Saturday 28 July 2012


I haven't got much to say but I have a lot of reading to do, so here are some videos:
Also, yesterday I got three new books (an art book, the second book of The Wheel of Time, and the first part of The Way of Kings) and two CDs (both from Biffy Clyro, now I have all four of their CDs).
That is all.
Dark Dragon

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Comic Con and Toilet Flies

For those of you who do not want to hear about my Comic-Con shennanigans, here is a true-story paragraph about something different:
Every night for the past two weeks a large fly has landed in my toilet. Either a horse fly, a house fly, once a blue bottle... Sometimes the toilet lid was closed. Every fly was alive and squiring, and I had to fish it out with some toilet paper. I think it is a bit weird, as it has been too cold for any windows in the house to be open, save for the window in my brother's bathroom, a whole short flight of stairs below. Anyhow, my bathroom door is kept closed. But a few times I have found it wide open, and hear the sad buzzing of something struggling to break away from the water's surface in my toilet. Any ideas about this strange occurence?
Now, Comic Con.
here are some things of note:

Storm Troopers
Upon arriving at the con my friends Freya and Aro and I had to join a loooonnnnnnggggg queue. The Comic Con staff were all dressed as Storm Troopers. Aro and I debated loudly whether they would be clones underneath their armor, because I was keen to live in suspended belief, and she was keen to live in the truth: they were merely cosplayers. We turned around and two Storm Troopers were watching us; "We are watching you" they said, to which I replied (with a Jedi wave of my hand) "We are not the droids you are looking for." Everyone laughed.

The Amazing Queue
Cosplayers everywhere dressed as every character imaginable, from Doctor Who (the one near us in the queue smoked an actual pipe) to creepers. At one point a Spiderman ran up to another Spiderman and jumped on his back. after much scuffling the Spiderman's bags were left with his friends in the queue and an epic battle stared. It was hilarious and epic. Also, I at one point said to Freya "Hey look, that guy over there has runic tattoos!" (I am a huge fan of runes, from Fe to Othel) he heard someone mention runes, asked who it was and then we high-fived. His cosplay was amazing, and strangely familiar. Freya thought it was a Dark Eldar from Warhammer 40K, but I wasn't sure (I'm sorry to say I thought it was a blue necron. I am very silly at times) we met him again later, and found out he was indeed a Dark Eldar. He said he thought more people would have Warhammer 40K Cosplays. i was like, "Ah, well I wore a Cthulhu T-shirt in the hope that someone knew of Cthulhu." He said "Cthulhu Fhatagn!" and walked away. There were many similar amazing people at the con. Too. Much. Awesome!

Anne Stokes
'Copperwing': the design I got on a
signed poster. Anne Stoke's Website is:
I. met. Anne. Stokes. And she signed a book called 'Stoked' for me, and a poster! I shook her hand! (For those of you who do not know, Anne Stokes is an amazing gothic and fantasy artist) I asked her what she preferred to draw out of dragons and fairies and angels and demons and vampires, and she said 'dragons'. That made me happy. Wow.

My friend Freya had come cosplaying as Vriska, a troll from Homestuck. I do not read/watch Homestuck, but I know that people dressed with grey skin, black wigs and colourful horns were trolls. The Homestuckers all had a huge meaning outside the building at one point. It was amazing, even if I had no idea what was going on.

Overall, Comic Con was AMAZZZZZZING. The Halo shirt I got there (it has the Elite's head on crossed blades on a shield, the 'legendary' symbol) smells of Comic Con: it smells like Forbidden Planet and Games Workshop, only cleaner, and friendlier. At Comic Con rules like "Don't talk to strangers" and "Go out wearing normal clothes" and "Don't talk about all your nerdy stuff in public" do not apply. It is freedom itself.
Even if it took three hours to get to Manchester and three to get back.

Dark Dragon

Friday 20 July 2012

School's out for Summer!

Oh, school ending fifteen minutes early for a treat? Great. Well, most of my friend's houses are within walking distance, so they go home. I wait for the bus.
Loud laughing. Someone who is now deleted from my Facebook Friend List pointed out how funny it was that I was standing on my own. Isn't it bloody funny? So I look at her, and the laughter stops like a switch has been flicked, and she actually moves the group away. Huh. Do I have that affect on people? Did she see how much I wanted her to shut the hell up and never talk again and turn into slug crap?! 
She annoyed me. I am not angry. Just annoyed.
When I finally got on the bus, two total copralites banged on the window, yelling some random rubbish at me. I ignored them as best as you can ignore someone slapping the glass in front of your face and screaming at you, and then they just began laughing. What kind of drugs are they on, and how could they sneak them into school? Come on girly, show me your intestines! 
To say I wanted to murder the dogs is an understatement. 'Murder' is taking someone's life away. I wanted to rip their life out of them, hold it still beating and helpless in my hand and laugh! I will spit on their corpses!
But, nobody actually hit me, and it could be far worse. Just to make sure you've got this clear, I am not being bullied. Just the scum of the Earth do annoy me.
But good news: I am going to Comic Con tomorrow!
Or today, because I wrote this late at night (well not 'late', but you know) so by the time you read this I would have made the epic journey South to the exotic land of Manchester (half a country away) to COMIC CON! COMIIIICCCCCCCCCCCONNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

Sunday 15 July 2012

Cute Kitty Stratagy

In the big wide world, governments have many strategies to avoid terrorism. One of these is called The Cute Kitty Strategy. (true story bro). 
The majority of people on the internet who watch videos are either watching p**n or Cute Kitty Videos, so censoring the internet so people can't create extremist groups is a bad thing, because eventually people who had no intention of looking up terrorist propaganda videos will become political out of boredom, and the government will have a revolution on their hands. So, they call 'keeping people happy with freedom of speech on the internet' the 'Cute Kitty Strategy'.

Dark Dragon

Friday 6 July 2012

Nggggurghllfptooey. I am so tired. Ich bin sehr Muede.

Warning; this post contains a slightly disturbing content from the start.
[thoughts about random kid]
Hey, can't find a place to sit? You can sit on my knee if you like. Or I can sit on yours, whatever works... I mean, we don't even have to wear clothes if its too uncomfortable, this weather is HOT. 
Like you.

People, I have been on a German Exchange to a place called Steinhagen. I do not want to write a huge huge huge post about it, so whenever I get bored I will come back to the subject, and tell you all about Those Skanky Thieves in Berlin, The GPS Rally of Death in Munster (plus, How We Got Lost and Ended Up Walking Around a German University), The David Cameron Lookalike, and other amazing stories. Actually, if I save the photos on my computer, then you can see the amazingness of the bird bark (Vogelpark order etwas auf Deutsche) (I cannnot spell today. I feel quite ill actually). But anyway, a cockatoo attempted to sever my hand off. Yay!
Oh, and those random thoughts at the top? I am not naturally the sort of person who fancies everyone I see, but have you ever been to a German school? It's like... Mmmmm.
So Germany. It's very hot, and the sun is too bright. And there is schnitzel.

On other news, my amazingly awesome friend with a Kerrang Magazine (we hanged around eachother when we were in Germany. She's cool and knows everything about music) gave me a BIFFY CLYRO POSTER. A POSTER OF BIFFY CLYRO. (incidently, there is now a picture of her in this month's Kerrang... Should I have said that? The interwebs is a dangerous place. Ah well. YOLO!)
And now, videos.
Dark Dragon