Friday 23 September 2011

Miss Piggy and Yoda

It may surprise you to know that after working for the Muppets, Miss Piggy tried to further her acting career by working for George Lucas. She had always been interested in sci-fi, and after a haircut and an accident with some green dye, Yoda was born. Also, they are voice-acted by the same guy.
Don't know who Miss Piggy is? I feel so sorry for you.
Don't know who Yoda is? GET A LIFE!

Now, a quick Weebl made video.
Don't know about Weebl? You're forgiven.
Now I'd like to thank whoever leveled the vote at the top. I now have the same amount of votes as Mcdogface... Very cool!

Also; nearly everyone has had a bad week this week. Families splitting up, people with memory problems forgetting their family, hospital, boyfriend problems. I've got off nearly scot free, but I am wandering if it was Evil Week everywhere. So; comment and say 'good week' or 'bad week'  and then a place like 'north england' or 'middle of russia'  afterwards. I'd like to know if there was a recordable sense of depression around the world.

Now, and I'm going to kick myself for typing this up, but today I think I finally understood what love is, and I am SO SORRY to everyone on this planet who I have insulted by laughing when they hyperventilate or go nuts over a boy, not because I've done it myself, but because everytime I see this guy my brain flatlines. 
Today Mcdogface and I were in the yard, talking, and Mcdogface noticed some people looking at us. "Oh god," I thought, "More people calling us weirdos" so I discreetly checked, and then i saw that there was a reason for notifying these people; they WERE looking at us... But smiling in a way which wasn't the normal "lets make fun of people" smile. Then recognised the back of someone's head and I was like "Ye gods, its........................" and my mind went blank. I had to get back to reality ASAP to make normal conversation. It was like being dunked fast in a deep pool of freezing water, and having to resurface and somehow talk english. I managed, just. But the rest of the day I was completely "Hmmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmm!" That is to say, bonkers and really really happy for no reason.  
So, basically, the guy who I have the mother of all crushes on was in a group of people watching me. Very creepy. I have a stupid bit of my brain which is thinking; "Maybe HE fancies ME and he and his friends were seeing what kind of person I was." I tell this part of my brain to shut the hell up,  because it is so... Unlikely. But I can't think of any other reason... I'm so stupid. There must be something logical.
I'm going all brain dead over a BOY. He's still human. There's nothing physically separating him from the rest of mankind. Why do I think of him in this special light and feel so... Bleugh!
Must... Think.... Strait...

The wyrm with too much to think about;
Dark Dragon

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