Saturday 26 November 2011

Reading Material

I was going to post when I had pictures of my cats, and I was going to have an Alphabetical name for the post but... I simply can't be bothered. You guys out there might be desperate for reading a random snippet from this Blogg... I spy that we have two official followers now; hya guys!
So, before I continue with my ramblings, here's a note:

We are getting a website. A site on the web. Not a page on the Blog, a web-site. Any ideas of extra things we could put on our website?
A comment would be appreciated.

...And hopefully you'll read that.
So... What's been happening? Well in the real world I know that there are people in London who are angry with the banks, and our teachers are going on strike next Wednesday (day off, wooot!). 'St Jame's Park' has been renamed by some idiot, and it is now called 'Sports International' after his clothes company. I was going to say something rude, but I'm not too sure if I'm allowed to swear on a Blog... Umm...

Well anyhow; cats. Lovely little cats yoinked from the RSPSA. Three of them. We always used to live with cats when we lived close to the Northumberland/Cumbria border, but then we moved to a town and Fluffy (black tiger of a cat. 'Fluffy' describes his looks, but not his psycopathic hunting skills. Lets just say he finds pheasant yummy) was poisoned by some neighbors who didn't like cats, Paddy Paws (black 'n' white sulky puss) moved into someone else's house, and Marmalade (who we got to keep Paddy Paws company when Fluffy died) had too many injuries from cars bashing him. So we vowed to get cats when we moved.
And here they are; confined in our house for six weeks until they can go outside (wondering why? Ask a cat person). Smudge, a black cat with white tummy and socks and a picture book cat face, is cross about this. He's a born hunter, and it drove him mad when he saw a mouse run past outside.
Sam, a ginger cat with his right eye missing, and the over one wide and golden, has a happy lawn mower purr, but gets jumpy after his daily ear medicine for his infection.
Loki - a white cat with two black splodges on his head, and a line of splogdes  down his back and a black tail - used to be the jumpiest, but now he likes getting petted, and seems to have adopted me as his person.
I'm pleased that I managed to choose fitting names for Sam and Loki, although I did want to call Sam Odin at first... Heh.

Well that's all for today. I was going to do a loooonnnnnggggggg post... But that'd mean a lot of scrolling down... down... down for you guys so I'll just finish with a question:
Who is the tank?

Dark Dragon

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