Thursday 19 May 2011

Hiroshima, 700 and the mystery behind the eyes.

Just a quick note before we get into serious business;
Seven HundreViews
Thank You!

Today at school we watched a documentary about Hiroshima. Well, it was a dramatization, with interviews with witnesses. It was a horrible thing to behold. Truly unnerving. Normally I'm cool with things like this; I try to be unconcerned and hard. Nothing can stop me. But that was truly horrifying. It REALLY HAPPENED. People died in their millions and it is still affecting us today; the radiation won't go away. And now in Fucoshima or whatever its called, the nuclear plants are going to blow, and cause the same troubles, although the news has moved away from that.
But unlike the current nuclear disaster, Hiroshima's demise was created by people. The Americans literally threw death upon millions, to try and end a war. To help them sleep at night the people involved said that they killed less people than the amount of people they'd 'have to kill' when invading Japan.
This is terrifying to think about. Human beings doing this to others. Sickening. There was one soldier who was in the plane dropping to bomb who said on the documentary "When it dropped, I felt no remorse. I was just glad that the job was done, I can't tell you how that feels."
Also on the same video there were accounts from the people who were there in the city. One lady crawled for miles to get to her village. there were people in the surrounding countryside who lived too. And so many people were left unnamed. The soldier who saved a little boy who was a witness, the doctors who did their best to cure the burns, and the blackened living corpse that stumbled up the road to another witnesses' house, the first casualty he saw.
Hiroshima, Holocaust, Witch Burning... We live in a mad world.

Anyhoo, as a nice topic to help me relax from the images of a burning Hell in my mind, let me tell you something irrelevant about reptile eyes.  This is a picture of a Tokay Gecko Eye I found on Google Images (apparently someone actually drew this! Some talented people out there) You can see that there are little lumps along the pupil. These are actually separate pupils. Reptiles see in HD; each pupil has a perfect image of the world, and there's more than one to let in sufficient light to the retina. 

Thinker of Important Thoughts and Eater of Pizza,
Dark Dragon

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