Tuesday 20 December 2011

Five Days to Go...

Well here it is Merry Christmas. Sigh. I can't feel festive. Even looking at the picture of cold dinosaurs beneath northern lights doesn't make me feel Christmassy. I'm not even exited for my Birthday; I'm going to be fifteen soon and ready to destroy the world but... Meh.
Luckily, the snow has melted outside; HURRUMBLE! But it means the house doesn't have a layer of ice-crystal insulation. 
Now its the holidays I should be doing my homework which all my lovely teachers gave me; two online pieces, three worksheets, and I ought to practice my german... But I'm just going to chill. I feel I'm owed a few chill days, just like Sarge in this festive Red Verses Blue Christmas Special Trilogy:
If you didn't watch the video, that's K. If you did, part two is just there ------->   Yesterday I spent my free time on Lost Planet trying to crimbo up. Lost Planet is basically a game set on a snowy world full of arthropodal aliens known as THE AKRID... It doesn't have much of a story. The characters are barely human, and they seem to use amnesia as an excuse for no back story, and the back story is currently just about the advance and retreat of the humans when they tried to colonise the frozen world. After destroying the first Akrid Hive you get a call from home telling you to go and take out some Snow Pirates. "Snow Pirates?" Wayne, the protagonist, asks. "Well, it's kind of hard to explain" says the girl, so Yuri steps in and explains how some people were left behind when the humans retreated from the alien menace. "Get it?" asks the girl. "NO!" I yell at the screen, "You have meerly told me that some people couldn't escape the planet. Am I supposed to assume they took on a life of crime? Why do we have to kill them all; can't we avoid them? Can we make peace with them? Holy Moley; aren't WE pirates? What's your problem with this particular gang?!" 
Wayne, however, just nodded and said "Yes, I get it."
<--- Part Three of Christmassy Red vs Blue. Yesterday I also began to write an amazing story. It involves Dragons (typical, I know) which are actually giant insects which live in gigantic fjords and are the only means of transport for the humans. It's gonna be a guhhhhhd story. Got everything anyone needs, other than Romance, but who needs that? It's a science fantasy with more adventure, murder, dragons and awesome than you can throw a stick at... Please don't throw sticks at my laptop.
Well that concludes this post. I should tell you about the German Exchange partner I'm getting in March but, pah, I can't be bothered. Too lazy.

Dark Dragon

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