Friday 8 June 2012


So, how has this school-free week been treating me? Well on the first weekend my parents had a much-needed party, so I was left to entertain my friends Freya and Jenny up in my room with more DVDs than you can shake a stick at and lots of snacks. (Freya was the star of one of the videos in the last post, and Jenny was the one who showed me 'Do not watch an anime called Boku') (note: SHE DID NOT SHOW ME BOKU, so my soul is safe, from what I have heard it is EVIL). It was entertaining. My snake, Noodles, got a lot of attention.
Then I revised. Oh, how I revised. IF YOU SPLIT A HYDROCARBON GUYS, IT GOES INTO TWO THINGS: AN ALKANE AND AN ALKENE. Alkenes have a double bond which you can swivel along to make a chain of alkenes called a polymer, and polymers are PLASTICS GUYS, PLASTICS!
Sorry. Then at 6:30 on Tuesday, after I got upset with my geography revision guide, I was whisked away to my friend Serensa Dragonborn's house (I think that is her blogger name...) because she has finished her fancy 6th Form exams, so she and her other friend, Finola, and I, had a party. Basically we played videogames until 4 in the morning, and then chit-chatted about spiders and wrestled eachother until about six. We woke up at nine to the suggestion of breakfast. Then there was much Braid, Brawl and Worms.
Then more revision, I did more than five hours yesterday... And yet I am not confident. I HAVE ALL FOUR EXAMS NEXT WEEK PEOPLE. ALL FOUR EXAMS. 25% Biology, 25% Chemistry, 25% Physics and 20% Geography! Bwaaaaaaaah!
By the way, in my spare time I have been making a kind of draconic database. Look at the list of two blogs to the right labelled 'Our Separate Blogs', then click on 'The Dragon Information Pages'. It is good, no?
Mcdogface has been in Cornwall all week, I can't wait to hear what he has been up to! Who has he murdered? Which buildings has he burned down? Yayyyy! Anarchy!
Dark Dragon

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