Friday 20 May 2011

The bit before you go to sleep.

Quick note before my ramblings about the way the brain preserves information... I've made a picture of myself, Dark Dragon, playing Divinity 2. Admire my awesomeness. I'm thinking of making another video, another music video that is. I've tried other videos, but lets just say I can't write scripts and I can't Vlog. Even if you paid me in Pizza... That's a thought. Someone, quick, test if I'd Vlog for pizza! Gimmea some now!

Anyhoo, I've decided to write a post about memories before sleep, and how there is usually a distinct lack of them. This makes me wander every night; will I remember this tomorrow? Does thinking about me remembering thing make me remember them? Did I have any interesting thoughts before sleep yesterday that I forgot? Why do we forget things before sleep? The more I think about these things the more confused I become... So what exactly do we remember before sleep? Is there a certain time when you can definitely remember something, like 10 minutes before you fall asleep you can remember, but after that... Who knows? I'm going to look this stuff up.

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