Tuesday 20 September 2011

Variety? Hmmph. My music taste is VERY varied. But hey, here's a post about some Hindu Temples!

Hallo people of the free world, and those people in the government camps in forgotten countries who can remember this site!
Here's a little video to prove that I can put videos on this Blog which aren't just Blind Guardian related (4 days ago I put the Hyabusa song up, I think it counts but hey, you need a daily video to make your brain pay attention to our wisdom words;)
There, a nice Roosterteeth video.
Right; Hindu temples.
To keep the theme of variety I'm not going to talk about myself going on an RE trip to visit these temples because lately I've been talking too much about myself.  So, without describing the two Hindu temples I saw in Newcastle on Monday, I shall tell you the stuff I remembered.
First; bells. There is a bell. You ring it loudly and it clears your mind; lets you concentrate on God. Second; misconception about Gods. Hindu's believe that yes, there is one God, but it all depends on how you want to reach him. They have several deities that they use, and they accept that God, Allah and other names are other ways of reaching him. I think this is a damn good belief and makes sense (I don't believe in ANY God, but this idea would be a logical one if there was a God.) 
Third thing; story I can remember. Should have remembered more stories and names but my brain is full of Shakespeare for some reason!
 So there was this lass, I think she was a Goddess (if you are a Hindu reading this, or know the story, I'm sorry for my ignorance. Please comment and say what I'm getting wrong or any cool things that you think I'd like to know) who was having a bath and she told the guards to stand outside the door and not let anyone in. Then someone-who-I-really-should-have-remembered-the-name-of-who's-like-one-of-the-main-three-deities-like-the-destroyer-dude-out-of-the-creator-the-operator-and-the-destroyer  came along and was like "Guard dude, step aside." The lass taking the bath was like "Oh jeez, those guards are HOPELESS! Get outta here now!" Then she took some mud/clay stuff and made a boy from it. And then made the boy stand outside the door.
He was a better guard and didn't let the main god dude in (Oshima? Oshiva? Shiva? Something...) so the dude got a bit angry and used a trident to take the little dude's head off. Then the lass was like "omg! he was like my son!" so the big dude was like "fine, I'll go outside and find the nearest kid not looking at its mom". So he went outside and found a herd of elephants. There was a calf with its back to its mummy so he took its head off and patched it onto the little kid's head. I think his name was Genesh or something. G'nesh. Spellcheck aint working; help me out by commenting if you actually know this story or any Hindu gods.
So this little kid dude had an elephant's head, and his Mum was worried about him being bullied, so people worship him first and invite him to ceramonies to make up for it.
Erm... I've probably got the WHOLE story wrong.
Anyhow, prayers are awesome in Hindu, 'cuz they kind of sing them and it should be number 1 on the music charts. Really happy sound.
Also; in the picture Hindu god's are very chilled. Christian saints need to take a leaf out of their book.

Dark Dragon

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