Sunday 18 September 2011

Brain Damage

Before I begin the post; here's some lovely music to listen to. It's irrelevant to the post, but hey; its Blind Guardian!

I'm so sorry readers, I'm going to try and make this post without it being a teenage rant. In fact, from the conversation between me and Mum last night, I'm going to put HER argument first. It's a good argument. Which I don't agree to, mostly.
The brain is a strange thing. There's the bit we control; the bit that is what we make it, (whether you visualize anything for that part of the mind I don't know; I just have my own voice in a dark tank, sometimes images. Some people, when they close their eyes, can make a world in their noggin.) and then there is the collection of things we forget, impressions that we never understood first time around. Notice how I'm not giving the parts of the mind the proper names? That's 'cuz somethings happened to my spellcheck for the internet, and it takes forever to correct a misspelling of words pronounced 'con-shus' and 'sub-con-shus'. So we know what I'm talking about, yeah?
So, when we watch a scary film, our concious (can't spell and spellcheck aint working) part of our brain wants us to look away to save the subconcius getting hold of that info. Sensitising or something, pronounced 'sense-si-tise-ing' , so you know what I'm talking about until they get a better spellcheck. 
Problem is, Mum is worried because I watch films without ever looking away. This is not true, I still look away at that bit of District 9 where Wiccus peels his fingernails off. But yeah, so what if I watch REPO and Suckerpunch all the way through? She says that watching Suckerpunch will give me a bad influence because it carries subliminal messages: 1. Violence to girls is okay. IT ISN'T AND I KNOW IT ISN'T. 2. Girls have to wear demeaning clothes. THEY DON'T. I know they don't. The choise to have them wearing miniskirts throughout was that of the director, and yes, if you are nitpicking, that is kind of sexist. If they were having a fantasy of freedom they'd be wearing trousers. 3. People can stand around when violence is happening. No, its a lie. If violence is happening, you join in and defend the victim.
Anyway, the demeaning messages of the film are in my subconcious forever. So that means I agree with them or something. Which I don't. I like the film because it has a fight between a dragon and an aeroplane. I like the film because the girls go ninja against a trenchload of cyborg Nazis. But the back of my brain is now full of bad ideas. She says this is why I have nightmares.
When have I ever stood by and watched people getting beaten up? Eaten by wolves, yes, but beaten up? For the past 3 months I've being doing the majority of the violence; such as putting my knife into someone's face and popping out the eyeball. My brain isn't thinking "this is okay, oppressing women is okay, violence is okay". I'm not a damn psychopath! But now Mum is worried that I've been seeing too many damaging films. I'm fourteen! I can choose for myself. I don't look away from scary parts for the same reason that I don't run and breathe through my mouth at the same time; I show my weakness and i become weak. Other people don't have issues with weakness and can therefore look away safely, I'm just awkward in the way I do things.
But when I was loosing my memory to the point that I literally had no idea what day it was I used to cry. Crying is a big taboo in my book; and hey, when I stopped panicking I managed to stop crying. I still get memory loss; whole weeks don't exist anymore, but I make no big deal about it. I just let it flow.
Well anyway, back to the important message:

Films are dangerous things which effect the brain, and brain damage is bad mmmkay?

Dark Dragon

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