmas off, and we'll return to school on the Ninth day of Christmas; to those of you familiar with the song that means Nine Pipers Piping - except for a version of the song which switches Pipers Piping for Ladies Dancing and vise versa. 
Boxing Day is the day when strict religious Christians open their presents, not wanting to worship idles on the Lord's birthday.
So, a quick quote from Skulduggery Pleasant: Mortal Coil:
He looked at her. "You're not getting your present."
Valkyrie frowned. "What? Why not?"
"Because it was a Christmas present, it's not Christmas any more." 
"Of course it is. There are a whole twelve days of Christmas!"
"They don't count."
"Yes they do."
"The twelve days are merely to let people know when it's time to take down their tasteless decorations. It's Saint Stephen's Day today, I didn't get you a Saint Stephen's Day present."

Right. So, that's some facts and some Skulduggo-related entertainment. Now, I am of course dieing to yell out a list of lovely things which I got... But let's face it, who'd want to read it? Just know that if anyone tries to kill me I have NERF SWORDS, and you can tell who I am because I'm the one in the room wearing AWESOME T-SHIRTS and reading EPIC BOOKS whilst thinking about D2 THE FULL DRAGON KNIGHT SAGA and SKYRIM. I'm still not giving you my full list of goodies though, but rest assured, this Dark Dragon had a very satisfying Birthday/Christmas. ^_^ 
I have a resin model of this Dragon and Pentagram.
Blind Guardian song I have on CD.
Screenshot from Divinity 2 Ego Draconis, a game which I now possess the sequel to.

 So normal posting service will be resumed soon. Merry Third Day of Christmas!
...And nobody mention llamas.

Dark Dragon

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