Monday 9 January 2012


Hello Readers of The Random Post. Greetings.

Today's post is about nightmares. For over seven months of last year and the first 5 days of this year I had terrible nightmares, one continueing from the last in some diabolical story.
And then they stopped.
Three days of silence. Bliss.
Until last night, when I had another nightmare. But it wasn't like the others; not set in a cave with a creepy dude who eats Souls and enjoys killing people, and I think it was creepier for it.
But I still thank my brain for the variety.
So, this is what happened:
I woke up this morning because someone turned the light on next to my bed. I was thinking, hell, it's too early to wake up now! and pretended to be still asleep. And then I felt something heavy pressing against my head, and a guy said "Don't move or I'll blow your brains out."
I opened my eyes and there was someone right next to the bed wearing one of those white theater masks and a hat and a coat. I was like fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu because I still thought it was real life. I quickly decided to bluff my way out of it by saying;
"Oh yeah? I have a gun too!"
He tilted his masked head and peeled back the duvet to see my fingers making a gun-shape under the covers. "No you don't."
"Shit." I said, and my insides turned to liquid, because there was no reason for him not to shoot me, and any second was going to be my last.
"Now don't move a muscle." He said, and looked in my general direction; I had no idea what he was looking at because of the mask's tiny eyeholes, but I think he was being thoughtful.
Because I'm stupid, I decided to push my luck by asking "Can I breathe?"
"Yes, you can breathe" He said with a nod. (note about creepy guy's voice: you can't tell if he's happy or sad, but the voice is not devoid of emotion. You feel like you should know what he's feeling, but you can't). 
So I was completely still, breathing quietly, hoping that he would go away, or that my parents would come in and... Do whatever parents do to intruders; I haven't a clue. But if they hadn't come already then they weren't likely to come at all, and I was at the other end of the house so this silent hat-and-mask guy would go unnoticed. I toyed with the idea of shouting for help, but I was too scared that this guy was going to kill me, or worse, kill whoever came to help.
Then he pulled back the sheets and looked at me again, and then pulled my left arm towards him and looked at it, checking the hand and examining the skin. It took all of my willpower to remain still and let him look at my arm. Why did I put up with it?! Oh yes, the gun.
Then he said "So you are her." and put my arm back. Not at all explanitary. He had literally looked at my arm and decided I was someone he was looking for. He took the gun away from my head at least.
"Sit up." He said. I didn't ask why because he had the gun.
I stared at him for a while and he stared at me. After a while he said "So you're the one causing the trouble."
"What trouble?" I asked. By now I had worked out that something was not right, and this might possibly by a dream. It still looked, felt and sounded a lot like real life, but what were the chances of a situation like that existing? 
As an answer he reached up, put his index finger and middle finger below his collar, and then brought them out so that I could see that the tips of those gloved fingers had been dipped in blood. Upon closer inspection, I realised that his head and neck were heavily bandaged.  He looked me in the eye and said "You caused this. You brought this curse upon millions, our skin is weak from weeping wounds, from the constant bleeding. You've got it too, soon you'll feel what it's like to have blood seeping out of your skin constantly. It's started, and it's all your fault."
I felt a trickle of something running down my neck, but it was probably my imagination. I just stared at him in the way that most teenage girls stare at strange masked people who come in the early hours of the morning to announce your unknown actions of diabolical evil.
"How did I...?"
And then my bedroom door opened and it was... Orange outside. It was like a nature shot of the savanna, only more orange. And there were curious round houses; not round like round huts, round like spheres.
And then he explained something about another world and another civilization, blah blah blah. By this point I realised it was a dream, or it was real life and Shit Just Got Real. I wasn't too sure what to think.
Anyhow we had a chat for a while. I'd caused whole civilizations to randomly bleed through their skin, apparently, and those fit enough to walk had to wrapped up like mummies so they couldn't lose all of their blood.
"So how do we stop this," at this point I randomly decided to scratch my neck, which I discovered to be wet with blood. Without feeling a cut being made I'd ended up with a flow of red liquid down my neck and left arm, the shoulder of my pyjamas was soaked. Blood was everywhere. I'm not normally squeemish, but this caused a long uncertain "Urhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." of 'I'm going to puke now'.
The man sighed, tilted his head and said "WHAT are we going to do with you?"
Then the random orange landscape was shattered with ripples and the dark doorway returned as Sam, our one-eyed ginger cat, ran into the room and jumped on the bed. The masked dude just... dissolved into the air. Creepily. If my brain was a film then there was a lot of money spent on special-effects.
Quite shaken, I petted Sam for a while, and then shooed him out of the room (which took some time; this cat doesn't like to budge) closed the door and went back to sleep, which took a long time.
When I woke up properly, the blood was gone. But still... That was a freakily realistic dream, except for the doorway-scrying glass and people who bleed alot.
Creepy eh? Welcome to my world...

Dark Dragon

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