Sunday 6 January 2013


Why do revision? Why do schoolwork? You are useless; nothing you do is going to work. Not a good friend. Not a good student. You're going to fail in the exams so why bother revising.
So I'm just going to sit here, last day of term, and stare and bits of paper and pretend to revise. But why bother? I'm not clever. The information never sinks in.
Oh, we have passed 4444 views. Clever us.
I can't get to sleep because a voice in my ear tells me how useless I am, and as a sidenote hoe I should go and throttle my brother in his sleep.
Ah, these are the days. School again.

Let's think positively, shall we?
I actually woke up at a good time this morning. Eight-of-the-clock. Sure, I'm aiming for seven-of-the-clock, but it's progress!
Last night I managed to do four or five stupidly hard Sudoku. You know how you need 1-9 in each row, box and column? And they give you numbers at the start? These guys don't give you numbers. They give you clues to what the numbers may be. Grrrrrr.
Well, from left to right on my favorites bar (the websites I try to visit daily) I have the following news:
-RANDOM WORD GENERATOR: didn't click it.
-FLIGHT RISING BETA TEST: one of my baby dragons has grown up. The rest of the litter will mature tomorrow. I have seven dragons: my two starter dragons, and their two children, and three adopted dragons. The two adopted ones have matured so far, giving me four adults to use in battle at the Colosseum, and three little babies to admire all the time. The soon-to-be-adults are Eliza, (a purple mirror dragon named after a character in Fire World), Emerald (a completely green dragon, who is adopted. I love her so much: so cute!) and Bluetongue. Despite a green mother and a grey father, the purple and blue dragons are in fact naturally born into my clan. Weird.
-GOOGLE TRANSLATE: didn't click it. If you are bored, go onto google translate, type something funny in, and make the voice-person say it.
-FACEBOOK: had a look through things. Today I was tagged in a picture of a really cute Cthulhu; d'awwwwww! (Cthulhu being the tentacled god of madness. Look him up, then read some Lovecraft. Like Poe, but more aliens)
-HOTMAIL: didn't click it.
-ROMANTICALLY APOCALYPTIC: it updated! The people who make it are moving into a new studio, so the picture isn't done by Alexius, but by another artist who does fantastic drawings of the adventures of Stalky and Lifealope. This week one of Annet's robot-thingys woke up, and found a patch of grass which is ILLEGAL! So she summoned lots of robot bugs called 'Gardeners' and burned the place down. 
-HOMESTUCK: it updated! The adventures of Jane Crocker, who is upset at the minute because Jake is being an arsehole. Also, Roxy got covered in glitter, so even if she is invisible and can fly, she is being tracked through the streets of Durse.
-POST OF RANDOM STUFF: I'm here aren't I? I've also checked the blogs at the side: James Gurney (who wrote Dinotopia!) made a post about abandoned buildings (huh, should he read Romantically Apocalyptic?) and also, I felt inspired to post something today.
-DEVIENTART: Alexius made a post about the new studio/office/thing, his new intern, and a book which has one of his artworks on zee cover (I had a look at it. Post-apocalyptic love story anyone? I'm not too keen on love stories myself). Someone thanked me for 'fave'ing an epic sketch of Flight Rising dragons, and a paleo/fantasy artist has returned to his art school which has better internet than his house so he is posting pictures like billio.
-GOOGLE: What would I need to google at this time in the morning?

Dark Dragon

1 comment:

Akiri said...

The genetics! They are a mystery! Actually, if you're interested in why they ended up those colors I can explain in more detail if you want to leave me a message on the FR forums or a PM.

As for what you would need to google at this time of morning? Cats are a popular item on the internet.