Wednesday 28 September 2011

Make a Change in This World

Hello readers, I'm giving you the chance to make a difference, but first I'm going to post a video that Mcdogface requested; the full Laser Collection, including TLC 4; which Dom Fera made out of anger at people saying he needed to make a fourth one and is therefore pretty bad. But the whole shdang in one vid;
Right, now for YOU to make a difference.
The difference isn't that great, but this IS the internet, and any decisions you make WILL be taken into account. The power of comments is very cool; just check my speedy response to the comment on the 'Might Give Up' post. I even made another post saying 'Won't Give Up'. Look in da archive.
Anyhow, feel free to comment as an anonymous person; chances are you'll be the only one to comment. 
So, dear readers, you are the only people who can truthfully answer the following question:
What shall we post on this blog?

-More stories and tales of woe, from shitstorms happening to people I know, to myself going bird-brained over someone I see in the school corridors sometimes. Real-life stories which are depressing yet full of philosophy.

-Reviews of amazing films, books and games.

-Music videos.

-Random videos (The Laser Collection being a prime example.)

-Chapters from the rubbish books I'm writing at home. Sci-fis and fantasys, only 2 of which are actually legible.

-Informational posts, did you know some people can't tell a deinonychus and a velociraptor apart? And some poor sods still believe in poison snakes?

-Information about the paranormal, and the cryptozoological. Interesting things to make your head spin and look up at the stars searching for answers.

-If I'm bothered I might even write about the strange ongoing nightmares I've been having... But A LOT of people will need to ask for that, because what's in my brain usually stays in my brain... Unless I tell friends and ask for help on the "How the hell do I kill a demonic emo?" situation. 

-Random pictures.

So, please comment, saying what you'd like to see more of, you can come up with your own ideas. I like to think that I'm saying things which people actually want to read about.
And don't worry about commenting more than once, and if your are the ONLY reader of the blog, then comment about 5 times and pretend to be a group of people, just to make me feel a bit more chill.
I'm just weird that way.

Dark Dragon

Monday 26 September 2011

Daily Horoscope: September 26, 2011

If tonight doesn't find you in the arms of someone delicious, it won't be for lack of trying on your part. This is the perfect astrological recipe for candlelight, romance and holding hands. Don't worry about the time.
  • Compatibility: Leo
  • Mood: Sweet
  • Lucky Color: Red
  • Lucky Number: 36
  • Lucky Time of Day: 11pm
That's my horror-scope for today. Bleugh! Couldn't think of anything to say so;
Dark Dragon

Friday 23 September 2011

Miss Piggy and Yoda

It may surprise you to know that after working for the Muppets, Miss Piggy tried to further her acting career by working for George Lucas. She had always been interested in sci-fi, and after a haircut and an accident with some green dye, Yoda was born. Also, they are voice-acted by the same guy.
Don't know who Miss Piggy is? I feel so sorry for you.
Don't know who Yoda is? GET A LIFE!

Now, a quick Weebl made video.
Don't know about Weebl? You're forgiven.
Now I'd like to thank whoever leveled the vote at the top. I now have the same amount of votes as Mcdogface... Very cool!

Also; nearly everyone has had a bad week this week. Families splitting up, people with memory problems forgetting their family, hospital, boyfriend problems. I've got off nearly scot free, but I am wandering if it was Evil Week everywhere. So; comment and say 'good week' or 'bad week'  and then a place like 'north england' or 'middle of russia'  afterwards. I'd like to know if there was a recordable sense of depression around the world.

Now, and I'm going to kick myself for typing this up, but today I think I finally understood what love is, and I am SO SORRY to everyone on this planet who I have insulted by laughing when they hyperventilate or go nuts over a boy, not because I've done it myself, but because everytime I see this guy my brain flatlines. 
Today Mcdogface and I were in the yard, talking, and Mcdogface noticed some people looking at us. "Oh god," I thought, "More people calling us weirdos" so I discreetly checked, and then i saw that there was a reason for notifying these people; they WERE looking at us... But smiling in a way which wasn't the normal "lets make fun of people" smile. Then recognised the back of someone's head and I was like "Ye gods, its........................" and my mind went blank. I had to get back to reality ASAP to make normal conversation. It was like being dunked fast in a deep pool of freezing water, and having to resurface and somehow talk english. I managed, just. But the rest of the day I was completely "Hmmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmm!" That is to say, bonkers and really really happy for no reason.  
So, basically, the guy who I have the mother of all crushes on was in a group of people watching me. Very creepy. I have a stupid bit of my brain which is thinking; "Maybe HE fancies ME and he and his friends were seeing what kind of person I was." I tell this part of my brain to shut the hell up,  because it is so... Unlikely. But I can't think of any other reason... I'm so stupid. There must be something logical.
I'm going all brain dead over a BOY. He's still human. There's nothing physically separating him from the rest of mankind. Why do I think of him in this special light and feel so... Bleugh!
Must... Think.... Strait...

