Wednesday 30 November 2011


Greetings y'all. I should post more often, but I usually don't have time... But today I do! The teachers have gone on strike to protest against the people in government making budget cuts in the sector they work in. Can't remember which sector it was... Public sector? Hmmm. Should pay more attention.
Basically the government are being idiots and taking money away from Health and Educationness, and countries can't function without health and education so everyone is protesting.
I went to Newcastle today and saw an amazing protest of awesomeness. A few people ran ahead of the main protest and handed out leaflets saying: "Oh would you like this fifty pound note? Trust me I'm a banker! Hi, would you like some money? I'm a banker so I have plenty more!" lolz.
I was in Newcastle at the Christmas Fair, and bought lots of Dutch Pancakes to nom on. That's pretty much all I did. Oh, I also had a kangaroo burger. Omnomnom.
Then we went to Forbidden Planet (good shop) and I bought a book by James Gurney, author of Dinotopia, and one of my favorite artists because of the realistic quality in his work.
The book is called 'Colour and Light' and is about colour and light. Pretty simple? Not at all. It's about how one would draw colour and light, and how you can make bright red look grew and why you'd need to, and how to make things look more 3D. It is, in the words of Ali G, "Good shit". (btw; that means amazing. a contrasting term, like burning cold and deafening silence). So, I got home and read a few pages, learning what gamut mapping is and the fact that there are in fact four Dinotopia books simultaniusly. Also, James Gurney has a blog. Didn't know that before. And it's on Blogspot! Woot! So I'm going to add it to the reading list on the right hand side of this page.
So, what else is new? Well for the past week I've been making a film; Drawing Dragons. It's going to be twenty minutes long, and if I'm quick about it, may be on youtube today, hurrumble! ('hurrumble' being a word invented by Harry Biscuit in the radio play 'Bleak Expectations', a spoof of all things victorian. The protagonist, Pip Bin, and his friend, Harry Biscuit, go on fantastical adventures involving exploring, inventing, and fighting their arch enemy, Mr. Gently Benevolant.)
So, if you want to draw dragons, you may like to watch my cool video. =)
Dark Dragon

Saturday 26 November 2011

Reading Material

I was going to post when I had pictures of my cats, and I was going to have an Alphabetical name for the post but... I simply can't be bothered. You guys out there might be desperate for reading a random snippet from this Blogg... I spy that we have two official followers now; hya guys!
So, before I continue with my ramblings, here's a note:

We are getting a website. A site on the web. Not a page on the Blog, a web-site. Any ideas of extra things we could put on our website?
A comment would be appreciated.

...And hopefully you'll read that.
So... What's been happening? Well in the real world I know that there are people in London who are angry with the banks, and our teachers are going on strike next Wednesday (day off, wooot!). 'St Jame's Park' has been renamed by some idiot, and it is now called 'Sports International' after his clothes company. I was going to say something rude, but I'm not too sure if I'm allowed to swear on a Blog... Umm...

Well anyhow; cats. Lovely little cats yoinked from the RSPSA. Three of them. We always used to live with cats when we lived close to the Northumberland/Cumbria border, but then we moved to a town and Fluffy (black tiger of a cat. 'Fluffy' describes his looks, but not his psycopathic hunting skills. Lets just say he finds pheasant yummy) was poisoned by some neighbors who didn't like cats, Paddy Paws (black 'n' white sulky puss) moved into someone else's house, and Marmalade (who we got to keep Paddy Paws company when Fluffy died) had too many injuries from cars bashing him. So we vowed to get cats when we moved.
And here they are; confined in our house for six weeks until they can go outside (wondering why? Ask a cat person). Smudge, a black cat with white tummy and socks and a picture book cat face, is cross about this. He's a born hunter, and it drove him mad when he saw a mouse run past outside.
Sam, a ginger cat with his right eye missing, and the over one wide and golden, has a happy lawn mower purr, but gets jumpy after his daily ear medicine for his infection.
Loki - a white cat with two black splodges on his head, and a line of splogdes  down his back and a black tail - used to be the jumpiest, but now he likes getting petted, and seems to have adopted me as his person.
I'm pleased that I managed to choose fitting names for Sam and Loki, although I did want to call Sam Odin at first... Heh.

Well that's all for today. I was going to do a loooonnnnnggggggg post... But that'd mean a lot of scrolling down... down... down for you guys so I'll just finish with a question:
Who is the tank?

