Saturday 23 July 2011

100th Post! Reviews and Holiday stuff

Hello citizens of the free world, how y'all doing? =P   
Saw two films today; True Grit and Paul. Haven't had the luck of seeing the new Harry Potter film like Mcdogface has (my brother was going to see it with his girlfriend so we couldn't see it without spoiling it for him; turns out they went to see Cars 2... It wouldn't spoil it for him if he'd been reading the book too!"
So a quick review for both films;

True Grit
An awesome film; not one to watch if you're squeamish about a few lost fingers. The main character's a girl called Maddy, who talks really fast all the time and isn't afraid to get her own way. At the beginning of the film she talks about her father dying, and then she's in the town to pick up the body, and 'sort out her father's business'. By this she means getting the money back from some horses belonging to her Dad and sorting out a bounty hunter to get the killer.
A guy called Rooster (His name's Rueben Cogley or something, but throughout the film he's called Marshal, 'cuz he's a Marshal) who is pretty awesome until near the end helps her, and so does this Texan Ranger Arsehole called Le Beef or something (don't like that guy)
The film is funny, awesome, and you have to pay attention 'cuz everyone has fast cowboy accents.

You must see this film!  The picture here is of Paul doing a 'Predator' impression, while he explains how his camouflage works. The film is about two nerds from Britain going around America to see great things like The Black Postbox and Area 51 (Don't know what those are? Well you have a life, well done! I don't and I'm proud!) and then they meet Paul, an alien who's "Not dangerous, just a bit... rude". The film contains strong language (name a film I like which doesn't!) and strong laughter, and a surprisingly good plot; I'm a bit of a spoilsport for guessing the end before it happens, but this film leaves you in the dark, and makes you laugh a lot more because of that (anyone who's seen the final stand off will know that I'm bigging-up the funny ending).

And Finally 
Welcome back Mcdogface! Haven't been able to contact him (Been saying "Hello?" Over and over again on various chat websites; I'm annoying that way) and if you can't be bothered to scroll down then could anyone reading this please find out a cheap, preferably free, way of recording stuff on the Xbox for vlogs (and Mcdogface? Need the youtube password, ta)
Also; holidays are great!

Dark Dragon
P.S 'spect to the two people who voted for me!

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