The wyrm with too much to think about;
Dark Dragon

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Variety? Hmmph. My music taste is VERY varied. But hey, here's a post about some Hindu Temples!

Hallo people of the free world, and those people in the government camps in forgotten countries who can remember this site!
Here's a little video to prove that I can put videos on this Blog which aren't just Blind Guardian related (4 days ago I put the Hyabusa song up, I think it counts but hey, you need a daily video to make your brain pay attention to our wisdom words;)
There, a nice Roosterteeth video.
Right; Hindu temples.
To keep the theme of variety I'm not going to talk about myself going on an RE trip to visit these temples because lately I've been talking too much about myself.  So, without describing the two Hindu temples I saw in Newcastle on Monday, I shall tell you the stuff I remembered.
First; bells. There is a bell. You ring it loudly and it clears your mind; lets you concentrate on God. Second; misconception about Gods. Hindu's believe that yes, there is one God, but it all depends on how you want to reach him. They have several deities that they use, and they accept that God, Allah and other names are other ways of reaching him. I think this is a damn good belief and makes sense (I don't believe in ANY God, but this idea would be a logical one if there was a God.) 
Third thing; story I can remember. Should have remembered more stories and names but my brain is full of Shakespeare for some reason!
 So there was this lass, I think she was a Goddess (if you are a Hindu reading this, or know the story, I'm sorry for my ignorance. Please comment and say what I'm getting wrong or any cool things that you think I'd like to know) who was having a bath and she told the guards to stand outside the door and not let anyone in. Then someone-who-I-really-should-have-remembered-the-name-of-who's-like-one-of-the-main-three-deities-like-the-destroyer-dude-out-of-the-creator-the-operator-and-the-destroyer  came along and was like "Guard dude, step aside." The lass taking the bath was like "Oh jeez, those guards are HOPELESS! Get outta here now!" Then she took some mud/clay stuff and made a boy from it. And then made the boy stand outside the door.
He was a better guard and didn't let the main god dude in (Oshima? Oshiva? Shiva? Something...) so the dude got a bit angry and used a trident to take the little dude's head off. Then the lass was like "omg! he was like my son!" so the big dude was like "fine, I'll go outside and find the nearest kid not looking at its mom". So he went outside and found a herd of elephants. There was a calf with its back to its mummy so he took its head off and patched it onto the little kid's head. I think his name was Genesh or something. G'nesh. Spellcheck aint working; help me out by commenting if you actually know this story or any Hindu gods.
So this little kid dude had an elephant's head, and his Mum was worried about him being bullied, so people worship him first and invite him to ceramonies to make up for it.
Erm... I've probably got the WHOLE story wrong.
Anyhow, prayers are awesome in Hindu, 'cuz they kind of sing them and it should be number 1 on the music charts. Really happy sound.
Also; in the picture Hindu god's are very chilled. Christian saints need to take a leaf out of their book.

Dark Dragon

Sunday 18 September 2011

Just Poppin' in to say Hi:)

Hi Guys,
I am still out of ideas but I just thought I'd put a video in... now what to have...well there seems to be quite alot of Blind Guardian, so I feel compelled to include some variety... I know, How about this:

See Ya Some other time, when I can think of stuff,
P.S. If you have any ideas on subjects post below:)

Brain Damage

Before I begin the post; here's some lovely music to listen to. It's irrelevant to the post, but hey; its Blind Guardian!