Dark Dragon

Wednesday 23 November 2011


I'm posting for posting's sake, the ban on blogger at my school has been temporarily lifted! Wondering whether to do some Grand Theft Auto IV Playthroughs or not. Post in comments below if I should or not, also if you think I should play a different PC game. (No garantees as I don't have every game released)


Sunday 20 November 2011

Watch this space

As soon as I have picture of my new adorable/evil kitties I'll update this post. Until then:
Dark Dragon

Thursday 17 November 2011

Website Proposal...

It's still in the extremely early stages but there may be a chance of The Post moving to it's own website. If you've got any thoughts, please comment below. -McDogFace

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Musical Explosion...

Here is another bunch of songs I've been listening to:
Double Professor Green:

Also, I thought I should add this, it's this years Children In Need song:


Sunday 13 November 2011

Declaration of the Black Rhino's Extinction

There are no Black Rhinos left. I'm sorry. They are gone. They've been on the brink of oblivion for years, and now all the radio collars have been found, and there are no living black rhinos in the wild.
  When we are older, and our kids, or the kids of our friends ask "Why is a White Rhino called a White Rhino?" our reply will be "Because they are different from Black Rhinos." 
"What is a Black Rhino?" the child will ask, and our reply will be,
"A dark coloured rhino, which no longer exists."
"Why doesn't it exist?"
"Poachers killed them all."
"Couldn't you stop them?"
"No." But there may be a niggling thing at the back of your head. They used to do adventure programs on CBBC, where you could sign up on the website to go to distant lands to save animals ('Serious Amazon' was a show where kids went and saved apes for instance.) If only I'd been bothered to go on one of those trips.
I swear, if I live 'till I'm old enough to go to Uni, I'm going on a gap year to work somewhere, protecting wildlife. I don't care if I get the heeby jeebies from big insects, or if I hate warm weather; I'm going away and saving some damn wildlife!
In that video you can see the conservation of black rhinos. However, in captivity black rhinos rarely breed (white rhinos are fine with breeding. They can be as productive as cattle) and they usually don't enjoy captivity. (as you can see by that snorting bellowing young bull) (unlike animals such as tapirs, which adapt to love humans as the godly food bringers)  
Dark Dragon

Thursday 10 November 2011


Wow, over 2000 views. Just after the human population reached 7 billion. I think this deserves a pat on the back to everyone. Who reads The Random Post. Let's try to double that now, if so I will post a video of the funky chicken :-P 


Wednesday 9 November 2011


I observe that we are only 10 viewers away from the grand number of 2000!
Ahh, the year 2000 had many good memories for me. It was when I started school, and I was young, innocent, believed that apatiosaurus was a separate species from brontosaurus and was terrified of Father Christmas thanks to a story Dad told me involving spoons and eyes on the deep wintered night...
But less about the year. This is about the viewers! 2000 of you have popped on this page to have a gander at the awesomes! We've even gained a follower! Our readers have stopped us from wandering off the page on spirals of depression, and asked us to elaborate in briefly mentioned incidences within posts, and have basically been good people. Okay, you may be reading this and snorting incredulously, thinking "as if..." But hey, I appreciate all you guys making the counter go up.
So I'm taking a short break from alphabetical names for posts and doing numerical ones to celebrate the support. So until 2000:

Dark Dragon

Sunday 6 November 2011


Conversation I had with someone:

