Sunday 17 June 2012


The picture on the left is not in fact a picture of me (I got it from a random search on a copyright-free image website). But it pretty much sums up what I am doing. 
As you may have noticed from the last post, MCDOGFACE IS BACK AND BLOGGING. Which is good. Sehr gut. (Which is German for 'very good' if you can't guess.)

The reason why I am tired is because I have re-discovered the wonder of Minecraft on my computer (so I am currently building a city to be used on a server) so I like to play until midnight. This is part of my attempt to avoid nightmares, which at the moment are just CREEPY. 
Yesterday was cool. My Mother is an author (unpublished but getting a PHD) and her friend was having a party, so my brother and Mcdogface and I tagged along, and then wondered off into the wilderness of North East England which can generally be summed up as: wet, muddy, steep inclines, deep puddles, tall grass and sheep. Mcdogface dubbed it an 'adventure', because "In conservative England, you go on an adventure, in soviet Russia adventure goes on you". ("In soviet Russia, we make jokes about conservative England").
Today I watched The Lion King, did my homework and tidied my room. Because I am hardcore like that.

Dark Dragon.

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