I'm so sorry readers, I'm going to try and make this post without it being a teenage rant. In fact, from the conversation between me and Mum last night, I'm going to put HER argument first. It's a good argument. Which I don't agree to, mostly.
The brain is a strange thing. There's the bit we control; the bit that is what we make it, (whether you visualize anything for that part of the mind I don't know; I just have my own voice in a dark tank, sometimes images. Some people, when they close their eyes, can make a world in their noggin.) and then there is the collection of things we forget, impressions that we never understood first time around. Notice how I'm not giving the parts of the mind the proper names? That's 'cuz somethings happened to my spellcheck for the internet, and it takes forever to correct a misspelling of words pronounced 'con-shus' and 'sub-con-shus'. So we know what I'm talking about, yeah?
So, when we watch a scary film, our concious (can't spell and spellcheck aint working) part of our brain wants us to look away to save the subconcius getting hold of that info. Sensitising or something, pronounced 'sense-si-tise-ing' , so you know what I'm talking about until they get a better spellcheck. 
Problem is, Mum is worried because I watch films without ever looking away. This is not true, I still look away at that bit of District 9 where Wiccus peels his fingernails off. But yeah, so what if I watch REPO and Suckerpunch all the way through? She says that watching Suckerpunch will give me a bad influence because it carries subliminal messages: 1. Violence to girls is okay. IT ISN'T AND I KNOW IT ISN'T. 2. Girls have to wear demeaning clothes. THEY DON'T. I know they don't. The choise to have them wearing miniskirts throughout was that of the director, and yes, if you are nitpicking, that is kind of sexist. If they were having a fantasy of freedom they'd be wearing trousers. 3. People can stand around when violence is happening. No, its a lie. If violence is happening, you join in and defend the victim.
Anyway, the demeaning messages of the film are in my subconcious forever. So that means I agree with them or something. Which I don't. I like the film because it has a fight between a dragon and an aeroplane. I like the film because the girls go ninja against a trenchload of cyborg Nazis. But the back of my brain is now full of bad ideas. She says this is why I have nightmares.
When have I ever stood by and watched people getting beaten up? Eaten by wolves, yes, but beaten up? For the past 3 months I've being doing the majority of the violence; such as putting my knife into someone's face and popping out the eyeball. My brain isn't thinking "this is okay, oppressing women is okay, violence is okay". I'm not a damn psychopath! But now Mum is worried that I've been seeing too many damaging films. I'm fourteen! I can choose for myself. I don't look away from scary parts for the same reason that I don't run and breathe through my mouth at the same time; I show my weakness and i become weak. Other people don't have issues with weakness and can therefore look away safely, I'm just awkward in the way I do things.
But when I was loosing my memory to the point that I literally had no idea what day it was I used to cry. Crying is a big taboo in my book; and hey, when I stopped panicking I managed to stop crying. I still get memory loss; whole weeks don't exist anymore, but I make no big deal about it. I just let it flow.
Well anyway, back to the important message:

Films are dangerous things which effect the brain, and brain damage is bad mmmkay?

Dark Dragon

Saturday 17 September 2011

The Perfect Start to The Day

 I woke up this morning. Another night without a nightmare. My sanity was safe again. Waited around a while. Air was freezing; I was making clouds. Finally I got enough energy to open the curtains. Then I went back to bed and read some more of Skulduggery Pleasant; Death Bringer. I'd left it last night at a cliff hanger, or a cave hanger. In fact, there was no hanging. Just Valkyrie scraping her skin of as she tried to escape a small space. Anyhow, I read a bit, read a bit more, read some more, and finished it.
I think these were the words I said upon finishing the book;
"Oh, my God,
"Not Woooo.  
Scary ending.
Bad book!
Good book.
Brilliant book!
Now I'm talking to a book. 
After that, I went downstairs, changed Noodles' water, turned on the Xbox, changed to my amazing profile (a better looking version of myself; only with a Portal Turret T-Shirt and camo jeans. I really want camo jeans. Black jeans are cool though, but camo ones would be AWESOME) then Halo Reached along to Blind Guardian music. Epicocity. I was playing a variation of Firefight made by Mcdogface; basically there were grunts everywhere (for those none-Halo players, that means midget aliens with a triangular methane tank on their back) and the gravity was lower (wheeeee!) and the amo never ran out.

Then, after Mum popped in and commented on the goodness of the music, and we watched Noodles listen to it (snakes are better at hearing lower pitches, and Noodles comes out whenever he hears a good beat.) we got into the car and dropped Henry off at Chloe's (they'll be snogging at this point in time) and then dropped Mum off in Newcastle, (she's doing a writers thing; she'll be talking to Kitty Fitzgerald, author of Pigtopia!)  and then me and Dad wandered around for a bit, had a quick visit to Forbidden Planet (most awesome shop ever. Also briefly mentioned in Death Bringer.) then came home. Beans on toast for lunch.
I wrote this blog entry. So; that was my day so far. It is now 13:52.
Nothing more to report, other than someone who found a stupid post on this blogg where I spilled all my beans and was going to use the post to blackmail has had a sudden change of heart and now we are friends. All my enemies are steadily becoming nicer; its a good life for me... Unless those jerking fucktards... (angry muttering about people in PE)
So, basically, had a really nice day, and I'm such a nice person that others are not hating me. 
If you are not having a nice day, watch this vid;

Dark Dragon

Friday 16 September 2011

Won't Give up

Sounds like a cheesy lyric, yeah? Gave up on my last idea. Giving up is for people who can be bothered to change. I simply cannot be bothered. Thanks Anonymous Person, you gave the reasons, so I got back to typing.
So... What to do... What to do...
A random fact; pterosaurs, icthyosaurs and anything before the Mesozoic Era, (that includes the Permian) is not a dinosaur. 
Now, some nicey nicey Blind Guardian music.
Well, now I know that people actually read the Blogg. Got to shape up. Stop making spelling mistakes. Stop whittering about gibberish.
... Unless that was someone I know in disguise...
Dark Dragon

Might Give up.