-How's you?
-Greetings, how are you?
-erm... im not a alien. fine yoy.
-I'm fine (and I never said you were an alien, lol) How's the weekend?
-LOL...not funny really. and why did you come and stand with me and my mates before half term?
-I was saying 'Hello' randomly to everyone. You weren't singled out. Did it with about ten other groups. I was really really bored, and everyone thinks I'm a weirdo anyhows, so I wasn't going to harm my reputation by saying 'hello' to random people.
-seriously, does it not bother you that people think your weird?
-It does actually. It also bothers me that most people don't even make the effort to talk about me behind my back and are rude to my face. But if I continue to be bothered by every bad word and every punch then I'd collapse into a nervous wreck.
I'm not going to act like I'm being bullied by the whole world. I let people think what they want to think.
-well if you made a few changes people wouldnt act like that and am sure you wanna be married one day, thats less likely to happen if you dont change, everyone changes when they come to higj school but you havent
-I have changed actually. Just give it a few hundred years for people to notice, lol. they still think that I like dragons and that I'm some kind of spaz.
And actually, I'm not too keen on getting married, or any kind of romance.
-see... no wonder people think your weird and no not on the outside. charlotte truth hurts but this is why people think your weird, your hair is always tied back you never do anythin different with it,your trousers come to your ankles not the floor,. you look as though you wear your brothers school shoes!!! , and it looks like you have your brothers bags, you never wear makeup ... then you look at me, i get up at 6 every mornin do my hair makeup and get ready,ive gone blonde and take so much care of my hair, i buy a new bag every term and wear girly trousers and shoes ... and people like me cause i help people aswell. its high school and tbh you kinsa have to make a effort on the outside to fit in dont ya think?
-Wait, what? Brother's bags and shoes? How the hell does that work?
I'm too lazy to get up at six, and why would I want to 'make a effort on the outside to fit in'? Why should I conform, lol?
-cause they look like boys things, and charlotte am only tryna help you wont get anywhere then and you'll left like this till you leave uni
-I understand that you are trying to help. But from my point of view I don't need help. I'm perfectly happy as I am, I've got a good lot in life and have everything I'll ever need at home, so I don't see why I should change me looks. Sorry, I know that I should be taking your advice on board because you know what you're talking about, but I really don't know what you mean by 'left like this'. Like what exactly?
-well never fitting in
-What are the benefits of fitting in?
-you have friends
-I do, yes.
-well no offence but you cant have many if you have to waste your breaks sayin hi to randomers... just no
-It was only that one break actually.
  • And does the quantity of friends matter?

    yeah but you still did it and everytime i see you your on your own or have to hang around with your brother and in a way yeah cause if you have like three friends how the fuck will you manage in uni when people have millions of friends and you'll have like none
    -I'll make friends. Easy.
    And I don't HAVE to hang around with my brother. I choose to because it annoys the fuck out of him. I make him look stupid, and he hates that.
    And yes, I don't have millions of friends, but I like my friends. I can trust them... usually.
  • -usually? k
    -So I don't really need to change, do I?
    -well you trust your friends usually,not a good start really.their obv not real friends. i trust every single one of my friends 100% they never let me down
    -lol, KKs got to go, teatime.

Dark Dragon

Saturday 5 November 2011

Boring Day...

Had a boring day waiting for someone to talk to to come online.
Waited 5 hours for someone who had said they would only be away for 30 minutes.
When someone did come online they were too tired to have a conversation or do anything in general.
And that was my entire day.


Birthday Celebrations

Mcdogface has been busy I see. New backgrounds, more videos than you can shake a stick at, and eloquent comments about his life and how to open dictionaries. Cool.
So here I am, continueing on my alphabetical posts to talk about my mother's birthday, and KITTENS!!
Yup, this will be a boring post. But hey, there were better things to do for B such as
Biffy Clyro

Blind Guardian
Books, Bartimeaus Trilogy...
But I'm doing Birthdays. Yes, my Mother's birthday was the other day, but she usually celebrates it on the Saterday closest to Guy Fawkes Night when Hexham has a fireworks display, so today we went to get one of her presents; 3 cats.
yes, we haven't had cats in years, so its time to get some, whether Noodles likes it or not. So we went to a catery with RSPSA cats. We met two lovely cats; Rubble, a climbing white and grey cat who was keen on clambering to head hight up the metal, and Smudge, a pretty black cat with small white patches who purrs like a lawnmower. There was also a one eyed ginger tom who was very affectionate, but he can't be rehomed yet because his owner is waiting to see if she'll get better. If she continues to get ill, then Henry Irving will have to be rehomed. Hopefully with us. (evil smile)

Dark Dragon

Friday 4 November 2011

More Songs...

These songs are the reason I can't go to sleep, does anyone where my heads off button would be?

I apologize for the repetitive use of Rihanna and Coldplay videos,

I have an idea!
If I switch the computer off, then the Music won't be played on it, then if I find a Hardback Dictionary, My brain will sleep easily, I'll open the dictionary with my head...Hard.

-McDogFace the User-Of-Heads


Congratulations, You Won The Game!

(Those who understand that will now hate me :P)


Song Addictions...

Well here are a bunch of songs that have been stuck in my head ever since they came out:
