Wednesday 21 August 2013

The Art of Conversation...?

I just read someone's blog that was interesting, insightful and funny.
I am not good at writing blogs, and for this I apologize.
For one thing, I either talk about myself a lot, or talk about something else a lot. I have never, ever, talked about my experiences in order to draw out morals and things which are applicable to everyone. I'm doing it again here. ALSO: I am very neglectful. How this blog continues to get views I don't know.
Maybe they are all clicking on random links which somehow get them here?
Anyhoo, in real life I make a poor conversation partner, as I only quote things from Welcome To Night Vale and Skulduggery Pleasant or even Romantically Apocalyptic or The Adventures of Dr. McNinja. No one in my family knows much about any of these, and they get annoyed when I talk about them ceaselessly. 
But after hours of being in my room I see another human being and I'm all "HELLO ALLOW ME TO SHARE MY EXPERIENCES WITH YOU!" and my family members shy away from me.
Do I talk to people online? What do you think I'm doing right now? You are online and you are people. Smile, nod, accept.
And yes, I do try Facebook but most people can't reply (poor internet? missed my message? Maybe they know I'm boring...) or when I do strike up a conversation I'm either a very annoying person or I try to avoid being annoying and I have nothing to say at all so I keep asking them questions, keep trying to find out about their lives, and then the conversation somehow dries up.
So I go back to reading. Its fun and everything is lovely in the strange worlds I read about in books. But it means I am getting worse at conversations. 
Communication between people shouldn't be this hard or awkward. With some people I can converse well and for many hours (you know who you are.) but I am aware that with most people I fail utterly: normal conversations need to have a lovely symmetry of asks, answers, facts, jokes and other things. Maybe I should stop analyzing how I construct conversations?
I once read that the most boring people are the ones who have all the stories and jokes and keep talking and not listening to others.

I take an interest in people's lives, honestly. Just sometimes they don't type up what they are thinking and I'm just like "goddamnit, how do I reply to these brief statements of information?".
Have you ever had those conversations where people say hardly anything and you wonder if they are holding information back or not, and if they are do they want to share the information later and what even I don't know I am a terrible person and very negligent toward my friend's what is the point in life other than to avoid the horrors beyond and I have not used a comma in this sentence so you can see how quickly and panicky these thoughts are going through my head.
Is it easier conversing online or face to face? :/ I KNOW NOTHING ANYMORE.
And joy, exam results tomorrow.
Mine will spell: FUUUUUUUUUUU
Dark Dragon

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