Monday 30 May 2011


Mcdogface won't be on for a while. His internet is ignoring Blogger.

Dark Dragon

Saturday 28 May 2011

Trouser Trouble and other things.

I know for a fact that I have 4 pairs of jeans. 1 greenish colour, 1 brownish colour and two black. Every weekend I have to look through my draws and cuboards and then wander around the house in my PJs 'cuz I can't find any trousers at all. Then one of my faithful pairs of black jeans turn up. Always the same pair. The other 3 have gone. Now it is the holidays. I NEED TO FIND OUT WHERE THEY HAVE GONE!
On a lighter note I'm writing a sci fi book from three different perspectives; a UFO watcher's blogg, an official document (like the X files) and  an account from one of the aliens herself. Going to be fandabbydabulous!

Writer of odd stories and searcher of trousers,
Dark Dragon

Friday 27 May 2011

101 World's Worst Inventions

This section is counting down 101 of the world's worst inventions starting at 101 and counting down all the way to 0. Enjoy and comment below each post on whether you agree or disagree. 101 will be featured sometime tomorrow (GMT)

Thursday 26 May 2011

Video of the day

A duck walked up to the lemonade stand, and he asked the man, running the stand; "Hey," bom bom bom, "Got any grapes?"
Good funny video.

Dark Dragon

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Monday 23 May 2011

Return of Video of the Day.
My fave scene from the Geneco Opera (REPO!) a grim story set in the future, where surgery has become a fashion statement, and if you can't pay for your organs they get repossessed by the guy dancing around in this video.

Dark Dragon

Just noticed that the link is invisible. Wave your mouse above the first paragraph.

Sunday 22 May 2011


Why has 'Video of the Day Gone?'     
Video of the day will be back. Me and Mcdogface took it in turns to post a video. I neglected my turn, sorry. Rest assured, random and funny videos will return!

Why don't we ever 'Blog' about events in our lives?               I am paranoid. Don't like information being on the internet. Don't know about Mcdogface.... Anyhoo, the most recent event that has happened is that we (my family) finally have a kitchen! Wahoo! It's been 7 months!

Why is the sky blue?        
Ever done that thing in physics with the rainbows? All to do with how the sun's light refracts in the atmosphere. The sun is at a different angle when it sets, making the sky red. Note' 'Red sky at night, shepard's delight, red sky at morning, shepard's warning' is a rhyme which helps to predict the weather. It actually works, the air pressure and moisture in the air affect the colour we se in the sky.

Why do we scratch itches?      
We are related to apes, are we not? In the natural world itches would be caused by parasites, so we'd scratch them off. Simple. Sadly, now we aren't covered in parasites scratching just opens up the skin and makes us more uncomfortable. Damn you evolution!

Why does no one ever comment on this Blog?        
 I honestly don't know why. Got a thought you'd like to share? Spit it out already! We have 700+ views, but no one is commenting, or voting to say whether they are just passing our Blog by or enjoying it... Leave a comment. Even if it is just a word...

Dark Dragon

Friday 20 May 2011

The bit before you go to sleep.

Quick note before my ramblings about the way the brain preserves information... I've made a picture of myself, Dark Dragon, playing Divinity 2. Admire my awesomeness. I'm thinking of making another video, another music video that is. I've tried other videos, but lets just say I can't write scripts and I can't Vlog. Even if you paid me in Pizza... That's a thought. Someone, quick, test if I'd Vlog for pizza! Gimmea some now!

Anyhoo, I've decided to write a post about memories before sleep, and how there is usually a distinct lack of them. This makes me wander every night; will I remember this tomorrow? Does thinking about me remembering thing make me remember them? Did I have any interesting thoughts before sleep yesterday that I forgot? Why do we forget things before sleep? The more I think about these things the more confused I become... So what exactly do we remember before sleep? Is there a certain time when you can definitely remember something, like 10 minutes before you fall asleep you can remember, but after that... Who knows? I'm going to look this stuff up.
Don't you ever wonder what the world has against the Japanese? They've dealt with Americans eating burgers and dropping Nuclear Bombs on places Like Hiroshima, countless earthquakes, tsunami's and more... Japan you have complete and utter respect!


Thursday 19 May 2011

Hiroshima, 700 and the mystery behind the eyes.

Just a quick note before we get into serious business;
Seven HundreViews
Thank You!

