Saturday 3 September 2011

Angel Eats Sandwich

Hallo there! The Dark Dragon is back! 
Well, I've been back for 2 days now, but hey; I needed chill-time...
Not that it isn't chilling writing Bloggs...
Not 'chilling' as in scary of course...
I'll stop digging this hole.
Anyhow, I went on an airplane for the first time in my life last... Thursday? Friday? And it was awesome... But delayed an hour by the weather. I saw the tops of clouds, which was a strange sight for a ground dweller like me. The Lufthansa plane was titchy, and Mother said you felt the turbulence less in a larger plane. Ah well, it was very fun.
Siobhan (my aunty. Strangely pronounced 'Chiv-on'. Other people with the same name spell it 'Chivon', and a reporter with the name spelt Siobhan pronounces it 'Si-oh-bahn'. But it was her parents' choice.) and Thomas (soon to be my great uncle. Simon's dad.) picked us up from the Dusseldorf airport.  Met Simon later that day. When he and Siobhan get married he will be my uncle, and he's one cool dude. He gave me a Blind Guardian CD, hence the awesome song posted with this Blogg Entry.
Well here's breafly what happened;
Went to a limestone cave. 'Twas epic. That was the place where Siobhan and Simon proposed. Tourists go around there in guided tours, and Mother and I got an information sheet in English.
Next day we went to Schloss Burg. Castle owned by lord Castle. They do reenacted swordfights better than English Heritage; A guy got one of those spiked spheres on the end of a chain lodged between his legs and groaned a lot, very funny.
Next day we went to Köln, which was AMAZING. Very big cathedral. There were a lot of street performers, the majority of which were disguised as angels. One of them wandered off and we saw eating sandwiches with a group of kids.We bought souvenirs for friends (Mcdogface has a T-shirt awaiting him) and then looked around. Tried some German food, and now I'm addicted to Schnitzel. 
Next day, Dusseldorf. Went up to the top of a big tower. Saw the city from there. Had another Schnitzel, then we went on a boat tour.
Then we went to Köln again, saw the bridge covered in padlocks; people engrave their names into them and lock their love to the bridge and throw away the key to seal the deal, and commit themselves to eternal love; usually asking a passerby to take a photo. We got asked twice.
Can't remember where the rest of the time went. Anyhow, German food is awesome, German keyboards are confusing, and its a very awesome country. Beer is cheaper than cola.
I was going to make a looonnnnnnngggggg post about EVERYTHING I did in Germany, and then reviews to all the films I saw (Megamind, Inception and Little Red Riding Hood) but life's too short. I'll swing back to the subject when I run out of things to talk about.

From the much travelled wyrm,
Dark Dragon

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