Sunday 24 June 2012

STFU About football!

If I see one more comment about the freaking euro 2012 football (european football if any of the american readers are unsure), this polite poem is going on facebook:

'Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Footballs crap,
Go and find something better to do!

The football pitch is nothing like a stage,
So stop blocking up my fucking home page!'


Friday 22 June 2012

Hand Held High

Turn my mic up louder,
I got to say something.
Lightweights stepping aside,
When we come in.
Feel it in your chest,
The syllables get pumping.
People on the street,
They panic and start running.
Words on loose leaf,
Sheet complete coming.
I jump on my mind,
I summon the rhyme I'm dumping.
Healing the blind,
I promise to let the sun in.
Sick of the dark ways,
We march to the drumming.
Jump when they tell us
They want to see jumping.
Fuck that, I want to
See some fist pumping.
Risk something.
Take back what's yours
Say something that you know
They might attack you for
'Cause I'm sick of being treated
Like I had before.
Like it's stupid standing for
What I'm standing for.
Like this war is really just
A different brand of war.
Like it doesn't cater the rich
And an abandon the poor.
Like they understand you
In the back of the jet,
When you can't put gas in your tank.
These fuckers are laughing their way
To the bank and cashing their check
Asking you to have compassion and to have some respect.

For a leader so nervous
In an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling
For nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world
Watching at the end of the day
In the living room laughing
Like what did he say?

Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen

In my living room watching,
But I am not laughing.
'Cause when it gets tense,
I know what might happen.
The world is cold,
The bold men take action.
Have to react,
Or get blown into fractions.
Ten years old is something to see,
Another kid my age drugged under a jeep,
Taken and bound and found later under a tree,
I wonder if he thought the "next one could be me".
Do you see?
The soldiers they're out today.
That brush the dust from bulletproof vests away.
It's ironic,
At times like this you pray,
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday.
There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads,
Inside your markets, your shops, your clothes,
My dad, he's got a lot of fear I know
But enough pride inside not to let that show.
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine.
In the back he hand wrote a quote inside,
When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.

Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling
For nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world
Watching at the end of the day
Both scared and angry
Like what did he say?

Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
As the ocean opens up
To swallow you.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
The ocean opens up
To swallow you.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
The ocean opens up
To swallow you.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
The ocean opens up
To swallow you.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
The ocean opens up
To swallow you.

With hands held high
Into a sky so blue
The ocean opens up
To swallow you.
Love this song :)

Sunday 17 June 2012


The picture on the left is not in fact a picture of me (I got it from a random search on a copyright-free image website). But it pretty much sums up what I am doing. 
As you may have noticed from the last post, MCDOGFACE IS BACK AND BLOGGING. Which is good. Sehr gut. (Which is German for 'very good' if you can't guess.)

The reason why I am tired is because I have re-discovered the wonder of Minecraft on my computer (so I am currently building a city to be used on a server) so I like to play until midnight. This is part of my attempt to avoid nightmares, which at the moment are just CREEPY. 
Yesterday was cool. My Mother is an author (unpublished but getting a PHD) and her friend was having a party, so my brother and Mcdogface and I tagged along, and then wondered off into the wilderness of North East England which can generally be summed up as: wet, muddy, steep inclines, deep puddles, tall grass and sheep. Mcdogface dubbed it an 'adventure', because "In conservative England, you go on an adventure, in soviet Russia adventure goes on you". ("In soviet Russia, we make jokes about conservative England").
Today I watched The Lion King, did my homework and tidied my room. Because I am hardcore like that.

Dark Dragon.

Monday 11 June 2012


Hey Dudes and Dudettes,
McDogFace has returned, as Dark Dragon mentioned, I spent last week in Cornwall, it was good, I went to Lands End. I also went to see Men In Black 3, I know, I do know how to be adventurous on holiday :P
Apart from that, there isn't much else to say, I will be trying to blog more often although no promises as, like Dark Dragon already mentioned, we are currently going through our GCSE's. I also have news of a possible minecraft series starting up, although it is still in very early development.