Give me 5 reasons why I shouldn't quit posting on this Blogg.
I just tell my secrets and risk them being discovered.
I'm stupid.
I never say anything good.
So; comment with 5 good reasons.

Dark Dragon

Monday 12 September 2011

Another video

Sigh, can't be bothered with a post. Tiring day, even more tiring night; stayed up 'till 3 in the morning, too scared of my own deluded imaginings. 
So, film:
District 9 is an awesome film which I highly recommend. The best sci-fi film on the planet; a spaceship floats above Johannesburg, and the humans break into it to find the first aliens. They are very ill, and unnable to escape earth, so the humans make a camp for them untill the ship is fixed.
20 years later the camp is a slum; district 9. Some locals decide that enough is enough, and the government need to move the aliens to district 10. All was well until a dude called Wiccus mucked about with a mysterious tube...
Anyhow; go and buy District 9 and watch it. Probably should mention that the 'How it Should Have Ended' vid above spoils half the film...

Dark Dragon

Saturday 10 September 2011

No one noticed...

Heh heh, Mcdogface didn't notice everything I wrote down. Even the name of the guy I fancy was in the previous post. No one reads this, no one cares...  
Anyhow, for those people who DO read this;
Well Mcdogface seems to have gone now...
Dark Dragon

Friday 9 September 2011

Peace Out

Sorry, guys and girls and others... I can't think of anything else to write so I'm going to take a break from blogging until further notice, I'll be back when I've had some inspiration (god, that sounds cheesy), so it's just gonna be Dark Dragon for a while

On Computing Vacation,

Saturday 3 September 2011

Angel Eats Sandwich

Hallo there! The Dark Dragon is back! 
Well, I've been back for 2 days now, but hey; I needed chill-time...
Not that it isn't chilling writing Bloggs...
Not 'chilling' as in scary of course...
I'll stop digging this hole.
Anyhow, I went on an airplane for the first time in my life last... Thursday? Friday? And it was awesome... But delayed an hour by the weather. I saw the tops of clouds, which was a strange sight for a ground dweller like me. The Lufthansa plane was titchy, and Mother said you felt the turbulence less in a larger plane. Ah well, it was very fun.
Siobhan (my aunty. Strangely pronounced 'Chiv-on'. Other people with the same name spell it 'Chivon', and a reporter with the name spelt Siobhan pronounces it 'Si-oh-bahn'. But it was her parents' choice.) and Thomas (soon to be my great uncle. Simon's dad.) picked us up from the Dusseldorf airport.  Met Simon later that day. When he and Siobhan get married he will be my uncle, and he's one cool dude. He gave me a Blind Guardian CD, hence the awesome song posted with this Blogg Entry.
Well here's breafly what happened;
Went to a limestone cave. 'Twas epic. That was the place where Siobhan and Simon proposed. Tourists go around there in guided tours, and Mother and I got an information sheet in English.
Next day we went to Schloss Burg. Castle owned by lord Castle. They do reenacted swordfights better than English Heritage; A guy got one of those spiked spheres on the end of a chain lodged between his legs and groaned a lot, very funny.
Next day we went to Köln, which was AMAZING. Very big cathedral. There were a lot of street performers, the majority of which were disguised as angels. One of them wandered off and we saw eating sandwiches with a group of kids.We bought souvenirs for friends (Mcdogface has a T-shirt awaiting him) and then looked around. Tried some German food, and now I'm addicted to Schnitzel. 
Next day, Dusseldorf. Went up to the top of a big tower. Saw the city from there. Had another Schnitzel, then we went on a boat tour.
Then we went to Köln again, saw the bridge covered in padlocks; people engrave their names into them and lock their love to the bridge and throw away the key to seal the deal, and commit themselves to eternal love; usually asking a passerby to take a photo. We got asked twice.
Can't remember where the rest of the time went. Anyhow, German food is awesome, German keyboards are confusing, and its a very awesome country. Beer is cheaper than cola.
I was going to make a looonnnnnnngggggg post about EVERYTHING I did in Germany, and then reviews to all the films I saw (Megamind, Inception and Little Red Riding Hood) but life's too short. I'll swing back to the subject when I run out of things to talk about.

From the much travelled wyrm,
Dark Dragon