Wednesday 30 November 2011


Greetings y'all. I should post more often, but I usually don't have time... But today I do! The teachers have gone on strike to protest against the people in government making budget cuts in the sector they work in. Can't remember which sector it was... Public sector? Hmmm. Should pay more attention.
Basically the government are being idiots and taking money away from Health and Educationness, and countries can't function without health and education so everyone is protesting.
I went to Newcastle today and saw an amazing protest of awesomeness. A few people ran ahead of the main protest and handed out leaflets saying: "Oh would you like this fifty pound note? Trust me I'm a banker! Hi, would you like some money? I'm a banker so I have plenty more!" lolz.
I was in Newcastle at the Christmas Fair, and bought lots of Dutch Pancakes to nom on. That's pretty much all I did. Oh, I also had a kangaroo burger. Omnomnom.
Then we went to Forbidden Planet (good shop) and I bought a book by James Gurney, author of Dinotopia, and one of my favorite artists because of the realistic quality in his work.
The book is called 'Colour and Light' and is about colour and light. Pretty simple? Not at all. It's about how one would draw colour and light, and how you can make bright red look grew and why you'd need to, and how to make things look more 3D. It is, in the words of Ali G, "Good shit". (btw; that means amazing. a contrasting term, like burning cold and deafening silence). So, I got home and read a few pages, learning what gamut mapping is and the fact that there are in fact four Dinotopia books simultaniusly. Also, James Gurney has a blog. Didn't know that before. And it's on Blogspot! Woot! So I'm going to add it to the reading list on the right hand side of this page.
So, what else is new? Well for the past week I've been making a film; Drawing Dragons. It's going to be twenty minutes long, and if I'm quick about it, may be on youtube today, hurrumble! ('hurrumble' being a word invented by Harry Biscuit in the radio play 'Bleak Expectations', a spoof of all things victorian. The protagonist, Pip Bin, and his friend, Harry Biscuit, go on fantastical adventures involving exploring, inventing, and fighting their arch enemy, Mr. Gently Benevolant.)
So, if you want to draw dragons, you may like to watch my cool video. =)
Dark Dragon

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