Wednesday 13 July 2011

Youtube, Probability, Harry Potter

Hello everyone, another Blogg by Dark Dragon, sorry we haven't been blogging in a short while...
 I've been working on the first Vlog, then deleting it, then working on it again. To be honest; I'm camera shy and don't have much to say so the Vlog will be kinda shite. But I do have a pet snake. So whatever it is, as long as Snakey is in there it will be awesome.
This is Snakey being held up to the camera by my Mum. ^_^      
Also, Youtube is an interesting thing. There is much to be seen on youtube, such as Vlogs done by people like Toby Turner (Tobuscus!) and Cory Williams (Otherwise known as 'Mr. Safety', his youtube channel is 'smpfilms' and he also owns 'themeankitty' and made the Mean Kitty song about his cat, Sparta)  who are good at documenting their life over the internet.
There must be millions of Vlogs and millions of Bloggs out there; hundreds upon thousands of people telling their stories and hoping to God that someone in the wide world is listening... Or hoping that NO ONE is listening, and using the internet as a diary, and kind of daring themselves to reveal more about themselves to the world.
Kinda thoughtful stuff eh? Makes you wander...
Loads of people watch Youtube every day, and I think you can watch youtube in any language. It's up with Google and Facebook. Vlogs, funnies, music videos, its a mystery why the internet doesn't explode with information. Our channel has only added two small videos to it, but there are some that add hundreds.
Two examples are the Yogscast and Roosterteeth.
Roosterteeth aren't actually youtube-based, but they add any new videos from the website to the youtube, and are the creators of RT Shorts, the Drunk Tank Podcast and the wonderful Red vs Blue . The Podcast is like a Vlog and a News program all rolled into one funny video, while RT Shorts are just short films and Red Vs Blue is a series. 
The Yogscast have made a few series, their current one is 'Shadow of Israphel' which I have just watched episode 25 of. Shadow of Israphel and Red Vs Blue are both highly addictive and entertaining, and they grab your attention more than most programs on the television.
Because, unlike television programs, you can watch them in your own time. Mcdogface has one of those iPhone gadgets and can usually watch the latest Red Vs Blue way before I can. Also, the unlimitedness of the internet means that the series can keep on going, when a normal program on the television usually stops after a few episodes because they only run part-way through the year.
Another thing? They are based on games. Shadow of Israphel and Red vs Blue are based on Minecraft and Halo respectively. In games we get to control certain elements, and come to associate the character we control as a kind of friend, and when we see Honeydew set fire to a pixelated boat and laugh like a maniac, we can think "Yeah, I've set fire to things on Minecraft before! But never set fire to a boat as awesome as that to gather a map fragment for an epic quest" and appreciate the video more.
I recommend both series.

 I'm doing GCSE RE at school. I don't believe in any kind of God, but at our school RE is awesome because it is basically philosophy. At the minute we are doing a topic about 'Believing in God'  and for the last few days we have been learning about William Paley's theory about design. 
The theory goes that every man-made object LOOKS man-made. Strait edges, regular curves, material crafted in ways it wouldn't normally go in the wild, and generally the complexity of these items. Paley noticed this and then looked at the complexity of the human body, particularly the eye, and noticed that we too must have been designed, and that designer is God.
However, the eye only became complex because of evolution.
"Ah," says one of the people who like Paley's theory, "But evolution couldn't have been random, because look where it ended up! Cells can't possibly mutate in such random ways."
Actually, they can. We spent today's two lessons finding out about improbable things.
One thing we did was watch one of Derren Brown's specials, a program called 'The System', in which Derren mucks about with probability to create a system which ensured that someone would always bet on the right horse at the races.
In this program he proved that you could toss a coin and get 10 heads in a row. He later revealed that he had been tossing the same coin for nine hours until he got 10 heads, because the rules of probability would mean it would be extremely unlikely that he DIDN'T get 10 heads eventually.
As for the system which ensured that you always picked the right horse... That was luck. Although I wont explain why and how the scheme worked in case anyone reading this feels intrigued to go and watch the episode now (it will be on the 4OD website somewhere).
When I was in year 9 and RE was compulsory we also did the Word Generator test. There was a random letter generator that would make random combinations of 3 letter words.
On the 69th try the word 'sex' came up. In a class full of giggly year 9s. 
So Paley's theory could be wrong, because if a word generator could do a word like that out of randomness then a bacteria could get a nice backbone and steadily evolve towards humanity. (Yes, I know that there is no such thing as a bacteria with a backbone, and the first creature with a backbone was a pikaia, but I can't think of a good example at the moment)

Harry Potter
The time is nigh, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 is coming! The world is going to be watching it with baited breath, those who haven't read the books will be dying to know how it ends, and those who have read the books are wandering why there was a dragon in the trailer!
I'm reading through the seven books again, and have just started the Half Blood Prince. I'll never finish in time!
Well, I think I'll end this blog entry here, neatly linking that end of the blog to the start with a Youtube video; Tobuscus's Literal Trailer of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows;

Dark Dragon


Anonymous said...

awesome blog Mary! :D I didn't read the book, so yes I am dying too know ;o

Krikke :)

Lol Inc. said...

Dude, I'm 'Dark Dragon' here. Just remember that. Anyway, 'Mary' aint my real name, remember? Told you about 'CB' didn't I?
It's Dark Dragon from now on.
Thanks for liking our Youtube Channel. =D

-Dark Dragon