Friday 8 June 2012


So, how has this school-free week been treating me? Well on the first weekend my parents had a much-needed party, so I was left to entertain my friends Freya and Jenny up in my room with more DVDs than you can shake a stick at and lots of snacks. (Freya was the star of one of the videos in the last post, and Jenny was the one who showed me 'Do not watch an anime called Boku') (note: SHE DID NOT SHOW ME BOKU, so my soul is safe, from what I have heard it is EVIL). It was entertaining. My snake, Noodles, got a lot of attention.
Then I revised. Oh, how I revised. IF YOU SPLIT A HYDROCARBON GUYS, IT GOES INTO TWO THINGS: AN ALKANE AND AN ALKENE. Alkenes have a double bond which you can swivel along to make a chain of alkenes called a polymer, and polymers are PLASTICS GUYS, PLASTICS!
Sorry. Then at 6:30 on Tuesday, after I got upset with my geography revision guide, I was whisked away to my friend Serensa Dragonborn's house (I think that is her blogger name...) because she has finished her fancy 6th Form exams, so she and her other friend, Finola, and I, had a party. Basically we played videogames until 4 in the morning, and then chit-chatted about spiders and wrestled eachother until about six. We woke up at nine to the suggestion of breakfast. Then there was much Braid, Brawl and Worms.
Then more revision, I did more than five hours yesterday... And yet I am not confident. I HAVE ALL FOUR EXAMS NEXT WEEK PEOPLE. ALL FOUR EXAMS. 25% Biology, 25% Chemistry, 25% Physics and 20% Geography! Bwaaaaaaaah!
By the way, in my spare time I have been making a kind of draconic database. Look at the list of two blogs to the right labelled 'Our Separate Blogs', then click on 'The Dragon Information Pages'. It is good, no?
Mcdogface has been in Cornwall all week, I can't wait to hear what he has been up to! Who has he murdered? Which buildings has he burned down? Yayyyy! Anarchy!
Dark Dragon

Sunday 3 June 2012

Yeah... lolwhut? Sorry, I'm still asleep guys...

Today I'm gonna pick a random subject.
Bad choice, don't know much about it. Ah well, lets throw some words down;
Red is a colour which causes attraction. This is why, when one human fancies another, you blush and your face goes red to gain the attention of a handsome primate. Males wearing red shirts are therefore more attractive. females release pheramones frequently, mostly from the base of hair follicles, which is why in really boring books about mushy love stories sometimes a male may describe the smell of a girls hair, and also explains why girls are usually shorter; so their head is at sniffing height. When trying to attract the attention of a male, a female can rub the back of her neck, which means a lot of pheramones are released (it keeps saying I am spelling 'pheramones' wrong...) and also (these facts are from various science magazines btw) means that the arms are out of the way of the, ah, chest area, and that parts of this chest area are raised up, slightly, but enough to make something spark in the subconcious of a nearby male. Yes, gross. Although one of my nervous twitches when a somewhat attractive boy walks past is to either scratch my elbow, talk extra loud, or rub the back of my neck. Am I flirting? Lol, anyhow: a book about the art of persuasion suggests that touch is an important part of flirting, as if you touch someone with affection it sends a signal to say 'Hey there fellow primate, you are special to me because I am being nice to your arm. How am I special to you?' Therefore whoever makes first contact is dominant in a relationship.
I can sound like I know what I am talking about with next to no experience. I am an expert on everything.
Videos, then another topic.
This video was made by a friend of mine, (actually I'm friendly with all the people in this, I think): 
This is a video warning you not to watch an anime about... Well from what I've heard of it, you should follow the advice of this guy (he uses an offensive term throughout the video. I do not believe he is trying to be racist, its just one of those things, like calling someone a 'homie'.):
This is another episode in the excellent series called 'Job Hunters':

Now a picture of The Avenger's version of Loki, the Norse God of sneaky exploits, cunning plans, and slight evilness regarding the death of another God called Baldor (in the film he has a different story behind his character) I LOVE THIS ACTOR'S EVIL SMILE. He reminds me so much of my cat of the same name. In the film 'Avengers Assemble' (watch it; it has sky-whale thingys!) he rips out somebody's eye whilst doing the awesomest smile. Just like, 'yeah, I'm evil, he he!'.
Right... another topic... 
In some countries in southern Africa tribesmen HUNT WITH LEOPARDS. It is so cute and awesome. The ancient Egyptians tamed cheetahs, the only big cat with the ability to purr, although lions -which are very tameable because of their social lifestyle- do make a pfft pfft noise when happy. Not quite a purr. The ancient Egyptians also tamed crocodiles to walk behind parades. Reptiles are trained by patterns, rather than social cues. In Disney Land they train safari crocodiles to go to certain pools at certain times of day by feeding them at correct times and expecting them to follow a pattern. When your energy depends on sunlight, you tend to have a strict basking/hunting/feeding/playing rota.
Can I think on what else to say? Yes: I am going to change my mini blog from 'The New Nation' into a sort of mini-wikipedia about dragons. And mcdgface is unable to post at this time as his computer will not let him.
Dark Dragon