Wednesday 8 June 2011

Dark Dragon VS McDogface

What is this I see at the top? A vote between me and Mcdogface? Why would he make the fans choose between us? Isn't it obvious that I'm going to win?
Do you know how I'll win?
I'll make longer and more informative blogs. Heh heh heh.

Video of the Day
This is technically Episode 10 of season 8 of Red Vs Blue. You can watch it as a separate vid though. All you need to know is that Tex is super awesome, Tucker gets mysterious black stuff all over his armor when he goes through tele porters, and that the Reds and Blues have teamed up, despite the name of the series. 

Blog About Prayers
Today I had my first RE lesson of year 10 (our school changes years a term early. We are weird that way) and we had to write down how different aspects of a Religious Upbringing effected faith. Although I went to church and prayed a lot when I was young, my upbringing hasn't stopped me from being an atheist... or an agnostic. Anyhoo, one of the questions was how does regular praying make you believe in God, and I used the phrase 'praying means acknowledging the thing you pray to'. This, I think, is why I DON'T pray. I have stopped acknowledging the God, because I don't like thinking that someone has a cruel enough life to go around making me and the people I know have miserable lives. But what if, like in the Discworld (Read the books. Anything by Terry Pratchett) the Gods can only exist if people believe in them. Prayers DO count for something; if everyone prays for a savior... Maybe they'll get one? I'm not going to help though. Feel silly talking to the air, or even worse, my God.
Any thoughts? No one actually comments on our blog. Not even as 'Anonymous'. If you have a thought, type it down! If I don't see a comment I'll presume that none of our blog-readers have thoughts, lolz.

So, Mcdogface, you made the poll, so let the games begin!
(don't mean that in a dirty way. I meant 'you want a fight for fans? lets have one!' ... Although I think you're winning, 'cuz you have the Halo 4 vid.)
Dark Dragon

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