Wednesday 4 April 2012

Unlikely Situations

As I cling onto my parachute and narrowly dodge a building, I briefly consider how I got into this situation. Attached with a thick length of rope to the horse-drawn farm cart, I am being pulled through the air at an alarming rate, and I wander if anyone ahead would notice if I just... puked.
I swoop down with my knife and push a man off his horse, slitting his throat as I do so. I mean... How do master assassins get into these situations? Must be something to do with The Apple of Eden, or Ezio's inherited ability of the Eagle vision.
I finished Assassin's Creed Revelations, and I couldn't spoil the ending if I wanted to because I really, really don't understand it. Desmond just shouted "I know what to do!" and that was the end. Hmmmmmz.
The other day, my brother and I had to weigh down some rubber for a pond. Five hours outside in the sunshine and cold. Blec. My brother fell asleep and a buzzard, an actual BUZZARD, flew overhead to check if he was dead.
Today? Snow. Lots and lots of snow. How? Cthulhu only knows. It's sort of melting... I presume it is melting. I can't see it melting, but it must be. The sun is shining, right?

Dark Dragon

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