Sunday 1 January 2012

Seven Swans Aswimming

The Dark Dragon greets you after five days of silence. Today is the Seventh Day of Christmas, and the first day of 2012. 'Twenty Twelve'. Not 'Two Thousand and Twelve', which makes me pause for thought. Why two short numbers rather than the usual long one?
So, we shall remember 2011 as the year with the huge Japanese Tsunami, the year when the British government got into even deeper shiz, the year full of wars and dead leaders thrown into far off seas, a year when most teenagers were busy with their small lives and couldn't pay attention to the shifting tides of humanity as death and political destruction ruled the Earth.
Today is a new day, and a new year, although most of you will read this post AFTER New Year's Day.
So, Mcdogface and I are back to school on the third. I have homework which should be done before then but isn't. I believe the school is being unnaturally cruel giving us such a short holiday when others in the county get an extra week.

Change of subject: Cats.
I hate my cats. They've peed all over my stuff. Hell, I'm going to swear; pissed all over my stuff. Only my stuff. Cushions, magazines, PE bag, bathroom, paper box, some sketches... And why? GOD KNOWS! These cats have been neutered, and they have a litterbox, and as of last week they've been allowed outside. They have the whole of England to go on, and yet they choose my room, my bathroom and my landing. Damn them.

Calm. Think Calm thoughts.
There. Skyrim is good.
So, New Year's Day. Traditionally my family go to Allen Mouth (a beach) to celebrate, but we all voted that Scotland would be better. At 1:11 (on the 1.1.2012) I was on the A708, and today we went to a pub and then to a huge waterfall called the Grey Mare's Tail... Or the White Mare's Tail. It was named after a horse's tail. Very impressive waterfall, nestled between two steep slopes with public footpaths on which would give English Health and Safety a heart attack. Today I wore the fantastic shirt Mcdogface gave me for Christmas (thankfully NOT a victim of a cat's bladder) which not only depicts a dragon on a pile of skulls, but it GLOWS IN THE DARK. Whooooooooo!
I'm easily impressed. It's going on my favourite shirt list, right up there with "You are in the Future, things are very SHINY here,".
Well, I aught to be sleeping or homeworking... But I'm more likely to type up more of my story or read my book. "What's that Dark Dragon, you're not reading Inheritance?" No, I'm not. I'm reading a book by Cressida Cowell which is set on New Year's Day. YES, I am aware they are kids books, but they are BRILLIANT kids books. 'How To Steal a Dragon's Sword' is the only book where you'll get the caption 'Flocks of homing sea urchins nesting in shoes' underneath a picture of boots and sandals being invaded by *s.

Also, I'm again scared of sleep. My worst nightmare paid me a visit this morning, and we had an interesting discussion about alarm clocks. Can I just say how creepy this is:
I set my alarm clock.
It woke me up at 8.
Mr. Murderous Nightmare was there. He turned the alarm off.
I woke up at 9. The alarm had been diactivated.
Of course I did this in my sleep... But it was a bad nightmare anyway. The words "You will NOT forget this, you will NOT forget me, I'll be in your dreams when you are old and crumbling, I'll haunt your mind until the day you die and because you've heard me say this YOU CAN NEVER FORGET!" Always creeps me out in the mornings. Seriously, this is a strange nightmare dude. We also had a chat about fears... And he says there is a pattern to the nightmares. After a while of thinking this through I said he'd said there was a pattern to either scare me because I couldn't work it out, or to make me keep dreaming because I'd want to solve the puzzle. I can't remember the answer. I think I can remember what he said, but unless I know the exact words I wont type it up because there is a chance I'd just fill in the gaps with something that hasn't happened.
So... Another video?

Some parts of a good film with good music. Although it does give away the ending. WATCH FRANKLYN. GET IT ON DVD AND WATCH IT AND THEN WATCH IT AGAIN.

Dark Dragon

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