Today at school we watched a documentary about Hiroshima. Well, it was a dramatization, with interviews with witnesses. It was a horrible thing to behold. Truly unnerving. Normally I'm cool with things like this; I try to be unconcerned and hard. Nothing can stop me. But that was truly horrifying. It REALLY HAPPENED. People died in their millions and it is still affecting us today; the radiation won't go away. And now in Fucoshima or whatever its called, the nuclear plants are going to blow, and cause the same troubles, although the news has moved away from that.
But unlike the current nuclear disaster, Hiroshima's demise was created by people. The Americans literally threw death upon millions, to try and end a war. To help them sleep at night the people involved said that they killed less people than the amount of people they'd 'have to kill' when invading Japan.
This is terrifying to think about. Human beings doing this to others. Sickening. There was one soldier who was in the plane dropping to bomb who said on the documentary "When it dropped, I felt no remorse. I was just glad that the job was done, I can't tell you how that feels."
Also on the same video there were accounts from the people who were there in the city. One lady crawled for miles to get to her village. there were people in the surrounding countryside who lived too. And so many people were left unnamed. The soldier who saved a little boy who was a witness, the doctors who did their best to cure the burns, and the blackened living corpse that stumbled up the road to another witnesses' house, the first casualty he saw.
Hiroshima, Holocaust, Witch Burning... We live in a mad world.

Anyhoo, as a nice topic to help me relax from the images of a burning Hell in my mind, let me tell you something irrelevant about reptile eyes.  This is a picture of a Tokay Gecko Eye I found on Google Images (apparently someone actually drew this! Some talented people out there) You can see that there are little lumps along the pupil. These are actually separate pupils. Reptiles see in HD; each pupil has a perfect image of the world, and there's more than one to let in sufficient light to the retina. 

Thinker of Important Thoughts and Eater of Pizza,
Dark Dragon

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Sunday 15 May 2011

Random Quote of the Day

Umpa Loompa Dupidy Doo...


Corn Snakes

10 reasons why corn snakes are awesome.
1. They sleep. Too lazy to have a dog or a playful kitten? Get a corn snake.
2. Only poo once a week. Easy to clean.
3.Awesomeness. Like a dragon with no wings. Or fire. Or limbs. Or... Okay, its not a dragon. Still awesome though.
4.Colourful. So many different morphs.
5. You get to feed them dead mice.
6. If you're squeamish of mice, you get to feed them mice at the end of a pair of tweezers.
7. You can wrap them around your hands and show them off.
8. You can put them in a basket and pretend to be a snake charmer. Okay, they'll probably sleep, but still awesome.
9. They like watching television. The perfect companion.
10. They're snakes. They are snakes. You can't get more awesome than a PET snake.

Dark Dragon

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Blog of Smog:-)

Hi, Blogging in school as always, boring day as usual, of course.
May be posting another youtube video tonight, mainly directed at minecraft fans though...

To Be Continued,

P.S. Not Really Going to continue this post:-)

Monday 9 May 2011

Random Fact About Wood Pigeons.

Wood pigeons have a bit on the end of their tongues like an ear- it picks up vibrations from grubs hiding in soft bark.


Dark Dragon.

Saturday 7 May 2011

600, 600, 600, 600!
Yo ho diddle-di-di you are a pirate a pirate is me!


This is how interesting my day is.

Found a beetle today. It was gold-green matt coloured, each leg was quite thick and a russet orange colour. Long crooked antennae and bad leg (second one down, right side). Couldn't identify it. Had huge eyes, about the size of a black unbinking pinhead on each side. Noticed the paper that I used to pick it up, which darker coloured beetles usually don't, thus implying that it had good vision. Explains the large eyes.
I found it when I was reading a book. Scooped it up with a reptile care sheet.
Later tonight I'll have pizza whilst watching Dr. Who. Today I wore an awesome new T-Shirt, with pictures on both sides done by Anne Stokes.
That's it.
My whole day.
A beetle, a T-shirt, a trip around a few towns, and pizza.

Dark Dragon

Friday 6 May 2011

Thursday 5 May 2011

Look, a distraction!!!--> ^_^


Wednesday 4 May 2011

What if it really bucketed down?

What if the world was so dry that workmen in reflective green jackets had to pour buckets of water down? And they travelled about on a giant metal frame. Probably dome-shaped. Like the eden project. 
This might be the future, with all of the global warming and stuff. A dry place, the humidity only kept up with buckets. Maybe its Dry-Earth's last stand? A steep valley, half filled with a reservoir, power supplied by a hydro-dam thingy at the bottom of the dam, and the metal dome above the last of civilization?
And a zoo for all the animals that would die in the desert of the world?

Thinker of strange thoughts,
Dark Dragon

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Monday 2 May 2011


Time once again to return to the diabolical place they call school. I'm fine with reading. I'm fine with writing. I don't like 'fun'. For instance, why do teachers think that cutting and sticking is 'fun'? Why do they want us to have 'fun' discussions? How is making a model, or drawing a picture of a thin that we should write about 'fun'?

The cynical beast from the mountains;
Dark Dragon