Thursday 9 February 2012

Crow Murders Person then Steals Their Hands

I just want to make myself believe...
Greetings, the Dark Dragon has returned for yet another Random post.
Are they really that Random? Is anything Random, or is there a Design made by a Higher Being?
It's Random. Random Post. THE Random Post. Well, okay, I tend to badger on about games I've played, books I've read (oh, Wheel of Time!) and my life, which is far too linear to be random seeing as I do nothing.

But I say a crow yesterday flying along with a glove. That's random, eh? There may have been a hand in that glove...

Looking at the view counter, we've got nearly 3000 views, which makes me say "Cor, blimey!" and look at the views we've had since we've started. This Blog appears to be world famous; most popular in the UK, the USA, Germany and Russia, and our most popular months are April and November of last year, when both myself and Mcdogface were posting often, with short posts with facts, jokes and randoms in.
So when Mcdogface gets a working computer I'll force him to post just as frequently as I do, so it's not just Dark Dragon Ramble after Dark Dragon Ramble.

Why am I rambling on a Wednesday? Shouldn't I be at school?
Teacher Training. They do work, kids get two days added to half-term; win win.

A Friendly Rastafarian Sammael; my favourite critter from Hellboy, and that includes the second film. Sammael is a cute green thing who kills people, known as Sammael the Desolate One, Prince of Shadows and Hound of Ressurection. That funny picture comes from a website that reviews good films. They also introduce a character from Hellboy with a picture:
Watch Hellboy. And Hellboy 2. Then read the comic Hellboy, Seed of Destruction. I'm too busy listening to groovy Assassin's Creed Tunes. ^_^

...And a love song about a tranny (don't judge it! It's awesome) :

Dark Dragon

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