Tuesday 27 December 2011

Two Turtle Doves

Greetings readers! 'Tis the second day of Christmas today. For those of you wandering the song called The Twelve Days of Christmas is about the twelve days starting from Saint Steven's Day, otherwise known as Boxing Day. Dunno who Saint Steven actually is, so I fished around for this Wikipedia page: [Link- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Stephen -]. Mcdogface and I don't even get the full Twelve Days of Christmas off, and we'll return to school on the Ninth day of Christmas; to those of you familiar with the song that means Nine Pipers Piping - except for a version of the song which switches Pipers Piping for Ladies Dancing and vise versa. 
Boxing Day is the day when strict religious Christians open their presents, not wanting to worship idles on the Lord's birthday.
So, a quick quote from Skulduggery Pleasant: Mortal Coil:
He looked at her. "You're not getting your present."
Valkyrie frowned. "What? Why not?"
"Because it was a Christmas present, it's not Christmas any more." 
"Of course it is. There are a whole twelve days of Christmas!"
"They don't count."
"Yes they do."
"The twelve days are merely to let people know when it's time to take down their tasteless decorations. It's Saint Stephen's Day today, I didn't get you a Saint Stephen's Day present."

Right. So, that's some facts and some Skulduggo-related entertainment. Now, I am of course dieing to yell out a list of lovely things which I got... But let's face it, who'd want to read it? Just know that if anyone tries to kill me I have NERF SWORDS, and you can tell who I am because I'm the one in the room wearing AWESOME T-SHIRTS and reading EPIC BOOKS whilst thinking about D2 THE FULL DRAGON KNIGHT SAGA and SKYRIM. I'm still not giving you my full list of goodies though, but rest assured, this Dark Dragon had a very satisfying Birthday/Christmas. ^_^ 
I have a resin model of this Dragon and Pentagram.
Blind Guardian song I have on CD.
Screenshot from Divinity 2 Ego Draconis, a game which I now possess the sequel to.

 So normal posting service will be resumed soon. Merry Third Day of Christmas!
...And nobody mention llamas.

Dark Dragon

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Five Days to Go...

Well here it is Merry Christmas. Sigh. I can't feel festive. Even looking at the picture of cold dinosaurs beneath northern lights doesn't make me feel Christmassy. I'm not even exited for my Birthday; I'm going to be fifteen soon and ready to destroy the world but... Meh.
Luckily, the snow has melted outside; HURRUMBLE! But it means the house doesn't have a layer of ice-crystal insulation. 
Now its the holidays I should be doing my homework which all my lovely teachers gave me; two online pieces, three worksheets, and I ought to practice my german... But I'm just going to chill. I feel I'm owed a few chill days, just like Sarge in this festive Red Verses Blue Christmas Special Trilogy:
If you didn't watch the video, that's K. If you did, part two is just there ------->   Yesterday I spent my free time on Lost Planet trying to crimbo up. Lost Planet is basically a game set on a snowy world full of arthropodal aliens known as THE AKRID... It doesn't have much of a story. The characters are barely human, and they seem to use amnesia as an excuse for no back story, and the back story is currently just about the advance and retreat of the humans when they tried to colonise the frozen world. After destroying the first Akrid Hive you get a call from home telling you to go and take out some Snow Pirates. "Snow Pirates?" Wayne, the protagonist, asks. "Well, it's kind of hard to explain" says the girl, so Yuri steps in and explains how some people were left behind when the humans retreated from the alien menace. "Get it?" asks the girl. "NO!" I yell at the screen, "You have meerly told me that some people couldn't escape the planet. Am I supposed to assume they took on a life of crime? Why do we have to kill them all; can't we avoid them? Can we make peace with them? Holy Moley; aren't WE pirates? What's your problem with this particular gang?!" 
Wayne, however, just nodded and said "Yes, I get it."
<--- Part Three of Christmassy Red vs Blue. Yesterday I also began to write an amazing story. It involves Dragons (typical, I know) which are actually giant insects which live in gigantic fjords and are the only means of transport for the humans. It's gonna be a guhhhhhd story. Got everything anyone needs, other than Romance, but who needs that? It's a science fantasy with more adventure, murder, dragons and awesome than you can throw a stick at... Please don't throw sticks at my laptop.
Well that concludes this post. I should tell you about the German Exchange partner I'm getting in March but, pah, I can't be bothered. Too lazy.

Dark Dragon

Sunday 18 December 2011

Good and Bad...

Bad news, I have not been posting because I no longer have a computer. This has made it more difficult to blog regularly.

