Friday 6 January 2012

Twelve Lords A-Leaping + Eyes?

If I had my way, we'd have the twelve days of Christmas off school. That'd mean that Mcdogface and I would have had this week off.
So, before the festive season is over:

On the Twelf Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me,
Twelve Lords A-Leaping,
Eleven Ladies Dancing,
Ten Drummers Drumming,
Nine Pipers Piping,
Eight Maids A-Milking,
Seven Swans A-Swimming,
Six Geese A-Laying, (Bow chicka bow wow!)
Fiiiivvvvvveeee Goooh-ooohhh-oolllllddddd Rrrrriiiinnnnggggsssss!
Four Calling Birds, Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves,

Ahem. So, anyhow. Why have I got the word 'Eyes' in the title?
Well, we all know what an eye is. We perceive the world through them. Ever wandered why human eyes look different from that of nearly every other animal? Why our eyes have smaller irises that our brown-eyed primate relatives or other animals? Nearly ever animal, from golden-eyed owls to dark-eyed mice don't show the whites of their eyes much.
So why us?
Communication. The most effective body language that is universally understood is that of the eyes.
Someone looks over your shoulder, their pupil shrinks and their eyes widen. You know that something's up; that there is an alien or something RIGHT BEHIND YOU. If someone scans the edges of a room, they may be looking for something.
If someone's pupils dilate, they are either in dimmer light, or they are getting signals from their adrenal gland. Fight or Flight. Or fall in love. Depends really, doesn't it?
So what does Eye Contact mean? When somebody looks from their pupils into somebody else's pupils?
Who knows. The problem that I'm having ("Here we go..." says the reader, annoyed. I'm sorry, but in Dark Dragon's world it's all ME ME ME) is that I keep making eye contact with Llamas. (Llamas is a codename. I'm not staring at long necked sheep in the petting zoo. Read teh previous posts! Gawd...). The general rule is when I come out of school I walk down the path, cross the road, and check over my shoulder to the School Side Of The Road and... Well... If you don't have a crush then you don't know why people with crushes go around staring at Hot People. People with crushes don't know why either, it just happens.
The past week, every time I look back he's looking at me. Or in my general direction. I don't check; my brain always shuts down... Afterall, there are plenty of things to look at; it's a long pavement. The world doesn't revolve around me, there are a gazillion reasons for him to look across the road. But if he notices me looking at him he might think I'm spying on him or something.
Darn Life.
Dark Dragon

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