Friday 3 February 2012


Hallo readers of this most excellent Blog! Before I continue may I remind you that my co-blogger, the Founder of the Random Post, has his own blog, and a link to it is just sitting there, somewhere on the right of this page. Go on. Click. He's doing youtube spotlights, and everyone likes watching videos.
Read Mcdogface's Cave of Randomness.
Well here I am, and here is Spiderman:

Sorry, I just announced you were Spiderman.
So, why am I so happy?
I PASSED MY GERMAN EXAM, BOO YAH! FUR ROH DAH BABY, FUS ROH DAH! (blows all my notes across the room).
And a friend of mine has got interested in The New Nation (my pseudo-blog. A sort of online community/roleplaying thingy) so finally I'll have some new members, which might encourage others to join. ^_^
So this weekend I'll have time to upload my new art video, which is better than the last one for various reasons.
Have I got anything else to say?
But I don't know what to type out. So, video time:
Dark Dragon

These are images from the new art video:

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