Good news, I just found out that blogger have released a handy little iPhone app, allowing me to post on my phone. There are however some limits to this app, such as, I can no longer post videos, so I will leave the video of the when we remember solely to Dark Dragon.


A week to go...

Two Thousand Five Hundred and Three Visitors and Two Followers!
And Seven Days Until CHRISTMAS!!!

Saturday 17 December 2011

All I want for Hogswatch...

It's snowy outside. I hate snow. Cold and wet. BAH.
Anyhow, this is a clip from The Hogfather, a film based on a most excellent book by Terry Pratchett. The Hogfather is a jolly fat man who rides through the sky on a sleigh pulled by flying boars and delivers presents to all the kiddies on the Disc on the night before Hogswatch.
In the book the Hogfather has gone, so Death has to fill his place. His granddaughter then has to go and save the world before everyone runs out of belief and the Sun fails to rise.
So, here is Susan explaining to her Granddad, Death, about the meaning of Hogswatch:
Right, has anyone heard that annoying song "All I want for Christmas is you-oo-oo-oo" ?
Well yesterday was the last day of school.
We got to leave early, but the buses wouldn't arrive early as well, so Mcdogface, my brother and myself waited in the foyer for a minute.
Before the Xmas holidays. Everyone was saying goodbye to eachother.
The guy I fancy was hugging people and saying "Merry Christmas." Hugging people and smiling, and my brain gave up on me. I followed my friend and my brother like a dead vegetable, probably with a derp face.
Dear god, I'm turning into a moron. the guy I fancy is just another human being afterall, nothing is different between him and the next guy in line. All identical. Was defines him as 'hot'? God knows. My brain is suffering from severe malfunctions.
But when I got home, after watching all four hours of The Hogfather whilst giving my favourite snake in all the world a cuddle, I went on Facebook.
I was exchanging small talk to several people, and then a photo was posted on the News Feed (for those of you with a life: if someone says something on facebook it pops up on the home page as part of an endless list). It was him. Smiling. With a thumbs up.
What the hell is wrong with me? A PICTURE gives me fatal fuzzies! I feel so STUPID.

...and my nightmares are bad this time of year.

So, more Hogfather, yes? This is why we should believe:

Dark Dragon

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Missing, Presumed Undead

Above is a clip from The Muppet's Christmas Carol, one of the closest films to the book by Charles Dickins, despite the fact its a musical with puppets.
The weather is terrible up here. This morning there was a tree lying on the road, so my brother and the Taxi Driver got out of the car to lift it... After a while the other passenger and myself had to get out and help. Girls are better at lifting trees. The sign outside the Wellington (pub in Riding Mill) also blew over, taking some fence with it.
And we've had the power out all night. Noodles (the snake) had to have a holiday into the kitchen, where the Esse runs on oil and therefore remains warm when the Vivarium heater cut out. I washed the tea dishes by candlelight, and then read The Wheel of Time by candlelight, while the snake glared at the candle in a disaproving manner. 
My Grandad is staying over for a few days (again). That's all I can say about that.

Mcdogface seems to have gone. POOF. Well the timer on the votes at the top has set itself so that it continues to count down, so that may have been him, but he isn't at school, or on the internet. 
This worries me a lot. It also means at lunchtimes I'm either alone or in unfavourable company. And at break times I'm hiding in the Library. But only two days left, then I'm out of school!

No one's feeling festive... Probably the lack of 20foot snowdrifts.
Another festive video, anyone? 
Dark Dragon

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Well done Mcdogface!

Hello there, Mcdogface seems to have won the vote thing at the top.

Here's a nice video from Weird Al Yankorvich:

Dark Dragon

Friday 9 December 2011

Branching out

Well, if you've been carefully looking at this page as one looks at a Magic Eye puzzle then you'll have noticed that there are only five days left on the vote thingy. So vote! Come one, there's gotta be some more people who like the Dark Dragon!

Mcdogface and Dark Dragon
Also, Mcdogface has his own shiny blog now [ http://mcdogface-post.blogspot.com/ ]. It's like a little branch off this one, only more to do with his life and less randoms... Who am I kidding, his life IS randoms!
Well I'll be doing my own branch. But not a seperate Blog as such, mostly because my life is lived through Divinity 2, the Halo franchaise, and the many books I read. But anyhow, this blog will be something that isn't a blog, just a floating imaginary island hidden on the internet...
You think I'm crazy? I am. But you'll see it. You'll see... (below is an extract from the blog, now in progress. Written in small to annoy you.

