Saturday 10 March 2012

German Exchange

*rolls over in sleep*
*opens eyes*
It's... So... Bright outside. I think... I think I'm... Dead.
*coughs* *looks at impressive amount of mucus on hand* *groans* *stumbles downstairs, caring little for the cold and tripping over the cats*
The lights... They are so bright today...
Ew. Cough medicine. Red and gloopy, and disgusting. Three teaspoons. Gulp. Bluergh.
Noodles. Cute snake. I need to change his water.
*stumbles into sitting room* *takes out snakes water* *walks past huge eight-eyed purple troll* *Sloshes about in the sink* *walks past troll again and puts fresh water in the snake's bowl* 
*goes back upstairs* *gets back into bed* *get Inheritance*
My old friend. My beautiful book. I've missed you so much; so, so much.
Sleep, reading and gaming were some of the things I missed the most during the German Exchange. I have a poor tolerance level towards people breathing loudly in their sleep; but snoring and talking in their sleep really REALLY bugs me, so on monday night I had no sleep at all, and the rest of the week a few hours made of pure tiredness.
It was fun though, teaching my exchange partner to play Halo (although she is unnacustomed to first-person-shooters, so spent most of the time spinning in circles looking into the sky; not firefight material) and watching her expression when presented with Iron Brew, heh.
Germans don't like Iron Brew apparently. Who knew?
She took photos of everything and enjoyed her stay. She refused to learn Geordie though, saying English was enough.
That's it really. I learnt a bit more german, she learned not much more English because she speaks English like a pro.

So today I added the finishing touches to a video that should have been on Youtube last year, but I've been far too lazy to put it on. However, as I type this a green bar tells me it is uploading to the 'tube now. Yay. It was today that I decided to add pretty pictures behind the credits. You'll all love it.

Now some videos;
And here's a video of a 'baby monkey riding a pig'. When I heard the description I thought "Oh my God, those poor animals!" But watching the video, I think the 'monkey' (I think it looks like a baby chimp or gorrila, which would make it an ape; but my primate identification isn't that good, so it could be a monkey) quite enjoys the experience, and although the pig looks like it's panicking, it is given food to calm it down. Animals never eat food when their nervous, so the pig must be pretty chilled about the situation.
And some Hoosiers. I've been listening to them again;

Dark Dragon

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