Wednesday 29 August 2012


Why did I start it?
There is one main reason why I have not posted on the Blog recently.
The greatest time-sink ever. Seriously, if sucks up your life as it takes you to a magical and totally random land of awesome. I was curious about it, so I tried to ask my Homestucking friends what it was about. They were very vague, and said it could be explained.
But I'm going to attempt to explain it.
There is a kid called John Egbert, and the comic begins on his birthday. For his birthday he gets a game called Sburbs, a game that you play online with a friend. He plays it with his online friend, TentacleTherapist, otherwise known as Rose. He is the 'Client' of the game, and she is the 'Server'. The game involves being able to manipulate real-life objects, so Rose soon nearly destroys his house, mucking around with a bathtub and toilet. They build many gadgets, and after much tomfoolery they accidently transport John to a different dimension, whilst setting off the end of the world. John is then told by his Nanna, ghostly and merged with a clown doll, that the Earth is doomed, and his task is far greater than saving that small planet: he must pass through seven gates to a giant cosmic chessboard where the forces of Dark and Light fight for all eternity. Meanwhile, his other online friends get on with their own shennanigangs. Dave, who is extremely cool, travels through his brother's room in search of a spare copy of Sburbs, and Jade, a narcoleptic yet bouncy girl, travels in and out of various dreamscapes. All this is being observed by an awesome insect-dude wrapped in grey rags and making cities out of bean cans. 

I think I explained that well.

Dark Dragon

Monday 13 August 2012

Lets face it, it's not about Batman.

Let us take a moment here to pity me.
I am going to the dentists tomorrow.
Now take a moment to envy me.
For i have seen Batman: The Dark Night Rises, or more accurately Bane: The Dark Night Rises. Let us rename the films thus:
Batman Begins
The Joker: The Dark Knight
Bane: The Dark Knight Rises
Why? Lets face it, the last two films have very interesting and awesome antagonists. Actually, I don't like the Joker. He's on the wrong side of creepy. Sorry Joker fans, but he is just mad at times. Clever at other times, but that long monologue punctuated by 'why so serious?' every few seconds was just weird.  
I like Bane though. Mostly because of his accent. What the hell is it? My knowledge of accents goes as far as Geordie and Scottish. But he has a cool voice. "What a lovely lovely voice." (I just quoted him) (although at the time he was talking about a choirboy).
But he is a very interesting antagonist. Mmmmmmm, I dunno why but at times I found him slightly attractive. Not really... hah hah. No. I totally didn't. He is completely awesome though. Really, you think he's the kind of guy I'd go for? Mmmmm unknown accent and tragic backstory.
Good film. I recommend it. Not much in the way of plot, or action, or much. Good antagonist though.

Dark Dragon

Monday 6 August 2012

Teh Laek Distrikt

Holy Biscuits in a sandwich... I need to post more often. It's the holidays, more bored people will be surfing the 'net!
Okay... Blog things... Blog things...
What's been happening? Well I'm going to the Lake District tomorrow, but not for a day-trip, for a HOLIDAY. Wow. Awesome. I'm staying in a friend's holiday cottage because their family asked my family to share with them. Is that the correct social protocol? Probably. 
Right... Blog... What to write...
Right, we've all heard of the naked dude who chewed off someone's face a few weeks ago, yes? Well he wasn't on Methylenedioxypyrovalerone as people first thought (did I spell that right? It's sometimes called 'Bath salts') but just on heroine. it was not the drug that made him go bananas though. It was, ahem, a 'voodoo curse'.
Now, we all should know about the Placebo Effect: I give you a sugar pill, tell you it is the cure, and something goes tick in the brain and you fix yourself. Well something went tick in his brain. He was told he was a zombie, and tick, he's all drooling and biting and wild.
But Voodoo zombies are slaves for the witches that make them; he'd just heard 'zombie' and gone for the popular image.
The point is: it was psychological. 
He thought he was a zombie. It took many bullets to kill him, because he thought he could not feel pain. ALL IN THE MIND AND THAT IS WHAT THE MIND DOES.
So, the 'zombie apocalypse'. How does that work?
The dead won't rise. WE will rise. As soon as the words 'Zombie Apocalypse' appear on the television, something will go tick, and BAM, nations of drooling zombies.
Who wants to survive, when you can paticipate?
(Yes, all information in this post was stolen from the article in Fortean Times)
And those who are the zombies will last the longest. Think about it; how many survivors armed with limited shotgun ammo will there be compared to the hordes of zombies? Zombies usually don't eat eachother, and they can't feel pain: IMMORTALITY.
But do we really want to forget ourselves at The End? Because if we remember, we will be Human Again... And in the middle of a Horde that is not good.
Zombie Videos:
Right. So. Zombies. Yeah.
What else to say? I've put another video on Youtube, and now I'm thinking about the speech I've got to do for an English Assessment after the holidays... Phobias or Dinosaur Classification? I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE! 
Ah, and I've got more Blogs to read than I can shake a stick at. Members of my own family who i thought did nothing all day have blogs now, so do famous people I like to stalk, and lots of my friends... hmmm.
Oh, and I've got to learn that German Writing test thingy for when school comes again. And I'm still reading LOTR... a friend showed me an amazing spoof of that...  MY HOLIDAY IS TOO BUSY... TOO MANY BOOKS! And I still have not read the last book of The Last Dragon Chronicles; The Fire Ascending. AND IT HAS BEEN OUT FOR MONTHS.
Dark Dragon