Diomedes Sheep
King Diomedes of Thrace had man-eating horses (Greek Mythology. One of the labours of Hercules). ‘Diomedes Sheep’ are man eating sheep, and since they clearly aren’t demonic mares it is thought that the Natural Historian who named them wasn’t very bright and couldn’t distinguish sheep from horse. However, the reasoning behind the name comes from the fact that no other name ‘seemed to fit’. These monster sheep, these carnivorous demon sheep, these diabolical fiends from hell can’t fit any biblical description of evil because they are SHEEP. So the name ‘Satanic Sheep’ was dropped and ‘Diomedes Sheep’ was taken up instead.
The Diomedes Sheep are bred out of paranoia and insomnia. When people are counting sheep to send themselves off to sleep they very rarely have a dream about the sheep they were counting. The sheep may turn evil and try to eat the dreamer, thus becoming Diomedes Sheep, and causing the dreamer to distrust sleep and so become an insomniac. People who watch sheep movements in fields may notice that some sheep gather in circles, walk in straight lines and spy on humans in pairs. Some people have even seen these ‘organised sheep’ perform Demonic Rituals. The collective fear of intelligent grazing animals fuels the existence for the Diomedes Sheep.
In the Virtual Nation Diomedes Sheep of both sexes have huge curving horns, and stand as tall as a small Shetland Pony. Their wool is a valued commodity, and their horns make souvenirs. While they crave human flesh, Diomedes Sheep seem indifferent towards other species of sheep. Skilled framers can actually keep Diomedes Sheep, which saves people from going out and hunting them for their thick wool, ivory horns and juicy meat.
When you see a Diomedes Sheep, the general procedure is to run. Chances are it will outrun you and kill you, but if you hold your ground it will eat you anyway. If you are unsure of what kind of sheep you are up against, don’t take the chance, run on regardless of whether or not it is actually going to kill you.

So, with sixteen days to go, lets feel Christmassy!
If you are insulted by the above video, I'm sorry... But it's only steriotypical if you are undead because you tried to blow up a building. Any of you skeletons? Oh, sorry Skulduggery Pleasant. I'm so sorry about the rude little man misrepresenting the undead uo there.

Dark Dragon

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Musical Stuff

Mcdogface is going down south to Leeds to see a concert tomorrow. I'll give you a clue to which band he'll be watching:

Dark Dragon

Sunday 4 December 2011

A jingjingjingjing jing!!!

Deck the halls in bells of holly,
Falla la la la da la la la
'Tis the season to be jolly,
Fal la la la la, da la la oh...
It's December but I'm not in a Christmas mood. Dunno why. It snowed today, and I glared at it until it melted, because I'm cheerful that way. I hate the cold, and snow is both cold water and cold air, so it doesn't make me a happy bunny.
Well, is you read Derek Landly's blog you'll notice that he's said its Christmas Time, so lets agree. Already I've been asked by a girl Mcdogface and I have codenamed Mentos (and she HATES that, bwhahahahahaaa!) what I'd like for Christmas, so I suppose I'll get her something.
So, giving good presents... I've got an awesome one for Mcdogface's Birthday, can't remember if I've got him something for Xmas... Then there are two girls I haven't seen in a long time who need presents (well I seen them in the school corridor, we just don't talk much) and I've promised someone and arty pencil set and someone else some music...
So need to think of something to give Mentos and co, the two friends who I don't talk to much anymore but used to be best friends, Mcdogface's other close friend Crazy Steve, and something for my Mother and Father (my brothers are covered.) So, my general rule is one can't go wrong with chocolate, but Blog readers, have you any ideas? (I don't know why I'm asking, you just read this then move off to a different website. You only ever comment if someone threatens to leave... I'M GONNA LEAVE IF YOU DON'T COMMENT!!!) lol, jk.
Here's a song I saw on the Skul-man comic's Facebook page. What are Skul-Man Comics? they're cartoons based on Skulduggery Pleasant. What is Skulduggery Pleasant? If you have to ask the latter question, ask for it for Christmas, along with Skyrim, chocolate, socks and world peace.
And a festive song, neatly linking October to December;
So, twenty-one days to go, are you exited?!
...I'm not.
Dark Dragon

Thursday 1 December 2011

Youtube News...

Good news and Bad News.
Good News: Dark Dragon has posted an awesome video on drawing dragons, so you can check that out by using this link: 
Bad News: YouTube has changed it's layout, and being honest, I don't like it at all, if you agree or think differently then feel free to comment below.
