Sunday 22 May 2011


Why has 'Video of the Day Gone?'     
Video of the day will be back. Me and Mcdogface took it in turns to post a video. I neglected my turn, sorry. Rest assured, random and funny videos will return!

Why don't we ever 'Blog' about events in our lives?               I am paranoid. Don't like information being on the internet. Don't know about Mcdogface.... Anyhoo, the most recent event that has happened is that we (my family) finally have a kitchen! Wahoo! It's been 7 months!

Why is the sky blue?        
Ever done that thing in physics with the rainbows? All to do with how the sun's light refracts in the atmosphere. The sun is at a different angle when it sets, making the sky red. Note' 'Red sky at night, shepard's delight, red sky at morning, shepard's warning' is a rhyme which helps to predict the weather. It actually works, the air pressure and moisture in the air affect the colour we se in the sky.

Why do we scratch itches?      
We are related to apes, are we not? In the natural world itches would be caused by parasites, so we'd scratch them off. Simple. Sadly, now we aren't covered in parasites scratching just opens up the skin and makes us more uncomfortable. Damn you evolution!

Why does no one ever comment on this Blog?        
 I honestly don't know why. Got a thought you'd like to share? Spit it out already! We have 700+ views, but no one is commenting, or voting to say whether they are just passing our Blog by or enjoying it... Leave a comment. Even if it is just a word...

Dark Dragon

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